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  1. This Page is intended to outline in summary or detail all aspects of the nation of Nalibia. With time I hope to include facts, histories, mythology, holidays, culture, cuisine, religion, etcetera. I hope you enjoy the read, and feel free to DM ideas for collaborating histories. Thank you. National Summary Holidays and Celebrations Culture and Pastimes Government Offices and Titles Official Faith (Click the Province name to jump to their section) There are seven provinces in Nalibia each ruled over by a monarch. Zalet Province: Population- 1,680,904; Imperial Capital city is Chikere Gazin Province: Population- 2,033,917; Capital city is Anava Yatham Province: Population- 2,231,510; Capital city is Hammaana Sheva Province: Population- 2,981,923; Capital city is Cyro Shay-Riyadh Province: Population- 1,134,339; Capital city is Geo Mamon Province: Population- 1,573,121; Capital city is Gayarou Dedan Province: Population- 2,244,742; Capital city is Yerah National Population by Gender Total Population 13,880,456 Male 6,737,659 Female 7,142,797 National Population by Age Age Under 5 5 - 14 15 - 24 25 - 44 45 - 65 Over 65 Male 745,938 1,162,883 2,021,431 1,756,628 741,542 309,237 Female 766,823 1,223,644 2,120,943 1,920,930 763,645 346,812 National Population by Ethnicity Ancestry % Total Nalibian 65.3% 9,063,938 Nur 13.1% 1,818,340 Doll Guldur 8.6% 1,193,719 Andolia 6.4% 888,349 Aura 4.1% 569,099 Polaris 2.5% 347,011 Nalibia recognizes six periods of history marked by their years of unification and separation. During the times of separation different forms of governments ruled over the people and land. However, all times of unification were governed by forms of varying types of monarchy. Pre-Founding Before 2130BF The First Founding, lasted 1,751 years 2130BF to 379BF Era of chaos, endured 419 years 379BF to 40AF The Second Founding, lasted 588 years 40AF to 628AF Age of Discovery, endured 387 years 628AF to 1015AF The Third Founding, Currently 409 years 1015AF to Present (1424AF)
  2. Nalibia will be hosting a Royal Ball Event. It will be a one day event, hosted in Cyro the capital city of Sheva Province in Nalibia of Nur. The event historically has been used by Nalibians as a way for young Princes, Princesses, Lord, Ladies and Nobles to meet and possibly form long-term relationships that eventually lead to courtships and ultimately marriage. But recently individuals from other nations have been invited and have attended, showing off their nation's (or personal/family) prestige, wealth, and/or statues. Ultimately "Titles" do not matter. As it is about celebrity, statues. pedigree and wealth. And maybe a family/personal ambition to marry into royalty or wealth. The person does not have to have been rich their whole life to attend... They simply have to be rich or well established now. lol How to: The event would be handled like a red carpet event where you would talk about the fashion of the attendees (think Vanity Fair at the Grammys) and give a brief history of their family and/or the achievements of the individual if any. All nations that attend would participate by sending at least one male and female for you to talk about, with a picture of them at the event. The attendee could be anyone in their teens or early twenties that are rich/elite. They would be the sons or daughters of, if not they themselves "important" (rich cough) people. Imagine that the ticket price is too high for anyone but the wealthy or well connected to attend. Imagine a young Paris Hilton (because her family wealth and name), or a young Prince Henry (because his family's royal statues), or the Bush twins when their dad was president (because their parent is/was head of state), or even a young Reese Witherspoon or Taylor Swift (because her own celebrity and personal wealth) attending a Grand Red Carpet Event. Rules: The person attending the function must be between the ages of 12 and 25. The person attending the function must either be someone of statues them self, or be the child of someone with status. (Celebrity, CEO, Politician, Ruler/Head of State, Royalty, High Ranking Officer, ect.) If you take part in an event; you must make a male and female attendee for that event. Feel free to make as many people as you want for each event. If you RP your attendee interacting with someone from another nation be respectful. Have fun and be creative! (If you know of other AI generators, or better prompts, phrases, keywords, formats, etc; please feel free to DM me so I can share it.) The two AI image creators I use are https://www.bing.com/images/create?FORM=GENILP : It is free to use and no limit on the amount of images you can make. It makes very good images of both people and objects... However it is very strict. Words like "curvy" can lead to images being flagged or blocked as "sexually explicit", which can be frustrating. Which leads me to, https://perchance.org/free-nsfw-ai-generator : It is also free with no limit on the amount of images you can make. However, I feel like the images are of slightly lesser quality than Bing, and images are less detailed and mess up more often. The perk of this AI generator is that words are not blocked. The draw back however is that it is more likely to make people nude so you have to keep generating or change keywords to get the desired results. Prompts I used to make examples: Beautiful African princess in her early teens walking on a red carpet into a palace, wearing a culturally inspired formal dress and shoes, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Morocco, Ancient Israel, styled hair, late evening, view full-body, red carpet event, shoes, paparazzi, Bing left/top | perchance right/bottom (removed Paparazzi to get better results) Handsome African prince in his early teens walking on a red carpet into a palace, wearing culturally inspired formal attire and shoes, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Morocco, Ancient Israel, late evening, view full-body, red carpet event, shoes, paparazzi, Bing left/top | perchance right/bottom (removed Paparazzi and specified pants to get better results) African lord and lady in their early teens dancing in a ballroom, wearing culturally inspired formal attire and shoes, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Morocco, Ancient Israel, hair style, late evening, view full-body, ball, gala, shoes, paparazzi, Bing left/top | perchance right/bottom Tip to help those with a character they wish to appear at more than one event of the Royal ball... Example, 1) you make a character you really like. This character is at the Red Carpet event, but I would also like to show her at/in the ballroom... 2) Us a background remover like https://www.remove.bg/ (it is free to use), to remove the background. 3) Generate a room yourself or use a background that I will provide Monday. 4) Use a website like https://www.canva.com/ (it is free to use), to then put both pictures together. 5) Final, Use the picture your done. lol (If anyone knows a better way, I am all ears...) The Events Tea Ceremony - Noon (Eastern time) This event will start at noon with the theme being cultural desserts and treats. Post a picture of the person in a tea room holding, eating, drinking or near the food item. Talk about the item's cultural significance to your nation, and who the person in the image is as well as what they are thinking in the moment. Red Carpet - 4pm (Eastern time) This event will start at 4pm with the theme being cultural fashion. Post a picture of the person on the red carpet in formal attire. Talk about the fashion; who made it, what is the cultural significance, statement or symbolism being displayed. Also talk about the person; who are they, how are they or their family important to your nation. Feel free to bring the person to life however you wish. Ballroom - 8pm (Eastern time) The final event will start at 8pm with the theme being socializing. Post a picture of the person at the event. They can be dancing alone or with someone else, or even sitting in a corner alone or with a group. Talk about the person/people; what is going through their mind, what are they talking about, how do they feel. And of course; who are they? If you have more than one person in an image, feel free to focus on only one of them. The event is a month away (as of today); being held on Saturday, September 28th 2024. Feel free to start writing early as opposed to the day of (which would also be fine). The day after (Sunday, September 29th 2024) I will hold a Recap Event. If you missed the event or wanted to make someone new; you can post it on this day noting which function they are attending. If you want to participate, but won't be available on either day; you can write it early and send it to me. I'll then post it for you during the event. I'll need the images you wish to use, and your writings before September 28th.
