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North Pacific Spy

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Posts posted by North Pacific Spy

  1. I've never played the various Dungeons and Dragons board games.  I've played the RGP a ton as a teen.  I've also been in some epic Risk battles.  But most end before the game is actually over!

    Risk is one of my favourites (damn brother flipping the board before its done for me), along with Monopoly and a few others. I still haven't tried D and D, although one day I'll be roped in.

  2. A delegate move executed to preserve/utilize influence. I'm not exactly sure of the mechanics. But the Delegate leaves the region and the person with the most endorsements takes over and burns all of their influence ejecting nations. The Delegate then comes back before the update reclaiming the throne.

    I believe it was invented here utilizing TWP brilliance! And I believe one was executed here this past spring.

    Consequently the slingshot move failure is what ended the Lazarus drama this past spring as well. When the Delegate left #2 was a plant and ejected the Delegate.

    Minor correction: Past Autumn. We've got different seasons as well :(


    And in TBR it was more recently (successfully) used by EW Souls and We Are Not the NSA to clean up the region.

  3. Having multiple points (people who you endorse) and having one point use up all his influence banjecting nations, then leaves delegacy for the second point to use up their influence banjecting more nations, and in a big op, so on and so forth.

  4. One thing that one specific Feeder does is that their WAD sends a TG to any nation leaving their region, in which they attempt to make you reverse your decision, by also opening a communication channel for feedback on anything that might have made you leave (or made you not care about leaving them), regardless whether you wish to consider coming back or not. This "sad to see you leave" TG is customized differently for WA and non-WA nations. I personally regard this as one of the smartest policies in NS. In the aforementioned Feeder again, as soon as a nation gets into the WA, it immediately receives a TG with all available options they now have for gameplay within the region (NS & offsite alike). There is also a similar TG sent to you as soon as you resign from WA, with options (and a plea for your reapplying to WA). Said Feeder also sends Awareness TG's for their offsite. My opinion is that this Feeder maintains by far the best all-around policy for boosting nations' retention and participation.


    I was meaning which one was this one. I'm guessing TNP - Elu's scripts?

  5. For the joining WA thing - also mention about the stability of the region, and that regions hostile to our own can destroy the region, and destroy the community. Then do a plug about the armed forces, to take the fight onto their turf. And tell them they can get sent to a region where all the trolls are sent to, and 4 year olds.


    With your earlier post - which region were you referring to? And that is script based TGs right?

  6. Every Halloween there is a mini game, and every nation is infected with zombies. You have three options, join the zombies, kill the zombies, or cure them. If you chose to join the zombies, you get zombie hordes you can use on other nations, infecting their citizens. If you chose to kill the zombies, you can get tactical teams to send into other nations to kill zombies. And with curing, you can send cure teams. Over time the teams upgrade to become more effective. Different regions choose different things, such as trying to have the most survivors, or the least. It's a time of great activity, and the RMB's are more active than even a DEN coup could create (in most larger regions that is).


    TLDR: Halloween = Zombie Invasion

  7. Hi Vandy, while since we've talked  :(. Your choice to leave though, we'll probably have you back anytime if you go back to the good guys (That's us 'raiders', who are currently natives in TBR attempting a refound, protecting from the evil 'defenders', or being invaded in Hogwarts).


    I could say the same about you Vandy with the 'sneaking into everything', you're pretty much in most of the regions that matter. Hows Yiggsdrasil? 

  8. What does Den stand for? 



    No cookies?   :mellow: 


    That's the million dollar question. If I told you that I'd have to kill you. And I don't think that would be a good start for an embassy, turns out diplomatic immunity doesn't save you from angry relatives of the victim.


    The cookies... You've got a spy haven't you... The chocolate may or may not be to pay Gest's cookie tax, someone else is in charge of coughing up the cookie dough.


    welcome to TWP, North Pacific Spy — I like your avatar! :)



    I've always thought that den is "then" in Jamaican.




    Glorious Gest may or may not be a Jamaican Bobsledder. The last person sent to check returned in dreadlocks, and we executed him before figuring out he was one of our own.

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