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Bran Astor

Former Delegate
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Everything posted by Bran Astor

  1. RP Admin Hat - There is a prohibition on IC nukes. Loremasters will review the post and reach out to you.
  2. The Kingdom of Cambria: Acknowledges the declaration of independence made by the region of Zanna on 2 January, 1424. Reaffirms its unwavering commitment to the principle of self-determination for all peoples. Recognizes the right of the Zannese people to determine their own future and establish their own sovereign state. Notes the historical grievances and ongoing challenges faced by the Zannese people, while also acknowledging the complex past between Zanna and the region of Graznia. Expresses its sincere hope for a peaceful resolution to any outstanding disputes between Zanna and its neighbors, and encourages all parties to engage in constructive dialogue and diplomacy. Declares its intention to establish formal diplomatic relations with the independent Zanna, and to work together to build a relationship based on mutual respect, cooperation, and the promotion of shared values. Offers its assistance to Zanna in its transition to independence, and stands ready to provide support in areas such as governance, infrastructure development, and economic growth. Calls upon the international community to respect the right of Zanna to self-determination, and to support its peaceful integration into the global community.
  3. Nation name: Cambria Nation trigram: KCM Players: 1. Tilt Wagner 2. Triin Wagner 3. Darius Masalin 4. Matti Armstrong 5. Kaisa Haidak 6. Irina Nilsson
  4. In the heart of the frigid Masendav wilderness in northern Cambria, a harrowing clash unfolded as the 4th Infantry OTK faced a formidable foe from Dalimbar. The chilling conflict thrust the serene village of Torma Manor into the annals of history, underscoring the tensions of a world gripped by the Second Northern War. Torma Manor, nestled amidst snow-covered peaks, became a grim theater of battle as the Dalimbari Army, seasoned in warfare, besieged the village. The 4th OTK, resilient and disciplined, confronted overwhelming odds against the backdrop of a winter landscape marked by treacherous terrain. The unfolding drama played out against the stark canvas of evergreen trees cloaked in snow. A biting wind swept through the forest, setting the stage for a relentless struggle. Clad in olive drab uniforms, the men of the 4th OTK held steadfast in their defensive positions, braving the unrelenting assault. Lieutenant Colonel Hunt, a weathered and stoic commander, surveyed the battlefield with a craggy countenance shaped by numerous campaigns. The faces of his men reflected a mix of determination and fatigue, testimony to the harsh realities of war etched in the lines of their snow-covered trenches. The Dalimbari offensive persisted with artillery shells tearing through the tranquil forest, disrupting the once-peaceful enclave. The 4th OTK, outnumbered and outgunned, valiantly defended against the encroaching forces. Their resilience mirrored historical echoes, portraying the indomitable spirit of those who faced impossible odds. Amidst the eerie calm of a momentary pause in the fighting, a distant hum heralded an impending threat. A collective gasp swept through the frozen air as a 205mm artillery shell, bearing the unmistakable Dalimbari markings, hurtled towards Torma Manor—an unprecedented weapon, rewriting the rules of warfare. The ensuing detonation shattered the tranquility of the mountainous forest, unleashing a blinding wave of destruction. The shockwave swept through the landscape, felling trees and obliterating all in its path. The soldiers of the 4th OTK, once stalwart against insurmountable odds, succumbed to the merciless force of this unparalleled weapon. Torma Manor, once a haven, now lay in ruins. The atomic inferno left nothing but devastation in its wake. Emerging from the remnants, survivors—friend and foe alike—bore witness to the horrors of war etched in their faces. As the cold winds whispered through the scorched remnants of the Cambrian forest, the aftermath of the Battle of Torma Manor unfolded. Snowflakes gently settled on the ashes, carrying with them the weight of a narrative transcending borders and time. The tragic events that transpired became a somber chapter in the annals of history, a stark reminder of humanity's relentless march, even when armed with weapons capable of shattering the very fabric of existence. Within hours of the event, the world grappled with the sobering reality of an unprecedented conflict in the Masendav wilderness. In the heart of Lahemaa National Park, where the Jaanus Vaino