  3. Akachi the Unfaithful Part 1 The birth of Akachi The city of Afihadume ruled over the surrounding hills, which bore the same name. In this city stood a large idol standing seventy cubits, who acted as the god of the people of the city. Made of polished onyx stone and beset with precious gems, its head was that of an ox, and its body was that of a mighty man in a seated position with its legs crossed. A 14-cubit obelisk inlaid with gold was located between the idol's legs, which the women offered flowers to daily. At daybreak, the sun would rise between the horns on top of its head, and the people would worship the idol for bringing forth the day, and at sunset, a chosen maiden would sleep beneath the obelisk all through the night to entice the god to return the day. The name of this god was Fames, ruler of the sun and sky, and the people swore by Fames; when they went to war, they fought and died in the name of Fames; and when two youths joined in marriage, they were blessed by Fames. There were thirteen other gods that could be found in the night sky in the appropriate season; they also served the people of the city, but Fames was above them all. And a law was passed that every house was to have an idol of Fames before they would be allowed to place any other god, idol, or shrine in their house, and if one broke this law, the entire household would be locked within, and the house would be set ablaze. One of the Priests of Fames was a man named Yobanna who had six sons: the oldest was Mazzi, born of Amara, a princess from the north; the second was Yelani, born to Edele, the daughter of a merchant; the third was Akachi, born to Nkiru, a captive harlot who served Yobanna for a year before being sold; the fourth and fifth were Diyi and Izuchukwu, the brothers of Mazzi, all sharing the same mother; and the youngest was Akumjyeli, the brother of Yelani. Yobanna also had three daughters, the oldest being Chidi, the sister of Yelani and Akumjyeli, born of Edele, and twin girls named Chinaza and Chineze, sisters to Mazzi, Diyi, and Izuchukwu, born of Amara. All the children of Yobanna were educated by the priest to know the seasons and the stars, history, and herbalism. Whenever one of his children showed interest in something, Yobanna would seek out a teacher for his children to learn from. All of them but Akachi. On the night of Akachi's birth, stars fell from heaven, terrifying the people. One such star fell and struck the head of Fames, destroying it and causing the head to crush the obelisk. When the star struck the head, it broke in two, one piece destroying a portion of the king's house and the other landing harmlessly on the door step of Yobanna; at that exact moment, the child crowned and broke free of his mother. Fearing the people would attach meaning to this, Yobanna quickly hid the piece under his home. Upon entering the house and looking upon his son with great joy, he named him Akachi, meaning "the hand of God." He then beckoned the mother and child to leave for a safe place as flames began to spread across the city. The next morning, after the fires had been put out, the King of the city, Uwaezuoke, called all his advisors, all the wise men of the city, and all the priests together. Uwaezuoke was a mighty warrior, undefeated in battle. He and his army conquered the hills of Afihadume and all the land surrounding it, making his name known far and wide. As the men gathered into the remains of the king's home, Uwaezuoke spoke to them, saying, "It is no small thing that has befallen us. If we have angered the gods, one of you must know, and if it is a sign to warn, you would also know this. Tell me of this thing so that we may deal with it accordingly." After this, one of the wise men stepped forward and said, "My king, you are wise in knowing it to be a sign, for we all saw the heavens move in the night before. I tell you this is a sign of destructive change to come to us in the future." The Wiseman continues, "Your home being struck means an end to your rule, and the heads of Fames being destroyed marks an end to our city; we must find the cause and root it out. This will appease Fames and the other gods of heaven so that they may spare your rule and our city." At the very end of the wise man's speech, the king's advisor, Ndidi, saw Yobanna standing in the back of the room and spoke up, "My king, is it known that the star broke in two? One piece struck your home, but where did the other go?" Ndidi points toward Yobanna and says, "I tell you, my king, I saw the other piece land harmlessly at the door of Yobanna and seen him hide it under his house." At these words, the king became furious, standing up and calling Yobanna forward. "Is this true, Yobanna? Did you hide this from us?" Yobanna knew this could be the end of his house if he misspoke, so he chose his word carefully: "My king, it is true I hide the piece that befell onto my house; I wished to keep it, for in the moment I believed it to be of worth, but this was done without knowing of the god's intentions, for I knew nothing of the wise man's insight." At this, Ndidi interjected, "A son was born to Yobanna last night. As soon as the piece stopped at his door, I heard the cry of the child come forth; maybe it is not Yobanna who has grieved the gods, but his son." At this, all the men agreed, Yobanna was innocent; devote just as them, and advised the king to judge the child instead to spare the city. Surprisingly, the piece did land at Yobanna's door. So they began to make wild stories about the child not being a child of man but an evil servant of the gods who had to escape the judgment of Fames and heaven. The king, after hearing their stories, looked at Yobanna with kindness and said, "Bring me the child that I may judge him, for I am wise and will know if he is guilty, or if we have mistaken in our insights, do this, and I will gift to you the piece that fell onto my house." With these words, Yobanna knew the king would kill the child, but held it within himself and left to retrieve his son, for it was better that his son die than for his entire household to be locked in and put to flame. As Yobanna walked, waxing heavily in grief to the place Nkiru went with his son, he saw a servant girl bathing with her child close by, sleeping in a basket. The child was a boy no more than a few days old, and surely the king would not know the difference. Without thought, Yobanna stole the child and quietly escaped, making sure to take his time to get back to the king, as he wanted them to believe he walked the whole distance to the place his child was. Upon entering the room, the king's guards seized Yobanna, and the king took the child. As the king uncovered the young child to look at him, at this moment the baby cried forth, and for a moment the king kneeled on the ground near the fire pit, staring at it. "Guilty!" he exclaimed as he took the child by the foot and dashed it onto the ground until it was dead. At this, Yobanna wept, as he knew the child was innocent, and as a fact, he was guilty. The king rose up and tossed the body into the pit before sitting upon his throne. "I know you grieve the child, but he was not a man-child, but an evil bringing destruction to us. You have other sons. Take the piece that fell upon my house and be calm, for your house is now safe from judgment." Ndidi handed the piece to Yobanna, saying, "Take it and leave, or your sorrow may anger the king." With these words, Yobanna left again to the place where his son was still hidden. When Yobanna arrived, he picked up his son with great fear and mourning. He then told Nkiru the mother all that happened, called over his kinsmen Ozioma, and told him of the matter, for though he was Yobanna's kinsmen, he was not raised in the city and cared not of Fames nor the king. Yobanna gave Ozioma silver and gold, and against the wishes of Nkiru, he also gave Akachi the child, to be taken far from the hills of Afihadume, so that he would be safe from the king. Ozioma's wife Mayowa had given birth months before to a daughter; she was her first and she could feed the child. At this, Nkiru wept as her son would not know her. The morning of the next day, Ozioma and his wife escaped the city with just a donkey packed with some grain and food to hide the gold and silver, and took the two young children before morning light. Nkiru, over time, became embittered with Yobanna, no longer wishing to be his concubine, and was sold to return as a harlot shortly after. She never spoke of what Yobanna had done, for she feared the king greatly and believed he would seek after her son. She also held out hope that one day her son would return, and so she kept the secret within herself. Nkiru never had any more children. This story is heavily inspired by canon and non-canon biblical stories. More detail about the faith.
  4. The day is January 2nd 1424, 18:30pm, Tiveronian time. 1ST MEETING OF THE ZANNESE COUNCIL. -Convened in Tiveronia, January 2nd 1424. -Answering the Zannese need of Independence. -Dedicated to protect our people's rights. -Observing that Zanna has been independent in the past, willingly joining into a union with Candelù in the past. -Recalling for that independent status. -And Determined to see our status resolved, for the future of our people. ZANNESE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE (parts of it) We, the democratically elected leaders of our people, hereby declare Zanna to be an independent and sovereign state. Zanna will be a declared democratic nation, guided by the principles of non-discrimination and equality. We shall write and adopt a new constitution as soon as possible. We express the desire to estabilish good relations with the bordering nations, including the Republic of Candelù, with whom we have deep and important historical ties. This is the document that started it all. The country is divided, as it was over 200 years ago. The Candeluian government will soon issue an answer to the declaration.
