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Everything posted by Plagentine

  1. Tell us! I was most excited for Deadpool, and boy was it good! 10/10 hands down, highly recommend it. It nicely covered the persona and tragedy of deadpool, had great acting, solid writing, and a lot of good jokes
  2. Born and raised in Belgrade, Serbia. Both parents are Serbian and have been for several countable generations back. Might have just a tiny bit of russian and german, but basically that would be a generations and generations....and generations ago.
  3. Greetings, I'm a long time NSer and first time TWP member. Currently residing in TBH as Field Marshal, OFO as Scribe of Media, TEP as Citizen, and Slavija as Vice-Chairman. I'm here to steal all your fries and have some fun, and try and contribute to the region as much as i can. So yeah
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