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Bhang Bhang Duc

Former Delegate
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Posts posted by Bhang Bhang Duc

  1. This coming weekend there is s total eclipse of the Moon. It's also a "supermoon" which means the Moon is close to perigee (closest position to the Earth) so it will appear slightly larger in the sky.

    Mid-eclipse is early morning on Sunday in the UK, so late evening Saturday for those of you in North America.

    I doubt I shall be getting up to see it - we have two of the granddaughters staying and Mrs BBD will brain me if I wake them up.

  2. The fact that he keeps flying a flag of a type reserved only for TWP Delegate & Guardians, while at the same time posting miserably vile comments on the DEN rmb, brings his extremely sadly immature and idiotic behavior well into the pure treason realm — and without return.

    I suspect that's still Knot - I don't think he handed the nation back to Russo, but I am happy to be corrected if I've got this wrong.

  3. In my original post I had something in the back of my mind that DEN had some association with known forum destroyers, which I went and confirmed later.

    Probably did that the wrong way around, but my first concern was the security of this site.

    And yes two of the Admins have couped the region, but they were "family". By declaring for DEN URAP left that association and lost my trust that he would not try and do something stupid forum side.

    You may find this hard to believe Vlagh, but I count you as TWP family, which means that there is an implicit trust in terms of things like forum security.

  4. Ok I know this is blowing my own trumpet, but this one caused TAO to blow his coffee out of his nose.

    *waves to Vlagh*

    We could have done with a bit of your scathing wit here the last 24 hours. I was down to "Yah boo, invaders suck". :)

  5. I was unaware that DEN has been associated with forum destroyers.

    Shadoke aka Benjamin Henrikson is DEN. And he's a forum destroyer.

    Sorry Mal, this is something I just investigated. We should close the DEN embassy - COPS treaty.

    And talking about Henrikson I just noticed he still has access to this forum - he is still logged in as I write.

  6. Our second choice for Delegate and unfortunately we ended up choosing a complete fuckwit.

    The only reason we have something approaching a functioning off-site government is that we told you to piss off when you "dissolved" the Voice.

    We also had an embassy with the Pacific. You fucked that up beautifully as well.

    And now public threats to a former Delegate who has done more for this region than you'll ever be capable of.

    You're a complete waste of space.

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