  5. --/ Khesed-Emmeria Institute for Ancient Research & North Point D∴G \-- --/ Administration Passcode Required \-- _____________________ --/ FLASH IDENT \-- --/ FLASH IDENT \-- _____________________ --/ VISUAL IDENTIFICATION APPROVED \-- --/ ACCESSING FILE: THE ORIGINS OF EMMERIA \-- --/ END OF FILE \--
  6. Title I: Of the Kingdom of Zoran, its Territory, Government, and Dynasty Article 1 - The Kingdom of Zoran is the political association of all Zoranian citizens. Zoran shall be an indivisible, secular, constitutional, representative, monarchy. Its territory shall be divided into regions in the form in which they are at present; they may, however, be subdivided as the good of the State may require. Article 2 - The Crown of the Kingdom of Zoran belongs to the House of Ani’-Wah’ starting and descending from Atsila Ani’-Wah’ I and executive power shall be inherited by men and women in accordance with the provisions of the Act of Succession to the Throne of May 13, 1422. Article 3 - The language of the kingdom shall be the Zoranian language. Article 4 - The political powers recognized by the Constitution of the Kingdom of Zoran are three: Legislative, Executive, and Judicial. Title II: Of the Royal Family Article 5 - The Monarch shall not reign in other countries except with the consent of the dikahnawadvsdi aninotlvsgi iyunadai. Article 6 - The Monarch shall be of age when they have reached eighteen years of age. The same provision shall apply to the Heir to the Throne. Article 7.1 - The Monarch shall, prior to their accession to the throne, take the following oath before the Council of State and the dikahnawadvsdi aninotlvsgi iyunadai: “I, (name), swear to you, the people of this kingdom, to defend the freedom and independence of the people from all malevolent influences within and without; that I will protect and promote the welfare of the Zoranian people, and that I will faithfully support and uphold the Constitution and the laws of the Kingdom. I swear to serve the citizens of the Kingdom with my entire being and I sacrifice myself to the administration of the Kingdom. I, (name), somberly and solemnly accept this great burden and the responsibilities that I am to be granted.” Article 7.2 - When, for any cause, the Monarch has not undertaken the aforementioned oath upon their accession to the throne, the Council of State shall manage the constitutional obligations of the monarch until the oath has been made unless otherwise provided by statute. When the Monarch has already taken the aforesaid oath as Heir to the Throne, they shall accede to the throne when it is vacant. Article 8 - Provisions relating to the exercising of sovereign power in the event of the minority, illness, or absence of the Monarch shall be laid down by statute. Should the throne become vacant and it is certified by the Chancellor and the Council of Ministers that there is no monarch nor Heir to the Throne, the dikahnawadvsdi aninotlvsgi iyunadai is empowered to elect a new monarch by a special conference to amend Article 2 of the constitution. Article 9.1 - Sovereign Allocations shall be granted to the Crown by statute. Any statute which provides a Sovereign Allocation may provide for the State property in care of the Monarch, including the personal real property of the Crown at the disposal of the Monarch. Article 9.2 - The Crown may not be charged with debt or obligation by way of Sovereign Allocation. Article 10 - Members of the Monarch’s House may be granted annuities by statute. Such annuities shall not be enjoyed outside the Kingdom except with the consent of the dikahnawadvsdi aninotlvsgi iyunadai. Title III: Legislation of the Kingdom Article 11 - The Legislation of the Kingdom is delegated to dikahnawadvsdi aninotlvsgi iyunadai with sanction by the Monarch. Article 12.1 - The dikahnawadvsdi aninotlvsgi iyunadai shall be made up of only one chamber with members that represent constituencies determined by law. Article 12.2 - The number of members shall from time to time be fixed by law, but the total number of members of dikahnawadvsdi aninotlvsgi iyunadai shall not be fixed at less than one member for each thirty thousand of the population, or at more than one member for each twenty thousand of the population. Article 12.3 - The ratio between the number of members to be elected at any time for each province and the population of each province, as ascertained at the last preceding census, shall, so far as it is practicable, be the same throughout the Kingdom. Article 12.4 - The members shall be elected on the system of proportional representation by means of the single transferable vote. Article 12.5 - No law shall be enacted whereby the number of members to be returned for any province shall be less than three. Article 13.1 - Any Zoranian citizen currently domiciled in the Kingdom and meets the age qualification for suffrage as explained in subsection 2 of this article shall have the right to vote at dikahnawadvsdi aninotlvsgi iyunadai elections, provided that they have not been declared incapable of conducting their own affairs. Article 13.2 - The age qualification is set out by statute but no law can be made to make it less than eighteen years. Article 14 - Any person who is entitled to vote at dikahnawadvsdi aninotlvsgi iyunadai elections shall be eligible for membership of the dikahnawadvsdi aninotlvsgi iyunadai, unless they have been convicted of a felony, have not been declared incapable of conducting their own affairs, have not been found to be sound of mind, or are over the age of 70. Article 15 - Each Legislature shall last four years; each annual session shall last for nine months. The state opening session shall be on the ninth of June every year. Article 16 - The dikahnawadvsdi aninotlvsgi iyunadai shall meet in the place where the Government has its seat, except that in extraordinary circumstances the dikahnawadvsdi aninotlvsgi iyunadai may assemble elsewhere in the Kingdom. Article 17 - At the Grand State Opening of the Legislature in the sessional year the Monarch, or, with express permission from the Monarch, the Chancellor, should the Monarch be unable to be in attendence, shall render an account of the general state of the country and of the measures proposed by the Crown and the Government. Such account shall be made the subject of a general debate. Article 18 - The Speaker of the dikahnawadvsdi aninotlvsgi iyunadai shall convene the meetings of the dikahnawadvsdi aninotlvsgi iyunadai, stating the Order of the Day. The Speaker shall convene a meeting of the dikahnawadvsdi aninotlvsgi iyunadai upon a request being made in writing by at least two-fifths of the members of the dikahnawadvsdi aninotlvsgi iyunadai or the Chancellor, stating the Order of the Day. Article 19 - Ministers shall be entitled to attend the sittings of the dikahnawadvsdi aninotlvsgi iyunadai ex officio and to address the dikahnawadvsdi aninotlvsgi iyunadai during the debates as often as they may desire, provided that they abide by the rules of procedure of the dikahnawadvsdi aninotlvsgi iyunadai. They shall be entitled to vote only when they are members of the dikahnawadvsdi aninotlvsgi iyunadai. Article 20 - The executive power, through its Ministers of State, is entitled to make its proposals for the enactment of laws; and only after a proposal is examined by a committee of the dikahnawadvsdi aninotlvsgi iyunadai, can it become a bill. Article 21.1 - Any member of the dikahnawadvsdi aninotlvsgi iyunadai shall be entitled to introduce Bills and other measures. Article 21.2 - No Bill shall be finally passed until it has been read three times in the dikahnawadvsdi aninotlvsgi iyunadai. Article 21.3 - Two-fifths of the members of the dikahnawadvsdi aninotlvsgi iyunadai may request of the Chancellor that the third reading of a Proposed Act shall not take place until twelve weekdays after it has passed the second reading. The request shall be made in writing and signed by the members making it. There shall be no such postponement in connection with Proposed Acts relating to Finance, Supplementary Appropriation, Provisional Appropriation, Government Loans, Naturalization, Expropriation, Indirect Taxation, and, in emergencies, Acts that the enactment of which cannot be postponed because of the intent of the Act. Article 21.4 - In the case of a new election, and at the end of the sessional year, all Bills and other measures which have not been finally passed shall be void. Article 22.1 - If, on the conclusion of the discussion, the dikahnawadvsdi aninotlvsgi iyunadai adopts the bill, it shall reduce it to a decree, and after it is read in session, shall first be sent to the Chancellor for their approval and should they sign on it, it shall be directed to the Monarch in duplicate, asking for their sanction. Article 22.2 - The Monarch has several forms of refusal to grant their consent: They may grant sanction to a decree in part, and the dikahnawadvsdi aninotlvsgi iyunadai may continue debate on unsanctioned parts They may use a suspensory veto so that when the dikahnawadvsdi aninotlvsgi iyunadai following that which may have approved the bill, return successively to present it in the same terms, it shall be understood that the Monarch has given it their approval. They may use a qualified veto which shall stop the bill unless a two-thirds majority is reached by the dikahnawadvsdi aninotlvsgi iyunadai by which the veto shall be overridden and the bill will be presented to the Monarch once more for their approval. The ultimate of these powers is the absolute veto which immediately rejects the bill in its entirety and ends any further discussion on the bill and cannot be overruled. Article 22.3 - The Monarch shall give or refuse their sanction to each decree within a month from the time it is presented with exception of the three day period specified in Article 24, subsection (1). Article 22.4 - If The Monarch does not give their sanction within the term specified, it shall have the same effect as if The Monarch had expressly refused their sanction, in order that the dikahnawadvsdi aninotlvsgi iyunadai may be counted, in which it will be possible to refuse their consent, or in order that it may be ranked as an obligatory decree on account of their having already refused their approval in the two previous dikahnawadvsdi aninotlvsgi iyunadai. Article 22.5 - When the law is signed by the Monarch, referred to the proper Secretary of State, and sealed with the seal of the Kingdom, the original shall be preserved in the public archives and printed copies of it shall be sent to all the chambers of the Kingdom and other places where it should be made public. Article 23.1 - Where a Bill has been passed by the dikahnawadvsdi aninotlvsgi iyunadai, one-third of the members of the dikahnawadvsdi aninotlvsgi iyunadai may, within three weekdays from the final passing of the Bill, request of the Speaker that the Bill be submitted to a referendum. Such request shall be made in writing and signed by the members making the request. Article 23.2 - No Bill which may be submitted to a referendum (see subsection (6)), shall receive the Royal Assent before the expiration of the time limit stated in sub-section (1), or before a referendum requested as aforesaid has taken