swamp forest sprawls its mossy arms and silence reigns like a forgotten king, lurks a creature born of shadows and ancient dread. The locals call it the Vanamees, the Old Man of Lahemaa. A bipedal hominid, it stands tall and broad-shouldered, its form obscured by a matted pelt of black and dark brown hair that bristles like a wild boar’s in the dim light filtering through the dense canopy. Its eyes are the color of glacial ice, said to burn red as embers when the sun dips below the horizon. These eyes have witnessed the passing of millennia, seen civilizations rise and fall, and witnessed the birth and death of countless creatures. They hold a depth of wisdom and savagery that chills the blood of even the most seasoned hunter. The Vanamees is a creature of immense strength. Tales whisper of uprooted trees and shattered boulders hurled with ease by its powerful arms. Its footprint is said to be the size of a dinner plate, a stark reminder of its presence in the whispering woods. Those who have encountered the Vanamees speak of a guttural roar that shakes the very earth, a sound that sends chills down the spine and leaves a lingering echo of fear in the heart. But the Vanamees is not just a brute force. It is cunning and intelligent, a master of the hunt and the art of deception. The oldest stories speak of its ability to shapeshift, to mimic the voices of loved ones and lure unsuspecting prey into the depths of the forest. It is said that the Vanamees can become a shadow, melting into the darkness unseen, only to reappear when least expected, a terrifying specter born of the nightmares of men. Over the past four decades, hundreds of sightings have been reported. Hikers have stumbled upon its massive footprints in the mud, hunters have seen glimpses of its hulking form through the trees, and campers have woken to the chilling sound of its guttural cry. Yet, despite these numerous encounters, little photographic evidence exists. The Vanamees seems to exist just beyond the grasp of reality, a phantom haunting the margins of our world. Some say the Vanamees is a remnant of a long-forgotten age, a creature that predates humanity itself. Others believe it is a guardian of the forest, a protector of the ancient wilderness. Whatever the truth may be, one thing is certain: the Vanamees is a creature to be feared and respected. The whispers of its name in the wind carry warnings of danger and of the primal terror that lurks beneath the verdant canopy of Lahemaa. So, if you find yourself wandering through the heart of the Jaanus Vaino swamp forest, tread carefully. Listen closely to the sounds of the woods, and be wary of the shadows that dance between the trees. For the Vanamees, the Old Man of Lahemaa, may be watching, waiting for the next unsuspecting soul to venture into his domain. And when it does, the forest will echo with the screams of the lost, another victim claimed by the legend of the Cambrian swamp.
  5. The icy dark of the winter night swallowed Eino Veskima as he ventured into the malevolent embrace of Salumetsa. A frigid wind sighed through the towering pines while the grasping branches overhead tangled with shadows that whispered his sins. Eino, driven by the weight of guilt and an insatiable curiosity, navigated the labyrinthine maze of twisted trunks and thorny underbrush, descending deeper into the heart of darkness. The oppressive shadows grew denser, the moonlight casting eerie silhouettes that danced across the twisted foliage as Eino devled deeper into Salumetsa. Spectral, unseen eyes peered through the darkness, scrutinizing his every move. The half-forgotten tales of the Eyesnatcher, hung heavy in the air like a vengeful fog, painting the landscape with ancient dread. The whispering wind seemed to carry an unsettling choir of voices, recounting Eino's transgressions with a chilling clarity. The tangled branches above him clawed at the inky sky, casting elongated shadows that mimicked the ethereal fingers of the forest witch herself. An unsettling unease gripped him as the very essence of Salumetsa seemed to seep into his bones, mirroring the rot that festered within. Helve Sightbane, draped in ragged robes that seemed to absorb the shadows around her, observed Eino from the shadows. Her presence exuded an otherworldly malevolence, and her eyes, two voids that absorbed all light, seemed to pierce through the layers of deception that shielded his soul. Her incantations resonated with the rustle of leaves, creating an orchestral backdrop to the unfolding nightmare. Memories of Eino's transgressions played out in a ghastly panorama—the broken promises, the shattered bonds, the callous disregard for those who loved him. The forest, an ancient witness to countless