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TWP Mayor
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Posts posted by Tweedy

  1. It would be good to have some new bloods which have stamina. Too-often in the past the ideas and rhetoric has been laudable and follow-worthy only to fall-down on the stamina part. That's the only way we're going to survive.....I know my opinion carries little weight as I'm not in NS, but I'm specifically talking about the off-site forum. I'm sure Winni would be delighted to know that somebody new wants to take-up the challenge put some life into the forum. Graphics is ok and is worth a thousand words, but what we desperately need now is 1000 words!

  2. I'm in the strange position that I don't have a Delegate that I work for, or with. I suppose I work for myself now. My loyalty to NS is on a par with my loyalty to the Hitler Youth which seems to be thriving with worrying impunity in the not-so-deep recesses of Mr. Barry's game. Conversely the present set-up in TWP is more akin to the Chinese Communist Party - in a much smaller way, of-course!


    I shall ask TAO if he can cajole some unsuspecting member to start a forum of her/his own naming to include things of interest. I've put some stuff in The Clubhouse, but I'm sure there are members just itching to start something of their own! :rolleyes:


    On second thoughts, it might be better to encourage members to put their own stuff in The Clubhouse rather than starting something completely new. We don't want to lose track of what the forum is for.... :unsure:


    (Just pre-empting any foreseen reaction!)

  4. We could always treat the Delegate as the British treat the Queen; that of a Head of State that is the signatory to agreements made by the Prime Minister, and treat the Guardians as advisers to the Delegate as The Privy Council advises the Queen, The Queen has no vote in reality, but the Delegate would of-course have a vote. Even Britain cannot be called a true Democracy as the role of the monarch is hereditary and the British public do not have a choice in who reigns, but we can surely involve more people under a sort of Democracy in this game? We'll have to find a role for the Delegate (and the members as a whole) which is hierarchical and involving but not dictatorial if activity is to be improved. Having a system where everyone is equal (no hierarchy/attainment etc.) just doesn't work; equal opportunity to progress in a fair society, does!

  5. I would just like to interrupt this little pissing contest to remind the hologram that not everything happens on the surface.


    Now back to your regularly scheduled bickering about the unintended consequences of Alliances in NS.

    I don't think there is much wrong with attacking and defending a position - you learn a lot from both angles; in fact in this case, both sides have valid concerns and answers.

  6. Well if you feel that deeply about the deficiencies of the present system you should gather like-minded members and fight for the system to be changed.  I must agree that at present there is nothing to attain or aspire to for the ordinary member - things are a bit stagnant as a consequence; it used to be static, but now it's become stagnant!  We've got the forum we're happy with now, so all we need to do is get the system we like, surely?

  7. The direction of NSR was not my province. Being root admin and doing the graphics is no big-deal if you know what you're doing and you enjoy doing it. What is a great pain is the work time you have spent on the forum only for it to become a wasteland!  I know that everyone that's been in that position feels the same way.

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