place. Article 23.3 - Where a referendum on a Bill has been requested the dikahnawadvsdi aninotlvsgi iyunadai may, within a period of five weekdays from the final passing of the Bill, resolve that the Bill shall be withdrawn. Article 23.4 - Where the dikahnawadvsdi aninotlvsgi iyunadai has made no resolution in accordance with subsection (3), notice that the Bill is to be submitted to a referendum shall be given without delay to the Chancellor, who shall then cause the Bill to be published together with a statement that a referendum is to be held. The referendum shall be held, in accordance with the decision of the Chancellor, not less than twelve and not more than eighteen weekdays after the publication of the Bill. Article 23.5 - At the referendum, votes shall be cast for or against the Bill. For the Bill to be rejected, a majority of the electors who vote and not less than thirty percent of all persons who are entitled to vote, shall have voted against the Bill. Article 23.6 - Finance Bills, Supplementary Appropriation Bills, Provisional Appropriation Bills, Government Loan Bills, Civil Servants (Amendment) Bills, Salaries and Pensions Bills, Naturalization Bills, Expropriation Bills, Taxation (Direct and Indirect) Bills, as well as Bills introduced for the purpose of discharging existing treaty obligations shall not be submitted to decision by referendum. This provision shall also apply to the Bills referred to in articles 7, 8, 9, and 10, and to such resolutions as are provided for in article 42, if existing in the form of a law, unless it has been prescribed by a special Act that such resolutions shall be submitted to referendum. Amendments to the Constitution shall be governed by the rules laid down in article 80. Article 23.7 - Rules for referenda shall be laid down by statute. Article 24 - No taxes shall be imposed, altered, or repealed except by statute; nor shall any man be conscripted or any public loan be raised except by statute. Article 25.1 - A Finance Bill for the next fiscal year shall be submitted to the dikahnawadvsdi aninotlvsgi iyunadai no later than four months before the beginning of such fiscal year. Article 25.2 - Where it is expected that the reading of the Finance Bill for the next fiscal year will not be completed before the commencement of that fiscal year, a Provisional Appropriation Bill shall be laid before the dikahnawadvsdi aninotlvsgi iyunadai. Article 26.1 - Taxes shall not be levied before the Finance Act or a Provisional Appropriation Act has been passed by the dikahnawadvsdi aninotlvsgi iyunadai. Article 26.2 - No expenditure shall be defrayed unless provided for by the Finance Act passed by the dikahnawadvsdi aninotlvsgi iyunadai, or by a Supplementary Appropriation Act, or by a Provisional Appropriation Act passed by the dikahnawadvsdi aninotlvsgi iyunadai. Article 27.1 - The Public Accounts shall be submitted to the dikahnawadvsdi aninotlvsgi iyunadai not later than six months after the expiration of the fiscal year. Article 27.2 - The dikahnawadvsdi aninotlvsgi iyunadai shall elect a number of auditors. Such auditors shall examine the annual Public Accounts and ensure that all the revenues of the State have been duly entered therein, and that no expenditure has been defrayed unless provided for by the Finance Act or some other Appropriation Act. The auditors shall be entitled to demand all necessary information, and shall have right of access to all necessary documents. Rules providing for the number of auditors and their duties shall be laid down by statute. Article 27.3 - The Public Accounts, together with the Auditors’ Report, shall be submitted to the dikahnawadvsdi aninotlvsgi iyunadai for its decision. Article 28 - The dikahnawadvsdi aninotlvsgi iyunadai shall lay down its own rules of procedure, including rules governing its conduct of business and the maintenance of order. Article 29 - The sessions of the dikahnawadvsdi aninotlvsgi iyunadai shall be public, except that the Speaker, or such number of members as may be provided for by the rules of procedure, or a Minister, shall be entitled to demand the removal of all unauthorized persons, whereupon it shall be decided without debate whether the matter shall be debated at a public or a secret session. Article 30 - In order that a decision may be made, more than one-half of the members of the dikahnawadvsdi aninotlvsgi iyunadai shall be present and take part in the voting. Article 31 - The dikahnawadvsdi aninotlvsgi iyunadai may appoint committees from among its members to investigate matters of general importance. Such committees shall be entitled to demand written or oral information both from private citizens and from public authorities. Article 32 - The election by the dikahnawadvsdi aninotlvsgi iyunadai of members to sit on committees and of members to perform special duties shall be according to proportional representation. Article 33 - With the consent of the dikahnawadvsdi aninotlvsgi iyunadai, any member thereof may submit for discussion any matter of public interest and request a statement thereon from the Ministers. Article 34 - Petitions may be submitted to the dikahnawadvsdi aninotlvsgi iyunadai only through one of its members or the executive power. Article 35 - Statutory provision shall be made for the appointment by the dikahnawadvsdi aninotlvsgi iyunadai of one or two persons, who shall not be members of the dikahnawadvsdi aninotlvsgi iyunadai, to supervise the civil and military administration of the State. Article 36 - The members of the dikahnawadvsdi aninotlvsgi iyunadai shall be bound solely by their own consciences and not by any directions given by their electors. Article 37 - No member of the dikahnawadvsdi aninotlvsgi iyunadai shall be prosecuted or imprisoned in any manner whatsoever without the consent of the dikahnawadvsdi aninotlvsgi iyunadai or the executive power, unless they are taken in flagrante delicto. Outside the dikahnawadvsdi aninotlvsgi iyunadai no member shall be held liable for their utterances in the dikahnawadvsdi aninotlvsgi iyunadai save by the consent of the dikahnawadvsdi aninotlvsgi iyunadai or the executive power. Article 38 - The members of the dikahnawadvsdi aninotlvsgi iyunadai shall be paid such remuneration as may be provided for in the Electoral Act and members of the dikahnawadvsdi aninotlvsgi iyunadai, along with their spouses or partners and nuclear family, shall not hold stock in any company. Title IV: Of The Kingdom Chapter I: Of the Executive Power Article 39 - The Monarch is the chief of the executive power and supreme chief of the nation. They shall have supreme authority in all the affairs of the Kingdom, and may exercise it themselves or through their Ministers. Article 40 - The Monarch shall appoint and dismiss the Chancellor and the other Ministers. They shall decide upon the number of Ministers and upon the distribution of the duties of government among them. The signature of the Monarch to resolutions relating to legislation and government shall make such resolutions valid, provided that the signature of the Monarch is accompanied by the signature or signatures of one or more Ministers. A Minister who has signed a resolution shall be responsible for the resolution. Article 41.1 - The Monarch shall act on behalf of the Kingdom in international affairs, but, if treaties made in time of peace involve the cession or exchange of territory of the Kingdom or of possessions to which the kingdom has a right, they shall not be ratified without the approval of dikahnawadvsdi aninotlvsgi iyunadai. Otherwise they are permitted to make treaties of alliance, both defensive and offensive, commerce, and to bring them, when concluded, to the knowledge of the dikahnawadvsdi aninotlvsgi iyunadai when the interest and security of the State permits it. However, The Monarch may not terminate any international treaty without the consent of the dikahnawadvsdi aninotlvsgi iyunadai Article 41.2 - Except for purposes of defence against an armed attack upon the Kingdom or Zoranian forces the Monarch shall not use military force or declare war against any foreign state without the approval of the dikahnawadvsdi aninotlvsgi iyunadai. Any measure which the Monarch may take in pursuance of this provision shall be submitted to the dikahnawadvsdi aninotlvsgi iyunadai. If the dikahnawadvsdi aninotlvsgi iyunadai is not in session it shall be convened immediately Article 41.3 - The dikahnawadvsdi aninotlvsgi iyunadai shall appoint from among its members a Foreign Policy Committee, which the government shall consult before making any decision of major importance to foreign policy. Rules applying to the Foreign Policy Committee shall be laid down by statute. Article 42 - The Monarch shall be Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces. They shall preside over the higher national defense councils and committees. All Zoranian troops are bound to obey the commands of the Monarch unconditionally, such is part of their oath. Article 43 - The Monarch, usually in an emergency, may, when the dikahnawadvsdi aninotlvsgi iyunadai cannot assemble, issue provisional laws, provided that they shall not be at variance with the Constitution, and that they shall always, immediately on the assembling of the dikahnawadvsdi aninotlvsgi iyunadai, be submitted to it for approval or rejection. Article 44 - The Monarch can prorogue, adjourn, or dissolve the dikahnawadvsdi aninotlvsgi iyunadai; convoking immediately another to take its place should it be dissolved. Article 45 - In an emergency, the Monarch may convoke the dikahnawadvsdi aninotlvsgi iyunadai in the intervals of the sessions when the good of the Kingdom makes it necessary Article 46 - The Monarch shall have the prerogative of mercy and of granting amnesty. The Monarch may grant Ministers a pardon for sentences passed upon them by the Court of Impeachment of Zoran. Article 47 - The Monarch may cause money to be minted as provided by statute. Article 48.1 - Rules governing the appointment of civil servants shall be laid down by statute. No person shall be appointed a civil servant unless they are a Zoranian citizen. Civil servants who are appointed by the Monarch shall make a solemn declaration of loyalty to the Crown and the Constitution. Article 48.2 - Rules governing the dismissal, transfer, and pensioning of civil servants shall be laid down by statute – see Article 59. Article 48.3 - Civil servants appointed by the Monarch shall be transferred without their consent only provided that they do not suffer loss of income in respect of their posts or offices, and that they have been offered the choice of such transfer or retirement on pension under the general rules and regulations Chapter II: Of the Ministry Article 49.1 - A Minister shall not remain in office after the dikahnawadvsdi aninotlvsgi iyunadai has approved a vote of no confidence in them. Article 49.2 - When the dikahnawadvsdi aninotlvsgi iyunadai passes a vote of no confidence in the Chancellor, they shall ask for the dismissal of the Ministry unless writs are to be issued for a general election. Where a vote of censure has been passed on a Ministry, or it has asked for its dismissal, it shall continue in office until a new Ministry has been appointed. Ministers who remain in office