tales of betrayal, seemed to mourn the decay of kinship that festered within Eino's heart. Salumetsa itself became an entity, alive with a malevolent consciousness that pulsated with every beat of Eino's tormented heart. Whispering spirits tugged at him, urging him further into the tangled web of the cursed woods. The ground beneath him seemed to shift, the very earth alive with a sinister intent that propelled him toward his impending reckoning. Eino stumbled upon a clearing, its sickly glow revealing the silhouette of Helve. Her skeletal fingers, like talons dipped in shadows, reached out toward him. Her voice, a dissonant melody that echoed through the clearing, recounted his sins in excruciating detail, each word etching deeper into the fabric of his tormented soul. "Your eyes betray you, Eino Veskima," she crooned, the very air pregnant with the weight of his sins. "They reveal the darkness within, the rot that festers in the hearts of those who forsake kinship." In the deafening silence that followed, the Eyesnatcher seized him with a ferocity born of ancient vengeance. Her fingers, gnarled and ice-cold, plunged into his eyes, and the world erupted into a symphony of agony. Blood and magic mingled in the air as Eino's anguished screams echoed through Salumetsa, his blindness both physical and metaphysical. As the last vestiges of his sight were ripped away, the forest itself seemed to shudder, the very roots of Salumetsa quivering with satisfaction. Helve's haunting laughter, a cacophony of torment, intertwined with the mournful howls of the wind, marking the gruesome climax of Eino Veskima's descent into darkness. The legend of Eino Veskima became a whispered warning in the our community, a tale of the Eyesnatcher who dwelled within Salumetsa, a force that emerged to claim the souls of those who dared to take kinship for granted. The cursed forest stood as a monument to the consequences of betrayal, its haunted trees etching the tale of Eino's demise into the very fabric of Salumetsa's twisted history. And in the moonlit shadows of those ancient woods, Helve waited, her eyes devoid of color, ever watchful for the next impure soul to succumb to the abyss.
  6. The Rise of Necrobotics: Unraveling Saint-Josalyn's Eight-Legged Enigma "The Rise of Necrobotics: Unraveling Saint-Josalyn's Eight-Legged Enigma" The city of Saint-Josalyn became a backdrop for the unfolding narrative, as the team grappled with the ethical implications of their work. The once-contained experiment, now a beacon of scientific ambition, raised questions about the responsible advancement of technology and the unforeseen consequences of manipulating nature. "Unraveling Saint-Josalyn's Eight-Legged Enigma" became a compelling tale of ingenuity, ethical dilemmas, and the relentless pursuit of understanding the intricate dance between biology and robotics. As the necrobotic spiders entered the spotlight, Saint-Josalyn found itself at the crossroads of scientific progress, prompting a reevaluation of the delicate balance between innovation and ethical considerations in the quest for knowledge. In the discreet confines of Queen's College, nestled in the heart of Saint-Josalyn, a scientific odyssey unfolded, delving into the intersection of cutting-edge research and the enigmatic world of necrobotic spiders. Driven by the relentless pursuit of knowledge, a team of researchers embarked on a groundbreaking experiment that would redefine the boundaries of bioengineering. At the helm of this venture was Dr. Karl Einarsen, a seasoned entomologist. Guided by his vision, the team, including the formidable Dr. Anu Sildre, a geneticist, and the innovative, Dr. Marek Olsen, set out to unravel the secrets hidden within the realm of necrobotics. Necrobotics, the fusion of robotics and the study of necrotic spiders, became the focal point of the team's endeavors. The researchers sought to harness the unique attributes of these spiders and integrate them seamlessly with cutting-edge robotic technology. Within the state-of-the-art laboratories of Queen's College, Dr. Sildre's expertise in genetic manipulation and Dr. Olsen's mastery of robotics converged. The goal was to create a groundbreaking synergy where the innate capabilities of necrotic spiders could be augmented and controlled through meticulous engineering. As the experiment progressed, the necrobotic spiders, now imbued with enhanced capabilities, underwent rigorous testing. The researchers scrutinized their venomous prowess, adaptability, and intelligence, pushing the boundaries of what was previously thought possible. The laboratory became a crucible of innovation, where the relentless pursuit of knowledge met the tangible realities of arachnid bioengineering.
