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[Part of Facebook] The Chenuxant War

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The Chenuxant War (1333 - 1339)

The Chenuxant War was a war between Qostaoyae and with lots of natives and Tarra. The area in which of where they were particularly fighting was in the Lastu Heights which was a sparse populated area but very rich and resources, but you are probably wondering, why did they go to war?


The three main reasons was 1. The land had many vast resources and were very valuable and could make lots of money out of it from trading it and would benefit the economy. 2. Since the area was sparsely populated, they could plant military bases and at the time this was classified as a strategic territory to take control of and could defend Qostaoyae. 3. For national support and maintaining national identity? At the time the tyrannical dictator, Posmana de Casta was losing national support and he thought if winning a war they would approve and would celebrate and hail him, which would only make it worse…

Many forts were destroyed and many died the casualties are disputed but we can conclude that,

11,000 ~ 13,500 dead

3,800 ~ 6,000 injured 

8,000 ~ 15,000 misplaced 

These numbers are very much just guessed but from government files we can conclude that the number ranged from around those numbers.


In the end Qostaoyae won, annexing the entirety of The Lastu Heights and the tyrannical dictator would later start many other wars, but would eventually be overthrown by a violent coup.

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