as aforesaid shall perform only what may be necessary to ensure the uninterrupted conduct of official business. Article 50 - Ministers may be impeached by the Monarch or the dikahnawadvsdi aninotlvsgi iyunadai for maladministration of office. The Court of Impeachment of Zoran shall try cases of impeachment brought against Ministers for maladministration of office. Article 51 - Foreigners, even though naturalized, cannot be Chancellor Chapter III: Of the Council of State Article 52.1 - The body of Ministers shall form the Council of State, in which the Heir to the Throne shall have a seat when of age. The Council of State shall be presided over by the Monarch except in the instance mentioned in Article 7, and in instances where the legislature in pursuance of Article 8 may have delegated the conduct of government to the Council of State. Article 52.2 - All Bills and important government measures shall be discussed in the Council of State. Article 53 - Should the Monarch be prevented from holding a Council of State they may entrust the discussion of any matter to a Council of Ministers. Such Council of Ministers shall consist of all the Ministers, and shall be presided over by the Chancellor. The vote of each Minister shall be entered in a minute book, and any question shall be decided by a majority vote. The Chancellor shall submit the minutes, signed by the Ministers present, to the Monarch, who shall decide whether they will immediately consent to the recommendations of the Council of Ministers, or have the matter brought before them in a Council of State. Title V: Of Judicial Authority Article 54.1 - The Court of Impeachment of Zoran shall consist of up to thirteen of the most senior members of the Supreme Court of Zoran (according to length of office) and an equal number of members elected for six years by the dikahnawadvsdi aninotlvsgi iyunadai according to proportional representation. One or more substitutes shall be elected for each elected member. No member of the dikahnawadvsdi aninotlvsgi iyunadai shall be elected a member of the Court of Impeachment, nor shall a member of the dikahnawadvsdi aninotlvsgi iyunadai act as a member of the Court of Impeachment. Where, in a particular instance, some of the members of the Supreme Court of Zoran are prevented from taking part in the trial of a case, an equal number of the members of the Court of Impeachment last elected by the dikahnawadvsdi aninotlvsgi iyunadai shall retire from their seats. Article 54.2 - The Court of Impeachment shall elect a Chief Justice from among its members. Article 54.3 - Where a case has been brought before the Court of Impeachment, the members elected by the dikahnawadvsdi aninotlvsgi iyunadai shall retain their seats in the Court of Impeachment for the duration of such case, even if the period for which they were elected has expired. Article 54.4 - Rules for the Court of Impeachment shall be provided by statute. Article 55.1 - The Court of Impeachment shall try such actions as may be brought by the Monarch or the dikahnawadvsdi aninotlvsgi iyunadai against Ministers. Article 55.2 - With the consent of the dikahnawadvsdi aninotlvsgi iyunadai, the Monarch may also cause other persons to be tried before the Court of Impeachment for crimes which he may deem to be particularly dangerous to the State. Article 56 - The exercise of judicial authority shall be governed only by statute. Extraordinary courts of justice with judicial authority shall not be established. Article 57 - The administration of justice shall always remain independent of executive authority. Rules to this effect shall be laid down by statute. Article 58.1 - The courts of justice shall be empowered to decide any question relating to the scope of the executive’s authority; though any person wishing to question such authority shall not, by taking the case to the courts of justice, avoid temporary compliance with orders given by the executive authority. Article 58.2 - Questions relating to the scope of the executive’s authority may, by statute, be referred for decision to one or more administrative courts, except that an appeal against the decision of the administrative courts shall be referred to the highest court of the Realm. Rules governing this procedure shall be laid down by statute. Article 59 - In the performance of their duties the judges shall be governed solely by the law. Judges shall not be dismissed except by judgement, nor shall they be transferred against their will, except in such cases where a rearrangement of the courts of justice is made. A judge who has completed his sixty-fifth year may, however, be retired, but without loss of income up to the time when he is due for retirement on account of age. Article 60.1 - In the administration of justice all proceedings shall to the widest possible extent be public and oral. Article 60.2 - Laymen shall participate in criminal proceedings. The cases and the form in which such participation shall take place, including which cases shall be tried by jury, shall be provided for by statute. Title VI: Rights Ensured by the State Article 61 - The principle of any sovereignty lies firstly in the nation. No other body, nor individual or collective may exercise any authority that does not expressly emanate from it. Article 62 - All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. Article 63 -The state has the right to forbid actions that are injurious to society. Nothing that is not forbidden by law may be hindered, and no one may be compelled to do what the law does not ordain. Article 64 - Citizens of the Kingdom are guaranteed inviolability of the person. No person may be placed under arrest except by decision of a court or with the sanction of a procurator. House search, seizure, and examination of any form of correspondence both digital and physical, or any breach of the secrecy that shall be observed in postal, digital, and telephone matters, shall not take place except under a judicial order, unless particular exception is warranted by statute. Article 65 - None shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. Article 66 - Equality of rights of citizens of the Kingdom, irrespective of their sexuality, gender, nationality, or race, in all spheres of economic, state, cultural, social, and political life, is an indefeasible right. Any direct or indirect restriction of the rights of, or, conversely, any establishment of direct or indirect privileges for citizens on account of their sexuality, gender, race, or nationality, as well as any advocacy of sexual, gender, racial, or national exclusivity or hatred and contempt, is punishable by law. Article 67 - In order to ensure citizens freedom of conscience, religion in the Kingdom is separated from the state, and the school from all religions. Freedom of religious worship is recognised for all citizens insofar as said religious practices do not bring harm or threaten the health, security, or general well being of the people. Article 68 - In conformity with the interests of the people, the citizens of the Kingdom are guaranteed by law: Freedom of expression; except what is tantamount to the abuse of this right in the cases determined by law. Freedom of the Independent Press; Freedom of assembly Article 69 - Citizens of the Kingdom are guaranteed the right to qualified, high quality healthcare without the barrier of payment. The state is obligated to provide these healthcare services and promote the health and wellbeing of the citizenry. Article 70 - Citizens of the Kingdom have the right to education regardless of age. The government is responsible for providing high quality education from primary to tertiary level and through the organization, in the factories and farms, of vocational, technical and agronomic training for citizens of the country without barrier of payment. Instructions in schools are to be conducted in the Zoranian language. Article 71.1 - Citizens of the Kingdom shall, without previous permission, be free to form associations for any lawful purpose. Article 71.2 - Associations employing violence, or aiming at the attainment of their object by violence, by instigation to violence, or by similar punishable influence on persons holding other views, shall be dissolved by court judgement. Article 71.3 - No association shall be dissolved by any government measure; but an association may be temporarily prohibited, provided that immediate proceedings be taken for its dissolution. Article 71.4 - Cases relating to the dissolution of political associations may, without special permission, be brought before the Supreme Court of Zoran. Article 71.5 - The legal effects of the dissolution shall be determined by statute. Article 72 - Citizens of the Kingdom have the right to rest and leisure. This is ensured by the reduction of the working day to seven hours and limiting the work week to twenty-eight hours for the overwhelming majority of workers, with exception to those professions and necessities as determined by statute, and the institution of annual vacations with pay for workers and other employees as determined by statute. Article 73 - The inviolability of the property of citizens without a warrant and privacy of correspondence are protected by law. Article 74 - None shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms. Article 75 - Child labour is prohibited Article 76 - All citizens have the right to own property alone as well as in association with others and no one shall be deprived of their property by the state without serious reason. Article 77 - All persons of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality, gender, sexuality, or religion, have the right to marry and found a family. They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage, and at its dissolution. Marriage shall be entered into only with the free and full consent of the intending spouses. The family, both nuclear and extended, is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection, promotion, and support by society and the State. Article 78.1 - All citizens have the right to petition the government on the local or national level as well as petitioning the executive authority directly. Article 78.2- Rules for petitions shall be laid down by statute. Article 79 - The right of counties to manage their own affairs independently, under State supervision, shall be laid down by statute. Title VII: Changes to the Constitution Article 80 - Should the dikahnawadvsdi aninotlvsgi iyunadai pass a Bill for the purposes of a new constitutional provision, and the Government wishes to proceed with the matter, writs shall be issued for the election of members of a new dikahnawadvsdi aninotlvsgi iyunadai. If the Bill is passed unamended by the dikahnawadvsdi aninotlvsgi iyunadai assembling after the election, the Bill shall, within six months after its final passage, be submitted to the electors for approval or rejection by direct voting. Rules for this voting shall be laid down by statute. If a majority of the persons taking part in the voting, and at least 40 percent of the electorate, have voted in favour of the Bill as passed by the dikahnawadvsdi aninotlvsgi iyunadai, and if the Bill receives the Monarch’s sanction, it shall form an integral part of the Constitution.
