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Former Delegate
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Posts posted by Elegarth

  1. Hey Blitze,

    As you noticed, we just went a little random on how we supported the people we supported. We hope you don't take this as a slight to your regions, but we were just having some fun out of the April Fools event.

  2. We are going to do this, but I don't want to "rush" it as I'd also like to invite other regions, perhaps the feeders and other GCRs, and a general open invitation to the rest of NS in the GP forums.

    Is there an existing date for this kind of stuff, or we can just select any?

  3. Uh as a former DA I have access to the Echo Chamber. Did you mean to say the Council of the Delegate and Guardians subforum?

    No, access as I'm asking for the DA mask to be deleted, that's why they are in that order: once the DA mask gets deleted, you lose access, which is then given back in 4. In the end, is up to the Admins how they do it, I'm sure they understand tho

    After an increase in the number of children born with blue or green tainted skin, a group of concerned parents styling themselves as natural eaters have demanded that the government put restrictions of Genetically Modified Organism for human consumption.


    1) Parent's Restriction Request, perhaos gov. control (more taxes?)

    2) Coorporate Endorsement of the GMO as financially superior

    3) "You're endorsing what now!?" Exclaims traditional farmer [whatever they do for names.] "Sure, today it's adaptations to survive in hostile climates, but tomorrow! Tomorrow it's sedecopus tomatoes with claws and fangs! Ban Genetically modified foods entirely!"

    4) Scientific demanding more funding to remove dangers?

    5) Some crazy option

  5. Alright so...

    1) Can you please grant Badger his Guadian Mask?

    2) Did I ever requested Drachmaland's Guardian Mask?

    3) Could you please remove all ADVOCATE and DEPUTY ADVOCATE masks and tags? We can worry about new tags later.

    4) Could I get the Ministers access to the ECHO forum? At least those that don't have it: BM and Malviet

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