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Posts posted by Yuno

  1. Darkesia sat on information vital to a takeover of the music industry. Yy4U was listening to his mom, who was calling Neenee asking for Benjamin Mark who had the secret.  "As simple as pie!"  BM said.  "Who wrote the new sign wrong?" BM questioned knowingly.  When all of a sudden, Badger kicked in the side of the wall. and BM declared, "There's your Chocolate tribute for Darkesia! But why didn't Badger use his telekinetic powers?

    Because he couldn't believe that he knew the truth about the mind-boggling disaster that happened when he discovered the chocolate stash. The information had been written in some strange computer language that he had no understanding of.

    So, he went to the clubhouse at the top of the hill where he had seen Yuno loitering. Peeking around the corner of the white, wooden structure, he glimpsed a giant red frog. This is what he had been hallucinating in his 

  2. Oh! That's smart. Keep Brightonburg =) 

    I didn't know about that. Allies of TWP are always good people. 

    High priority: 

    Mask http://www.westpacific.org/forums/index.php?/profile/1186-kawaii/


    There's also a recent forum member named "Bedebao"

    (a newbie who saw our Femdom raid and was impressed. He did not make a forum post yet, but I will make him post one for records afterwards)



    Low priority (Take your time): 

    Can you create a separate masking called Foreign Military? And another one called Military Ambassador. 

    "Foreign Military" should be able to access our TWP Armed Forces HQ and Barracks .

    (I will use this permissions extremely sparingly, at my discretion. It might even be a "temporarily" permissions masking. )

    Military Ambassador should only be able to access what's already public. <<This is optional since it's just a name. 

    Generally, we need to have a subforum that allows both TWPAF Military and Foreign Military access. For coordination purposes. (Low priority) 

    And a forum that only TWPAF can access.

    (The TWPAF Officers forum should stay the same. I may ask for soldiers to get masked for access in the future, but not now. )




    Thank you 

  3. Thanks for the clarification! I did the search thing and saw:

    These members haven't displayed activity in a while, please remove the military masking from:







    I sent telegrams to the ones that aren't busy in other militaries. If (unlikely) they come back, they can fill out my form and I'll ask for their masking.


    Please also mask Derps and Paris as Military: 




    Thank you =)

  4. Hello!


    Can we mask every single person who filled out our military app out as "Military'?


    (Is there a way to get a list of who's got the masking or not? Like prior to my military app.)


    Who can see which subforum? 

    Who can see the Officers lounge? (is there a way to check this stuff.)

    I'd also like a Military Private Archives too..if possible. 


    Thank you!



  5. Darkesia sat on information vital to a takeover of the music industry. Yy4U was listening to his mom, who was calling Neenee asking for Benjamin Mark who had the secret.  "As simple as pie!"  BM said.  "Who wrote the new sign wrong?" BM questioned knowingly.  When all of a sudden, Badger kicked in the side of the wall. and BM declared, "There's your Chocolate tribute for Darkesia! But why didn't Badger use his telekinetic powers?

    Because he couldn't believe that he knew the truth about the mind-boggling disaster that happened when he discovered the chocolate stash. The information had been written in some strange computer in a language that he had no understanding of.

    So he went to the clubhouse at the top of the hill where he had seen Yuno loitering

  6. GsB6PwI.png


    You are hereby invited to the Lazarus Fall Festival!



    On the 16th of September, Lazarus shall be hosting a festival where we hope to foster good relations with your region and to celebrate all the good things that have happened with the Humane Republic! There will be:

    Spam - lots and lots of spam!
    RP - for all you RP enthusiasts  :wub:
    Polls - who doesn't like a good vote?
    Debates - there will be a general debate where participants debate general topics and then there'll be a regional team debate where a teams representing different teams debate! So if your region want's to take part, come along and represent!
    Movie Night!! - Every day there will be movie night. So get your popcorn!
    Games and Contests - its a surprise *wink*
    Discord and Chill - If you aint got Discord, join our discord channel here!


    So come on down, finding something to do, it's not everyday you get to watch a free movie with your NS friends

    :P . Hope to see you there!


    [big][big]Lazarus; a Region Reborn!


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