  7. OVERVIEW ARIFIYYAH DARUL FIKR Flag Coat of Arms Motto: God is Great Location Arifiyyah is located on the continent of Aura in the TWP World -Population:12,759,036 -Density:1042.3045769254336 Main Name:Arifiyyah Darul Fikr Capital:Medina Arif City Largest City:Banda Besar City Official Language: Arifianic,Common National Language:Arifianic Demonym:Arifian Government: - King:Sultan Arif Nazhim Shah(Sultan Arifiyyah IV) - Chief Minister: Tun Bendahara Rais Zuhdi -Minister of Defence: Dato' Ilham Mustaqim -Minister of Finance, International Trade and Economy:Danial Mukhriz - -Minister of Foreign Affairs:Lee Jian Ying -Minister of Home Affairs:Albert Johnston Legislature: - Upper House: Majlis Pentadbiran Negara - Lower House: Dewan Rakyat Land Area:823,860 km² Water Area:348,847 km² Water %: 0.42% GDP (nominal):AFR61.5 Trillion GDP (nominal) per capita:AFR 10,117 Human Development Index (NS Version):67.75 Currency:Arifiyyah Ringgit(AR) Time Zone:UTC+8 Drives on the:Right Side Calling code:+60 Internet TLD:AF RUKUN NEGARA BANGSA(PILLARS OF NATIONSTATES) Rukun Negara Bangsa became the ideology and the core of the lives of Arifiyyah leaders and communities which was inaugurated by Sultan Nazim Shah, Sultan Arifiyyah II to foster togetherness among the people regardless of appearance, age, way of life and religion. Consist of eight pillars. Arifianic Language Bahawasanya kami,rakyat ARIFIYYAH berikrar dan berjanji akan menumpukan taat setia kepada negara dan mengamalkan kehidupan masyarakat bertamadun berteraskan prinsip-prinsip berikut: 1. Kepercayaan kepada Tuhan 2. Kesetiaan kepada Pemimpin dan Negara 3. Keluhuran Perlembagaan 4. Berilmu dan Berakhlak Mulia 5. Berintegriti dan Bermaruah 6. Kedaulatan Undang-undang 7. Bersatupadu dan Kebersamaan 8. Memelihara Negara,Agama dan Bangsa English/Common Language That we, the people of ARIFIYYAH pledge and promise to devote loyalty to the country and practice the life of a civilized society based on the following principles: 1. Faith in God 2. Loyalty to Leader and Country 3. Supremacy of the Constitution 4. Knowledgeable and Noble 5. Integrity and Dignity 6. Rule of Law 7. Unity and Togetherness 8. Preserving the Country,Religion and Nation MAP OF ARIFIYYAH
  8. Hi Guys!! I am from Blue Bubble (We call it Glenpavia!) and my name is Ana. I just want to tell you guys a little bit about my country's history around Independence Day as IDK if anyone else understands it?? IDK if anyone is taught this, but its like really important to me so here we go: On the 15th August 1091, Glenpavia was finally liberated from Giovannilandian rule. This was done over the previous 3 years after the eastern side of the island revolted and separated from the empire. To understand how this happened, You need to know a little bit of the history of Glenpavia. At the same time as the height of the Lavandulan’s empire, there was a minor invasion to the south west of the island. These people were travellers by nature, crossing land and ocean to see what is out there. Over the following centuries, the Glendora people who stayed on the island lived and interacted with Lavandulans, becoming a small but growing clan of Glendulans. The clan took land that the empire did not want to the south-west and soon grew into a nation which did not fight with the empire but had friendly relations. The modern day Glenpavia language is a mix of the native language of the clan and of Lavandulan. Following the breakdown of the empire, the people of Glendula divided into the north and the south with a civil war which was still being fought through a Cold War at the time of Giovanniland's conquest. The northern clan allowed conquest quickly in the belief the empire would help the side win, but the south resisted for 4 more years before admitting defeat. During the time in the empire, Glendula culture was suppressed, and many families were forced to take on Giovannese names to protect themselves from prosecution. From 1011, those of Glendula heritage began protesting the oppression, and began a movement of expression. Although minor efforts of Empress Nima III allowed restrictions to easen, the Glendulan people were angry. It was during the rule of her son, Paldeno, where the ambition to become one nation became ahead again. Records document a record movement of Glendulans to what is now the nation of Glenpavia during this time, as historical documents show a large underground rebellion network. The Glenpavian Group (AKA the rebelion name of the Glendulans) first rebelled in 1090, but did not succeed. In 1091, the rebellion resurfaced and kept up the revolt until Emperor Petro I signed over the land of Glenpavia to Tsiory Amin, one of the main leaders of the rebellion and chosen first Mpitarika of Glenpavia. This moment in history is often documented with a lot of celebration, but also terror for those of Giovannese nationality in the new nation. After the declaration of freedom, there was a month of mass movement of those who had been in the region but was not of Glendula heritage, as those who stayed faced discrimination. Since these turbulent times, the mark of independence has become a majority positive thing for Glenpavia, with communities coming together to mourn the lives lost and celebrate their continued freedom. We have adopted the Glenpavia name to describe our people and our culture as a result of our relations, and we are very passionate about our history. Independence Day starts 2 days before, with a day of mourning. There is often a minute of silence, and memorials across the nation are decorated. The schools and workplaces are often not in for the day of mourning, and do not go back until the day after Independence Day. Adults have Independence Day as a day of national rest as well. The middle day is the day of change, where we take time to change something in our lives, normally a redecoration of our homes. Some opt for a change of looks, some may go for a change in social life. There are often posts on social media of major changes people may make on this day. The actual day of Independence is a day of celebration, with major parties in town centres. There is free food, dancing, drinking, and everyone gets dressed up. Towards the nighttime, some places have fireworks too. The Mpitarika has a big speech which everyone watches. This year, Kassakira Petrovikan spoke about the topic of showing off our national pride and culture, and it spoke a lot to me. That’s why I am writing this blog. And totally not because this was also a history assignment. If you have any questions, I will try and answer them <3 I hope my common is okay!! Posted by Ankizivavy at 00:13 UTC, 28/10/1421
  9. April 30, 1420 11:00 AM Over Time “Atsila Ani’-Wah’ under orders of the Grand Defense Council you are under arrest for treason!” yelled a soldier from the other side of the door. Atsila looked at the door in fear as the thought of being put in a prison cell crossed her mind. I didn’t ask for this! I don’t want to be queen! I wasn’t part of any of this! She thought to herself. The soldier banged on the door again, “Atsila Ani’-Wah’ if you do not open the door this instant we will be forced to use force.” yelled the soldier. Atsila could hear the soldiers planting charges on her door. She just stood there, paralyzed with fear. Great Spirit please help me! “Hey what’s the deal here? Don’t you guys think that ballistic breaching is a bit much for a normal apartment door?” said a muffled and unrecognizable voice. The sound of gunfire followed along with the sound of bodies hitting the floor, people being grappled, and a...wilhelm scream? Atsila leaned against her wall and slid down to the ground out of fear. Then there was silence and no sound was outside...until there was a slight click heard from the door followed by another click and a third click. After the third click the door unlocked and the door opened to reveal a man in a black reflective helmet mask in some strange black armor. Behind him were the unconscious bodies of six Zoranian soldiers and the man looked completely unharmed. He walked into her apartment casually as if nothing happened and looked at Atsila. “Sorry about that, hope they didn’t cause you too much trouble.” said the man. Atsila could tell that the man’s voice was modulated as it sounded too deep for it to be natural. “Who are you?” asked Atsila. The man’s body language shifted to give the idea that he was insulted, “How can you not know who I am?! I am the one and only CGZ and I am here to save your hide from the idiots in the GSC, the fat cats in their towers of false power, the fanatics that use the Great Spirit’s name for their own desires, and from the monarchists that are the closest thing you have to a fan club. Look I am not on any side of this war but seeing as you are an enemy to three of the four sides and a potential pawn for the fourth and that just makes you a target. Now I am offering you the chance to come with me and hide until the war ends. Just going to say it now, I am probably your only hope kid.” CGZ offered his hand to Adsila. Adsila thought about her situation for a minute, what he said was realistic as without her one side in the war effort would fall into divisions over who to make into a monarch and so she would become a target by the two other sides. Also she already is considered a traitor by the GSC so it looks like she has no other choice. She takes the legendary thief’s hand and is pulled to her feet. “Now before I take you with me I am going to have to blindfold you.” He says, taking out a black blindfold, “While I want to help you I can’t trust you with the location of my secret hideout. So if you could put that on it would make my job ten times easier.” Adsila sighs and begrudgingly puts it on. The thief then grabbed her hand and began to lead her out of the apartment building, through the conflict filled streets and into what she can assume to be a car. She was buckled into her seat with help from CGZ before he accelerated causing her to be pushed back into her seat. “When did my life get so complicated?” she said out loud without even realizing it, “Probably when your father died. Just stating the obvious here.” answered CGZ. As they sped down the streets they could hear the sounds of gunfire and explosions. While she could not see, Adsila already imagined what must be going on. A few bullets even hit the car but they didn’t do any damage to the vehicle due to how armored it must be. “Jeeves play My Mix!” said CGZ and a posh sounding voice answered, “Right away sir.” A drum solo began to play from the speakers of the car and classic rock filled Adsila’s ears. “How are you so calm during all of this?! People are literally dying around us!” Atsila says trying to yell over the classic rock music, “Look it isn’t that I don’t care but it's the fact that I have to worry about getting you to safety without drawing too much attention to myself by using secret tunnels that I have all around the country. The thing is that the closest entrance to one of these tunnels is in the middle of one of the conflict zones. It is going to keep a level head when driving anyways.” says CGZ as he manages to swerve around a very obviously placed landmine that was set in the middle of the road. “Damn that was a famous Dalimbari mine! How much funding do these private militaries have!? Anyways, as you can-oh wait you can’t see, well if you could see you would understand why I am having to be so calm while driving. If I wasn’t calm then we wouldn’t survive so if you would be so kind try not to interrupt the music.” Adsila didn’t know what to say about this. By the Spirit I don’t know whether I am with a bold genius or an adrenaline junky madman!
