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The North Eastern Territories

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The North Eastern Territories last won the day on February 23

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  1. 2024 has been nicer than 2023 so far for me, even more in school, and even more college starts this year for me 😆
  2. IT mainly depends on how detailed i want it to be and how long i would want to take on it, and if you can sew clothing and fabric together to make one xd
  3. Once was a nation So big and strong they concurred the sun
  4. If only the USA had so much better transit or friendlier cities for biking the second one be a dream, no traffic and no need to worry about parking but alas, it is not, bust still, no traffic is better than taking a few extra minutes for parking.
  5. 1 week each month would be a dream, even more if the month was stressful already, to have. week to relax in between would be good, plus, having entire months off in a row gets boring fast, mainly when you run out of things to do. So i would say without a doubt week off every month.
  6. Hearing anything about you could end you up in a bad situation so i don't think that's to good, but being able to have take backs, it's like being able to reverse an action in a video game!
  7. The North Eastern Territories modern TNET Flag: Ancient flag of TNET/Xertinia: TNET or Republic of North Eastern Territories is a federation of states and kingdoms united together that form TNET. They are situated north east of the Nur continent centered around the 7th Parallel North and 120th Meridian East. There are 7 states and 1 kingdom that currently exist in the Republic. It is decently sized, slightly bigger than some of its neighbors but many times smaller than the largest nation in the continent, Kalmach. It cares greatly about its citizens and would protect their safety at all cost, even if this means taking away a few rights during tough times. Its government type is classified mainly as a constitutional republican monarchy. The king nowadays is mostly ceremonial. The king is currently from the house of estile. While the people's vote is directly proportional to everyone else's each state getting representatives proportional to that, however in case there is an issue that comes up a back up house that has 3 elected officials for each state and kingdom if the House can't make a decision the Senators house of lords will decide for them instead. There is also a great fascination with the ocean and deer in the nation. There are 8 time periods that exist for TNET. 1st. Establishment of Xertinia 700-800 2nd. Rise of the monarchy 800-835 3rd. Expansion 835-950 4th. Destabilization and re-stabilization of the kingdom 900-1123 5th. Industrialization 1123-1249 6th. Second great expansion 1223-1374 7th. Forming of a Republic 1374-1400 8th. Modern TNET 1400-Present TNET for most of its existence has been a moderately liberal nation with the king held in high regard, established years ago when the many clans of Xertinia united into one when someone who would be be considered a knight fought both in wars and politically to unite the island in order to stop the fighting between them all, the reason for this was the he saw a vision from the Deer God of Xertinai, thought to be one of the strongest deities that created the island of alsindia. The name of the “Knight” was Theodoric, later becoming the great after improving the nation and bringing it into slight prosperity during his 35 year reign. Currently however the nation is in a slight bit of a criss as it is going though a time of great political divisions with the conservatives currently leading the House of representatives by a slim majority but they do not rule the SHL. meaning that their decisions are both controversial due to them clashing with the still strong liberal ideals, and the fact that they usually barely pass in the house and rarely in the SHL. Occasionally when they are passed in the larger cities revolts occasionally happen when the laws or acts are passed generally causing lots of property damage and hurt civilians and police. however there has been no sustained nationwide revolt so their slim grip on power is still strong enough to keep their hold. There is however an uncertainty on if that grip is able to be held down and if the revolts still stay small. Extras: States and Kingdom that make up TNET: (Representatives per state/Kingdom will be added later)
  8. I am saying this as my own taste and i say pineapple should not be on pizza, but that is on your own taste, some may like it as it may sweeten the taste but i will say pizza is meant to taste salty and meaty in my opinion
  9. What do you all think is better, Marshmallow or Peeps? Let's find out what a majority of people think, if you want to explain your vote you may down below.
  10. You wast so much more time waiting in lines than waiting for a red light. even more if you're at a theme park as those can you can wait for hours to reach the ride. So never having to wait in line is way better.
  11. I, The Democratic Peoples Republic of TNET, swear that I have, to the best of my knowledge, been completely truthful in applying for citizenship in The West Pacific and that I have no other NationStates identity that has not been made known in this application. I swear my allegiance to The West Pacific and its citizens, and I swear not to engage in hostilities against The West Pacific or to violate The Manners of Governance, or any laws made pursuant to it.
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