  7. Courtship of the Kings Seven winters passed since the vanquishing of the Berganisk tribes, and Queen Tamar, her name echoing through the winds like a distant thunderstorm, ruled with sagacity and might. In those days of yore, three royal suitors sought the hand of Queen Tamar, drawn by the luster of her realm. The first, Tonn, bore a regal countenance, yet his gaze was veiled by vanity and nearsightedness. The second, Olev, was piously devoted, but his reverence for the divine eclipsed the needs of his folk. The third, Jumal, harbored ambitions as fierce as the northern winds, heedless of the welfare of his subjects. With grandiosity befitting their stations, the three kings approached Queen Tamar, each seeking favor. Yet, the queen, with discerning eyes akin to the falcon's gaze, perceived the flaws that tainted the brilliance of each. To Tonn, the vain, she spoke words as sharp as the blade at her side. "A king's sight must not be clouded by his own reflection. Beauty is fleeting, but the legacy of a benevolent ruler endures like the northern lights." Olev, the pious, found himself admonished by Tamar's unwavering gaze. "A king's devotion must extend to the realm he governs, not confined to the heavens alone. Your people crave sustenance and justice, not just the solace of prayers." Jumal, the ambitious, faced Tamar's unyielding stare. "Power, if grasped without wisdom and compassion, is but a weapon of tyrants. A king should be a shepherd, not a wolf amidst his flock." Enraged by these lessons in humility, service to the folk, and equality, each king, in the manner of the berserkers of old, drew his weapon. Tonn unsheathed his sword, Olev gripped a mace, and Jumal brandished a spear. They struck at Tamar, blinded by wounded pride and unbridled ambition. Yet, Tamar, like a Valkyrie in the dance of battle, moved with the grace of the northern winds, deflecting their blows with a skill forged in the crucible of conflict. She spared their lives but claimed their crowns, a symbol of the humility and service they failed to grasp. The tale of the thwarted courtship and the dethroned kings spread like the whispering breeze through the ancient fjords. The subjects of each realm began to see Tamar not as a conqueror but as a liberator and rightful queen. The realm expanded, and peace descended like the gentle caress of snow upon an ever-expanding dominion. Thus, the Courtship of the Kings became a chapter in the saga of Tamar, the queen whose wisdom, humility, and martial prowess united realms and brought prosperity to the lands beneath her just and compassionate rule. The people hailed her not merely as a warrior queen but as a sovereign whose heart beat in harmony with the well-being of her folk.
  8. The Coming of Tamar In the age of ancient mists, when shadows played upon the tapestry of time, there strode forth a warrior queen named Tamar, a colossus with tresses of chestnut, flowing like the russet leaves of autumn, and a countenance kissed by the ancient sun, imbuing her with olive-hued radiance. Her eyes, a vibrant green adorned with flecks of precious gold, mirrored the fires that blazed within her spirit. From the bosom of her ancestral lands, Tamar marched northward, a formidable procession of ten thousand warriors marching to the cadence of destiny. The People of the River, in their hour of need, had dispatched emissaries, invoking Tamar's aid against the marauding Berganisk tribesmen. The thundering war drums of desperation had resounded through the ages, reaching her ears. With a visage etched in determination and a sword clasped to her side, Tamar, akin to a tempest given flesh, led her mighty host through the craggy expanses of the northern realms. The very air seemed to hum with the echoes of their march, a prelude to the saga unfolding in the chronicles of antiquity. As Tamar approached the field of strife, where the clash of arms and the lamentations of the oppressed composed a haunting symphony, she beheld the vast theater of conflict. The Berganisk tribesmen, fierce and unyielding, loomed like an insurmountable tempest. Yet, Tamar stood undaunted, a radiant beacon in the gathering storm. The battle erupted, a dance of blades meeting blades, and the earth quivered beneath the weight of fate. Tamar, with the grace of a hunting falcon and the ferocity of a she-wolf guarding her progeny, wove through the chaos, her sword singing a ballad of liberation. Her warriors, inspired by her valor, fought as if each stroke of their weapons was a stanza in an ageless hymn. Amidst the ebb and flow of conflict, Tamar's prowess proved unmatched. She carved a path through the ranks of the Berganisk tribesmen, her sword a divine implement of justice. The rivers of crimson flowed, and the very soil seemed to groan beneath the tumult of the confrontation. In the heart of battle, Tamar confronted the chieftain of the Berganisk, a formidable adversary with eyes reflecting the storms of the northern seas. The clash of their weapons resonated like thunder, and sparks ascended like celestial embers. Tamar, resolute and unyielding, emerged triumphant, and the chieftain's surrender echoed through the battlefield like a zephyr. With the Berganisk chieftain kneeling in submission, Tamar, her voice resonating with the authority of ancient times, proclaimed terms of peace. The invading hordes were subdued, and the People of the River, rescued from the encroaching darkness, hailed Tamar as their deliverer and queen. The saga of Tamar, the ancient warrior queen, inscribed itself upon the scrolls of time, a tale of valor, sacrifice, and the indomitable spirit that rises to meet the challenges of a bygone era. Her name, a radiant luminary in the tapestry of history, stood as a testament to the enduring might of those who brandish the sword in the pursuit of justice and salvation.