  10. The Federal Republic of the Vergville Population: 8,317,360 people Pop density: 80 km^2 Land Area: 103,967 km^2 TLD: .vg Calling code: +1 28 Time zone: IAT -4 Demonym: Vergen; Vergens Currency: Popper Overview: The small republic was founded on the principles of democracy and populism. As a result, the parties formed a basis of a decentralized government, a confederation of sorts. But being situated in Polaris, the lingering threat of war and invasion has brought the nation closer and closer to the establishment of a federation. For the protection of the population, the right winged populists paved the way to conscription laws, whilst the left wing organized plans of economy for the start and duration of any incoming war. Despite all ethnic and racial differences, the republic had to bring in an era of cooperation between the 3 racial populations that split up the nation. The republic started with no form of military until the formation of the National and Provincial guards during the newly established federation. They are the Coast Guard, the Federal Guard, the Local Guard, and the Republic's Guard. The Federal and Coast Guard act as the nation's army and navy. The Local Guard act as a militarized police force within their local province, capable of bringing peace to their respective communities as well as a regulatory inspected militia. Then there's the Republic's Guard, the nation's new air force, it is amongst the most significant and important aspects to the nation's defense, as the nation lacks the natural defense besides its hills and forests. For now, peace has been established for the small republic across its territories and provinces.
  11. Official Announcement from the Zoranian Government Our heads hang low and our hearts bleed red for the captain lays dead. While the sun may shine on Zoran today, a shadow of sorrow has descended upon us today. For twelve great years, President Apenimon Ani'-Wah' has served as our President, one of the longest serving presidents in Zoranian history. He never intended to serve for as long as he has, in fact he didn't officially run after his first term. Ani'-Wah' was a suffering servant, he never ran for office after his first term, in fact he requested that his name to not be on the ballot. But the people wrote his name in the ballot year after year, despite his best efforts. He had every opportunity to refuse the nomination, he could have simply gone back to his regular life like he wanted to. But instead, he went with the will of the people and accepted the burden of being the voice of Zoran to the nations of the world. While the powers of the president are nonexistent, it is a position with a lot of responsibility and one with lots of hardship and criticism. We have seen him take the responsibility along with the hardship with stride time and time again and we have seen him age physically under the pressures of the position. We hereby announce a public funeral for the great man and invite all people who wish to attend. Foreign nations are allowed to send their delegations to the event if they choose to send any and leaders of nations can attend if they so choose as well. May we come together to remember the man that was Apenimon Ani'-Wah' and we send our regards to the Ani'-Wah' family for their loss of the head of their family.
  12. PrologueGreetings, historical adventurer! This book contains facts and trivia about the foundation and history of Marisala during the Founders' Era. All facts have been verified by historians and philosophers certified by the Historic Division of the Marisala Science Ministry and Royal University of Marisala. This book is provided courtesy of the Marisala Heritage Museum. Please read the following carefully: Required information due to the Jones-Kennedy Act of 1325 This edition renders all previous editions obsolete. All previous editions are to be removed from public libraries, archives, and other areas where such editions are used as research tools. Any past reports, papers, teaching devices, and/or similar devices that contain data from previous editions are to be amended (using this edition) or terminated immediately. Failure to do so will result in a 1500N fine and/or 30 days jail time, pending action through a civil court. Private sales of previous editions (e.x. book shops, antiques, auctions, etc.) and collection of said editions are approved. Fifth Edition Updates: Founders' landing date recertified. Clarification on the founding of Bamney Religious Seminary provided. Removal of erroneous and conflicting data regarding King Joseph II (herein known as the Tyrant King). Death date for Queen Mary V amended. "Scientiam Et Fidem" Fin Important Facts Name: Marisala Motto: "Scientiam Et Fide" (Science and Faith) Flag: Government Type: Triumvirate Current Leaders: H.M. King Alexander IV (Currently incapacitated. King Regent Prince Jonathan Moore) Executive Chancellor Edwin Brommel Cardinal Daniel Burke Location: Northeastern Polaris (Pending map approval) Timezone: Polaris Eastern Time Currency: Notro (Singular in all forms) Currency Type: Coin and Note Currency Abbreviation: (Proceeds amount. e.x. 20N) Note: N (e.x. 20N) Coin: n (e.x. 20n) Coin Denominations: 1, 2, 5 Note Denominations: 20, 50, 100 National Language(s): Common National Religion: Currently unestablished Timeline Jan. 1029 A.F. The G.S. Bountiful Sea makes it's landing on what is now known as Founders' Docks. The Colony of Bramsea is established w/a population of 545. A hard winter strikes in the coming weeks, killing 50. Supplies from the ship (including the ship itself) are used to make proper shelters and armaments for colony residents. Those who did not survive the voyage are given proper burials and funerals. A protected colony is established by the end of the month. Feb. 1029 A.F. The first Marisalan legal document on record is drafted by Lord Edwin Brooks. This document, The Bramsea Charter, establishes the sovereignty of His Lordship as leader and protector of the colony and acknowledges the rights of The Faithful and The Proletariat. Fellow draftees include Fr. Petyr Willow, Winship Brooks, and Dr. Mathis Black. The document is ratified by the colony in a landslide vote of 495-0. Lord Brooks establishes an exploration party to go west and further chart the land of their nation. Additional instructions state that they are to act as emissaries to other nations. The party contains roughly 50 people. Daniel Lewis is born to Marcus and Sarah Lewis, becoming the first child born to colony residents. April 1029 A.F. Word reaches Lord Brooks that the exploration party entered the nation of Tara and Cambray on accident. While unpunished, the interaction helped to establish a border between the two nations. Two lakes were also discovered, named Hope and Providence (Respectively). Five of the party members return with news of another established colony by the exploration party at Lake Providence, with the colony taking the same name. Aug. 1029 A.F. The first crime in the country is committed. The murder of Lucy Potts of the Lake Providence Colony places both colonies under heavy political strain. At the time, The Bramsea Charter only provided laws for the colony of Bramsea and leaving Lord Brooks as the sole judiciary member. The crime resulted in the first trial in the country. The trial lasted for three days and the defendant, Caleb Potts was found guilty. As a result, The Bramsea Charter was amended to extend all legal authority to Lord Brooks, regardless of what colony or township the crime occurred in. This amendment set the stage for future political problems within the budding nation. Sept. 1029 A.F. As the population between the two colonies increases, so does crime. To purge the criminals, Lord Brooks orders them and their families to be deported throughout the territory en masse. The intent is that the offenders would die off in the wild. This plan backfired with the creation of the Lake Hope, Brooks Folly, Crow’s Landing, and Winchester colonies. Despite the deportation, the colonies now fall under Lord Brooks by virtue of The Bramsea Charter, angering the newly formed colonies. Lord Brook’s son, James Brooks marries Susan Hoff, officially establishing the first Lordly House in the nation. Fr. Petyr Willow is named the Bishop of Bramsea by Lord Brooks. The Bramsea Charter is amended once again to give him parochial and religious authority over the colonies. Nov. 1029 A.F. Several boats arrive, bringing new citizens, goods, and occupations to Bramsea and the budding nation. With the main colony itself almost full to bursting, there is no choice but to expand the colony. This decision destroys a portion of the farmland outside the colony but with ample food stores and help from Tara And Cambray, the colonies will survive the winter. Lord Brooks makes several more amendments to The Bramsea Charter. Most notable changes are the following: · Officially designating the colony grouping as a nation. Named Marisala, after Brooks deceased wife (Marisa). · Appointing Colony Governors to serve in his name in all colonies. · Establishing Founder’s Day (In which the anniversary of the founding of Bramsea and the nation is celebrated annually