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[DRAFT] 'Repeal "On Abortion"' and 'Convention on Abortion'


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This is a repeal and replace of the current World Assembly resolution on abortion, On Abortion. On Abortion requires member nations to legalize abortion in cases of rape, fetal abnormality and threats to the pregnant individual's health or life at all stages of pregnancy. My goal is to replace it with a national sovereigntist blocker.


Repeal "On Abortion"

A resolution to repeal previously passed legislation.

Category: Repeal | Resolution: GA#128 | Proposed by: Auralia

Aware of the controversy surrounding abortion,

Regretting that the flaws present in GAR #128, "On Abortion", necessitate its repeal,

Concerned that the first clause of the target resolution compels nations to legalize abortions in cases of rape at all stages of pregnancy, including after fetal viability and even immediately prior to birth,

Remarking that abortions after fetal viability are largely unnecessary, even in the case of rape, since the pregnant individual can give birth and place the infant up for adoption instead of killing the fetus,

Emphasizing that abortions immediately prior to birth, even in the case of rape, are inhumane and should not be permitted by the target resolution,

Noting with alarm that the target resolution compels member nations to permit the pregnant individual's next of kin to make abortion decisions on behalf of the pregnant individual when the pregnant individual is incapacitated, even in cases where the next of kin is not acting in the best interests of the patient,

Shocked that the next of kin could conceivably deny the pregnant individual lifesaving medical treatment under the provisions of the target resolution,

Believing that the decision of whether to legalize abortion should primarily be left to individual World Assembly member nations,

Hoping that a resolution that permits nations to largely determine for themselves whether to legalize abortion will be passed in short order,

The General Assembly,

Repeals GAR #128, "On Abortion".

Convention on Abortion

A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights | Strength: Mild | Proposed by: Auralia

Recognizing the controversy surrounding the legality of induced abortion,

Strongly condemning the practice of forced or unsafe abortions,

Affirming the right of pregnant individuals to receive appropriate lifesaving medical treatment,

Believing that the decision of whether to legalize or prohibit induced abortion in all other cases should be handled by individual World Assembly member nations,

The General Assembly,

1. Defines induced abortion as the intentional termination of a pregnancy resulting in or accompanied by the death of the prenatal offspring;

2. Recognizes induced abortion as a medical procedure subject to the same general rules and guidelines as any other medical procedure regulated by a member nation's domestic law or international law, except with regards to its legality;

3. Mandates that induced abortions only be performed with the free and informed consent of the pregnant individual, subject to the provisions of national and international law governing consent in cases where an individual is unable to give free and informed consent or is substantially endangering the health or well-being of others;

4. Requires member nations to permit and make available appropriate lifesaving medical treatment for a pregnant individual, even when the termination of pregnancy is an unavoidable side effect of such treatment;

5. Urges member nations to take appropriate measures to prevent unintended pregnancies and unsafe abortions;

6. Permits member nations to freely legalize, prohibit or otherwise regulate induced abortion within their jurisdiction, subject only to the provisions of this and previous World Assembly resolutions.

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I think the primary benefit of the existing resolution is that it brought an end to a contentious debate in the WA.  It is a subject that is quite poloarized.


I can support the repeal though, with no problem.  The replacement....would be beneficial if it has the same result in closing a contentious debate while respecting all WA nations' sovereignty on the matter.

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The replacement....would be beneficial if it has the same result in closing a contentious debate while respecting all WA nations' sovereignty on the matter.

That is the intent of the replacement. The NSUN adopted a similar compromise resolution called the Abortion Legality Convention.

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The problem I have with this is that I doubt the replacement you propose will pass(though I would love it if it did). Normally I'd be for repealing the piece and letting it be... but this isn't network neutrality. If you don't pass a replacement on the topic of Abortion, someone else will. And I have no idea what that will look like. So until I have much more confidence in your replacement(I cannot believe I'm saying this), I can't support the repeal.


Now that said, I've seen you shop this around to the various feeders, I think trying to get a commitment specifically from the delegates themselves is a good next step. If you can get the majority support you need prior to them even going to vote, you're golden, and I'd bless your endeavor.

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Wow. The floor discussion might not show it (thinking of retiring from that debate out of sheer frustration and exhaustion) but your replacement is spot on with how we feel. I know it allows nations to ban the practice, but we believe that is their choice too. Article 5 is the thing that hits home for us, though: The preference here is that it doesn't get to the abortion stage, that the women in question have enough information and foresight to protect themselves in the first place.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Greetings - From The Celestis Union.


Always a difficult subject. Our delagates have been in council for many days in discussion on this topic. 

There is no easy, moral choice and even our scientists are divided.

We have come to a decision to pass on to our representatvies.


Human life should be valued, and the choice to destory a life,is no easy matter.

Can this momentous choice be left to only one person ? 


We support education, legal representation of the family.


Dr. Warren of the 1st Clinic suggests that we need to identify, at what point, we move from a group of cells to a human being.

He believes the argument, It is their body and their choice is in error, as his associated scientists have created many methods

to continue to grow life in test tubes.


Do not look down upon the Celestis Union, for our advanced technology to allow cloning.

We value human life in many forms.


We support the choice to end  pregnancies resulting from rape and incest or in cases were it places the mother's life in jepordy.



The question as to when a human being begins is strictly a scientific question, and should be answered by human embryologists.

The human embryonic organism formed at fertilization is a whole human being, and therefore it is not just a "blob" or a "bunch of cells."  This new human individual also has a mixture of both mother's and the father's chromosomes, and therefore it

is not just a "piece of the mother's tissues".   According to many scientis they have decidedly proven that a new, human

life begins at conception (i.e. fertilization. AKA the moment sperm and ovum meet and form an entirely new, self-directing living organism of the human species with its own individual DNA distinct from both mother and father.).


1.  The child has rights, and would highly support a provision to help reduce the health care cost, so long as the child is given up for adoption. However, should the mother wish to keep the child, 60%  those charges would be required to be paid back.


2. We also support the Family Union Initiative, where the entire family, including the father: except in cases mentioned above, are invovled in couseling sessions to allow for a better support network for the mother.


We will continue to encourage our delagates to ask questions and push for  better treatment of clones and children.


Good Luck.

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