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Posts posted by Darkesia

  1. On 11/4/2018 at 2:45 PM, Saint Mark said:

    Thank you!

    Would you also please add  Zevsterland and The Monza Isles to the citizens?

    Thank you!

    Zevsterland is added.  I was unable to find a member named Monza Isles or The Monza Isles.  I will check again at work tomorrow.  My laptop died and I could just be overlooking him on my phone.  


    Edit:  Found him under that other name.  Both are now registered as members of the Hall of Nations.

  2. I'm guessing that there will be a place to coordinate here in the forums, in the RMB and in Discord.  The trick in a large region like this is organization and heavy handed leadership.  Obey your orders.

    In past years we have logged in as early as possible and begun researching a cure.  The Delegate will likely lock the borders.  If those two things happen as close to the start of the game as possible, the region stands a chance of making it into the top of the rankings of uninfected survivors.  We came very close to zero infection rate last year.

    Once you have begun researching a cure, you will soon develop the ability to fire cure missiles at your fellow region mates.  There is a strategy to make this most effective.  However, since our Admin group likes to add surprises each year, last year's strategy may not be the most effective.  Watch your leadership group for direction and a list of targets.  The most important thing is to research a cure and keep curing your neighbors.  Do not research kill squads.  Killing zombies cuts down on the number of survivors in the final count.  You might find yourself kicked from the region, if you research tactical kill squads or embrace the hordes.  If this happens, you will be welcome back to the region after the event.  

    One last thing; The event is for fun and will have no lasting effect on your nation.  So don't sweat it, if you can't participate or need to log out for long periods.  As long as you are researching the cure you will help the region reduce infection rates even if you can't log in again.

  3. No system is foolproof.  I am evidence that a fool Delegate can choose the wrong successor and cause all kinds of difficulties.  And that same fool Delegate can choose a great successor.  But I believe that if the Guardians are used properly as an advisory board (internally, there is nothing worse for regional morale that open fighting in the ranks of leadership.) the chances of having a "rogue or coup" are greatly reduced.

    However, I have noticed a new trend with regard to the off-site forums.  They are becoming quite integral to regional culture and leadership.  I think this is a result of cash becoming necessary for a decent forum.  I found out how much TNP spends on it's forum and it was a revelation to me.  They almost have to run constant elections and legislative rp in order to justify that kind of money spent.  And in order to defray the cost, they accept donations.  How much more participation to they gain from those who pay money to participate?

    I am not in favor of running elections like TNP.  I left there NSCenturies ago, for precisely that culture of bureaucracy.  But I am in favor of a brainstorming session to bring more use out of our forum.  And we need to find a way to alleviate the financial burden of Winnie.  He has been footing the bill for years with very little help from a very few of us.  I plan to speak to some of the Admin team in TNP to see how they handle their financial burden to try to adapt something for use here.

    On 9/21/2018 at 11:49 PM, KhanterWinters said:

    Another Idea :rolleyes:
    All chocolates now belongs to Neenee

    Khanter has a death wish.  :p

  4. Post your ideas here and let's talk about it.  No matter how crazy or seemingly counter to TWP, let's hear it!  No fear of being thought of as silly or dangerous (Keep ToS please.)  All ideas are welcome!

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