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North Pacific Spy

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Posts posted by North Pacific Spy

  1. My posts/likes etc. do it, but the clubhouse forum when posting still need to be refreshed to see the post, as opposed to the green thing on the top going forever. Its a fairly weird glitch tbh, I can work around it by refreshing and checking if it posted.


    Edit: Likes on this forum are taking indefinite periods of time to post for me. Not really a major issue, can just refresh and check.

    Edit 2: The green things back as well. I swear it wasn't there for the other post, but I could be wrong.

  2. Freddy takes advantage of the commotion to prepare for battle. He goes to the icecream section, and uses the time to paint war stripes onto his face in a variety of flavours. Then, he sneaks back over to another row, and begins to wrap himself in a variety of foils and toilet paper. Nothing could stop him now.

  3. Freddy looked strangely at the phone, wondering who had called him and said nothing, but a glimpse at his fallen friend reminded him of his priorities. He retreated into the depths of the store to find the paper towels, but then a strange metallic sound made him spin around. Illuminated by the light coming from outside into the still dark supermarket, a shadowy figure holding what looked to be a gun seemed to be staring at Ketchupman. Could he be the murderer? Freddy retreated further into the depths of the store, hoping poor Johnny, who was due anytime on a normal day, wouldn't come in and confront the stranger. But this wasn't a normal day. First the strange baking, then the strange phone call, and now the strange figure staring at the remains of poor Ketchupman. Life in Westies Grocery and Appliance Store wasn't going well for Freddy.

  4. Freddy looked around suspiciously, and knelt beside his fallen friend. "Ketchup man, I will avenge you." Freddy's muffled sobs echoed around the seemingly empty store. Then came the sound. "I'm at a payphone trying to call home, all of my change I spent on you." Freddy felt his overalls vibrate, and saw his Nokia 7650 light up. He had the strange feeling he was being watched, but the song continued, and he was forced to answer, despite the hairs on the back of his neck standing on end. "Hey, Westie's Grocery and Appliance Store, Freddy speaking.."

  5. Freddy walked into his newly opened store. The taste of fresh bread flowed from the bakery to his left. The store was still dark, and somewhere in the back of his mind he wondered why he could smell freshly baked goods, when he was the only employee. Then he saw something which would make all of this forgotten. There was a red puddle slowly flowing out from a humanoid figure, that laid crumpled on the ground in an unnatural position. Someone had knocked over his ketchup display!




    This is a RP where you are an individual person. If you love it, jump in. If you hate it, ignore it.


    Map of the store:




  6. So, as you may or may not have noticed, I haven't really been around the past month or two.  I'm going through a rough patch over in RL, and I'm just having trouble dealing with it.  I just have a lot of stress and badness in my life right now, but don't worry, I'll be around occasionally, not enough to actually do much, though.  I'll be be back completely sometime around February after the semester ends.  Thanks.

    Good luck, RL is a demanding mistress, we're here for you if you need it.

  7. If there were negative interest rates, wouldn't you either switch banking providers, lose faith in the currency (and get some pretty hefty inflation), or take your money offshore in a different currency?


    As a consumer, I don't like the idea of negative interest rates. That said, I can see the advantages in them. The housing markets prices would skyrocket - as everyone wouldn't try and save for a house, but try and purchase one immediately. I think instead of negative interest, interest at a lower rate than inflation, or zero interest, would be a better option.


    I'm not so sure about an all digital currency, it'd open everything up to hacking, and those movies where the intelligence service drains the bank account would result in the victim having nothing, rather than just cash. I quite like having cash in my hand, rather than numbers in an account, don't have or use a card personally. I wouldn't expect the US Federal Reserve to be one of the leaders in the field - they seem more conservative, and I doubt Joe Hillbilly, or even Joe Sixpack for that matter, would be too happy about physical currency being phased out.


    I don't particularly follow the financial markets closely, but I've seen enough of Bitcoin to be convinced that (I didn't realise there was a Nobel Prize in Economics) the founder(s) of Bitcoin would deserve an Nobel Prize in Economics - not in the next few years, but after the technology begins to snowball.


    The paid NS army is a scary thought. Although we would get a much higher uptake on the forums here if we were paying people to do it, although the average post quality would likely decrease (but the quantity would skyrocket). I'd think we'd prefer NSCoins to have a higher value, approximately one NSCoin to one US cent - unless we're intending to pay $100 US to every new member.


    Then again, I've seen founders/regions banned for similar things, such as a virtual off site currency in NS where you could pay real money to gain the currency, and get homework done for you etc. - the real money bit is the problem. That's why you can only gift stamps, you can't ask for anyone to do anything back after you gifted the stamps.


    Just imagine how many WA votes Bitely would have... (He's had his month, now he's vanished back to obscurity again)

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