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Festival of Founding

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Greetings, one and all, and welcome to Hintonia. This year we celebrate our tenth year of officially being independent! This is a day of great importance to our people and we hope some people outside of Hintonia will come and visit! See the awe inspiring views of Ligers hopping gracefully throughout the extensive Forests and gungles of the Trajjah Forest! Visit the winding mountain top of the inactive volcano, Mt. Heita! And most importantly, take part in the festivals and revelry together with the local populace in a sense of kinship and celebration. The following are offered to all tourists visiting during the Founding Week celebrations!

Free food, as much as you want! Enjoy some exotic swan patties!

Options of purchasing postcards and buying commemerative pins and gifts from the Capital!

Visit the rodeo in Founding Father Square, going on all day and night! (tickets not provided, must purchase at gate)

Visit the Hintonia Museum and take a tour, learning of the founding and early years of our prospering nation!

Visit the Hintonia Technological Exhibit at 23rd Trajjah Lane!

Do all this and more during Founding Week in Hintonia! Make friends and make memories all along the way. (Note: all aforementioned services only available in the Capital. Direct transit to the Capital only allowed to those who have a valid in date passport and a stamp indicating they've payed the entry fee.)

Have a great timel

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