on Jan. 5). · Creating an official currency (the Notro) and flag. · Allowing the purchase of Lord/Lady titles for a fee. · Establishes the creation of defensive lawyers, law courts, and prosecutors in all colonies. · The colonies are officially designated cities/towns. Ironically, the governors had no jurisdiction in terms of the law and were expected to follow Lord Brooks laws and decisions. Dec. 1029 A.F. Lord Brooks officially declares taxes on all perishable goods moving within the nation. This sparks protests from national farmers and forces Lord Brooks to create a moderately sized army. The army is quickly disbanded after the protesters scatter but has proved that the nation is vulnerable to civil war and has begun to expose political issues. Brooks introduces a new method to pass laws in order to assuage angry political protestors. The process is simply introducing the law to the Marisala Bar and allow it to be voted on by a Governor. If a majority of the six governors approve, the law is passed. After approval from his inner council, Brooks introduces The Conscription Act as a test law. Briefly, all male Marisalan citizens between the ages of 18-25 must serve a minimum of two years in a hastily formed National Army. The law is approved with a vote of 5-2. Those with prior military service are called to serve as commanders and enlisted leaders. The result is the creation of small forts and barracks outside the cities. It should be noted that despite the governor’s votes, most Marisalan citizens were against the mandatory conscription. Jan. 1030 A.F. The first Founder’s Day is celebrated across the nation. Construction of The Cathedral of Our Lady of Great Help in Bramsea begins. Lord Brooks also orders construction to begin on his private residence (now known as Bramsea Palace). June 1030 A.F. Susan Brooks, wife of The Honorable James Brooks, gives birth to twin sons. There are now five additional Lordly Houses established: House Kent of Lake Providence, House Deanbury of Brook’s Folly, House Chichester of Crow’s Landing, House Brough of Winchester, and House Cloddagh of Lake Hope. Construction of The Cathedral of Our Lady of Great Help is complete and Bsp. Willow is installed as rector. Lord Brooks approves the construction of various churches and temples across the nation. Brooks also approves of the construction of Bamney Religious Seminary and a small town around it. Citizens flock to the newly built town. July 1030 A.F. Construction on Lord Brooks’ private residence is completed. The building is named Founder’s Landing. Nov. 1030 A.F. Construction on Bamney Religious Seminary in the town of the same name is completed. The first class of seminarians is admitted later that month. Dec. 1030 A.F. To decrease government debts, Lord Brooks institutes a flat sales tax of 7%. Lord Brooks health begins to fail and his son, Hon. James Brooks, prepares to take his place. Days before the new year, Bsp. Willow complains of displays of public drunkenness. Hon. Brooks then introduces the Alcohol Reduction Act. The introduction of the act sparks outrage from all cities and towns and thousands of citizens turn out in protest in front of the governor’s residences. The National Army is called in to hold back the crowds. Only minor injuries are reported, and the act fails to pass after 3 days of a tied vote of 3-3. Aug. 1031 A.F Both Lord Edwin Brooks and Gov. George Hartman of Lake Providence die of natural causes. Hon. James Brooks inherits his father’s title and installs Prosecuting Attorney James Banks as Lake Providence Governor. Lord James Brooks also inherits all administrative and executive actions of his father through The Bramsea Charter. (WIP)
  13. After the end of the Civil war, with James I taking the throne, the 550 Oem banknote was made in his name. Reforms were enacted, as well as a new constitution. The new constitution included much more rights, as well as more power for the Prime Minister. The new constituon, The People's Constitution, was signed by the King at 5 PM, 20th March 1420. Some of the country, especially the countryside, didn't enjoy the reduction in farm animal possibilities. 510 Farmers came together to march on the palace and demand a change. Will the change come?
  14. In the times of antiquity, long before the current calendar was formed, an ancient civilization ruled the western region of Doll Guldur. For centuries, mere fragments of the ancient nation was uncovered in the nations of Einherfell, Libterraria, Novasamita, and Novia Xeneia. However, about a month ago, a large cavern was found on the border of Einherfell, Libterraria, and Novia Xeneia. Archaeologists delved inside to explore. What they found was more than they expected. A massive temple and some smaller buildings buried under the ground, hieroglyphs still intact, giving more clues about the old culture and peoples of the land. A camp was set up, and photos were taken and sent to the respective organizations and specialists that were assigned to the task of researching such a discovery. Now, a month later, each nation is here to unveil their initial findings, and determine whether it is worth continuing the expedition to uncover more knowledge of the lost nation, which is yet to have a name assigned to it.
  15. World Summit Opening Speech In Regards to The Great World Trade Network Trade Agreement Treaty Proposal by Citadel Tyrio, Foreign Affairs Adviser of Einherfell Greetings to my fellow representatives of the world summit, Since the birth of humanity, trading and bartering has been as much a part of us as anything else that makes us human. Recently, with more nations being officially recognized in landlocked regions, or regions with extreme environmental conditions, it has come to the attention of the Foreign Affairs office of Einherfell that third world countries might be lacking in equal opportunity to reach the level of prosperity of most first world nations. In an effort to raise the global GDP and overall economic standards, we have brought forth an initiative to introduce not just universal trade standards, but also ensure that goods may be exported and imported at will with no inhibitions. In order to achieve such goals, we propose fair trade laws, including, but not limited to, tariff free importation and exportation, good safety regulations, and access to ocean ports for landlocked countries, without restriction based on political standing with the surrounding nations. These laws would be set in place in the hopes that we might bring about more peaceful conditions globally, as well as advance society and the standards of living. We have gathered here today to debate and ratify the world summit proposal, The Great World Trade Network Trade Agreement Treaty, which will impose laws protecting the freedoms of landlocked countries, and grant them access to economic prospects. Once the debates and signings are complete, we shall introduce the finalized, ratified document to all the nations that have signed. Without further ado, I, Citadel Tyrio, the Foreign Affairs Adviser of the Empire of Einherfell, signal the beginning of the world summit on the topic of The Great World Trade Network Trade Agreement Treaty.
  16. Open Letter to Recognized Nations in Regards to The Great World Trade Network Writ by the Foreign Affairs Office of Einherfell To my fellow nations, It comes to my attention that the current trade standards between our nations is varied, in regards to both international to intercontinental trade. Tariffs between some nations show favoritism between those with higher economic output and GDP and those that have lower economic output. In an effort to set a foot forward to a compassionate region and a more open trade environment, we propose a set standard of trades, with laws protecting each country that does vow to sign and obey the agreed upon laws. Einherfell proposes a free trade agreement between the nations of this glorious world, which shall have a committee overseeing the protection of said agreement. This letter is sent to bring a debate to the nations of this region to discuss the benefits, terms, and process of protecting the agreement. This article must be debated within two weeks time to ensure proper measure can be taken to bring all signing nations into compliance by the end of the second quarter of this year. We look forward to discussing the topic officially. With warm regards, Citadel Tyrio, Einherfell Foreign Affairs Office
  17. Official Factbook of Middle Teala Please pardon the dust.
  18. WILLANIA IMPERIUM Pro democratia, opibus, et scientia! UNDER DEVELOPMENT
  19. (Note: these ships can be used in the fantastic Kerbal Space Program) Welcome to the Storefront of AeroKerbal Industries, the Premier Spacecraft Designers. We have the highest quality Airplanes, Rockets, and Spaceplanes. We test all of our designs before public release. We configure to order and will create new designs upon request. AeroKerbal industries is the parent company of Kerbojet, a new start-up engine company determined to build multiple nozzled engines (OOC: I am developing a mod for Kerbal Space Program featuring dual-nozzled engines)
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