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Everything posted by Westwind

  1. And the game is there to be played.
  2. Statement from The Pacific http://forum.nationstates.net/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=233575
  3. Westwind


    Wasn't it kinda like "Wait....um.....I don't think I should say anything more..."
  4. Westwind


    I recall on IRC once.....one person wanted help with their Greek homework.....another was willing to help at first.....until they discovered that she was his professor, and he was asking for help the assignment she gave out that day....
  5. That's what grandkids are for....spoiling them. I've got 4 step-grandkids (4th was born the end of February), and another one on the way.
  6. Zombies, zombies everywhere, And not a brain to eat.
  7. Don't give Max any ideas.....we'll have Zombie month instead of April Fools Day.
  8. Apparently you'll get the message Wham did if you try to create a new region. I usually miss the April Fools day events. If only it wasn't.....zombies.
  9. Copying from Whamabama (aka Collector of Souls, TRR Delegate)
  10. I liked wearing flares......in the 70's.
  11. Oh look ! A chocolate spider....
  12. *chuckles* *nods* I still don't get why it's become a fad. And I spent last school year trying to explain to my daughter that zombies are nothing to worry about. It really bothered her. TWP wins again !
  13. Yeah, you know how that....old regime is.
  14. Special News Flash! Daleks seen roving across The West Pacific Yes, it's true! Daleks have been sighted across The West Pacific, serving nations that have chosen to EXTERMINATE!!! the zombies plaguing their nations. Early investigations continue to direct more attention to Bhang Bhang Duc. Did BBD have inside knowledge of the zombie contagion ahead of time ? Was he banking on his investment in North Korean Dalek prototypes, in order to increase his profit margin when selling Daleks to nations desparate to rid themselves of the zombie contagion? Does this plot reach further into the spider-like webs of the chocolate bribery house of Darkesia ? And it is true that Wickedly Evil People is actually a puppet of the Collective of The Five, reanimated in time for the NS Zombie appocalypse ? Bringing you more questions than you ever wanted to consider...... ---------------------------------------------------- Westwind Telegraph Frontline News is in Distribution to fine regions across NationStates Brought to you by.... Copyright 2013, Westwind of All Good People. Better people, Better Food, and Better Beer. The difference between the Heavenly Dream and the God Awful Reality.
  15. Let's give Neenee a call, she can add the glitter.
  16. Among many other things......Unistrut was ADN (Alliance Defense Network) Admin .....as was I and Pope Hope. He's an..... um....talented....Intel operative and Defense leader. He also (covertly) lead the Sons of Liberty, who raided raiders when they were out raiding others. Many defenders objected to taking offensive action against raiders, so other avenues were created to carry out such actions.
  17. I can't even remember my 18th Bday. Thanks for the invite, I'm sure we'll peek in to see the Ballroom decorations and spike sample the punch.
  18. Unistrut was mearly......taking advantage of an opportunity. Like when he pretended to join the NPO.
  19. Updated... Arbiter General: Vesica
  20. Very good Mr Arbiter General, sir. You're masked and should have Mod rights in RP.
  21. The RP Desk is yours. What title can I offer you ? And let me know what you need.
  22. You're hired. He's usually known as Chaucerin (aka Chauce) in Equilism. He was my heir, and is now Equilism Founder.
  23. They look like fun visitors.
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