  9. Palace Intrigue is the Result of a Multi-Year Revamp A centuries-old structure in Cambria's foothill region stands out thanks to a thoughtful, thorough restoration by Katja Venere In the heart of Olinapol, the White City of Cambria, lies the recently restored Palatine 2150 Boutique Hotel & Spa—a project destined to be. Design visionaries, Kaspar Lind and Riho Kannel, founders of Saint-Josalyn-based X Living, unexpectedly found themselves captivated by the allure of a 11th-century red palace during a leisurely visit to the Adana region. "We were immediately drawn to the potential of the centuries-old gem," shares Lind. "It was unthinkable not to make it a hotel; it really is just too beautiful to stay hidden." Over a meticulous three-year period, the former Cambrian palace, once home to the city's inaugural mayor and various other historical figures, underwent a revival. Traditional handcrafted techniques, infused with a touch of modern flair, breathed new life into every nook and cranny. A nod to Tamaric Red, a prestigious status symbol in the 18th century, graced an entire façade, standing as a testament to the wealth of that era amidst Olinapol's iconic whitewashed structures. The restoration journey revealed daily surprises, from fireplaces and stone vaults to frescoes dating back to the 1000s. The careful resurrection of smaller details, like a 11th-century cloister-style wooden door, hinted at the building's past as a possible convent. While blending the old with the new presented its challenges, such as the meticulous restoration of the entire roof, the effort was rewarded. Each of the hotel's 12 guestrooms, named after gemstones, boasts a unique identity, adorned with treasures sourced from antique fairs, shops, and markets worldwide. "The main inspiration was to create exquisite design in every detail with beautiful energy while also preserving and celebrating the history of the building," explains Kannel. Bistro 2150, nestled in a centuries-old vaulted stone room, opens onto a transformed traditional oil mill. The terrace extends to the swimming pool and garden, adorned with herbs and an pear orchard. Bar 2150 and the lounge, centered around a nearly 30-foot-long stone counter clad in antique Varanian tin plates, beckon guests with muted colors, inscribed eyes, and soft elements. A hidden gem lies 23 feet underground—the hotel's spa, housed in an ancient water cistern. This luxurious escape features a hydromassage basin, steam bath, spa shower with chromotherapy, and a relaxing lounge adorned with Nieubasrian salt walls. "We wanted to create something that didn't already exist, a hotel that is truly a one-off and that offers well-traveled guests an authentic Adanan experience," adds Lind. "A home away from home, if you will." The Palatine 2150 is a harmonious blend of history, luxury, and Cambrian design ingenuity.
  10. In the darkened entrance tunnel, moments before the match... "Nelson, mate, turkey for Thanksgiving? It's like watching paint dry. Bland, dry, and utterly forgettable," Nelson quipped, his words sharp and to the point. His dark eyes gleamed with a hint of mischief as he leaned against the tunnel wall. Christian shot back with a grin, his quick-witted retort hanging in the air like a challenge. "Nelson, you've got it all wrong, sunshine. Thanksgiving is about tradition, and turkey is the undisputed heavyweight champ of the holiday table. Versatility, my friend! You can roast it, fry it, smoke it – it's the triple threat of festive fowl." The banter continued, a rapid-fire exchange echoing the patter and rhythms of a Ray Gitchie film. "Versatility? It's a damn bird, Christian, not a Recuecian Army knife. I'd rather have a tradition of enjoying my meal. How 'bout we spice it up with some chili or throw in some jerk chicken for a real celebration?" Nelson countered. But Christian, leaning in with a conspiratorial air, explained the beauty of a well-cooked turkey like a seasoned football coach detailing a winning strategy. "Nelson, you're missing the point, my man. Thanksgiving is about coming together, sharing a meal that screams 'Braya. Turkey embodies that spirit, and it's like a culinary handshake with history." Nelson chuckled, his grin widening. "'Braya, huh? I'd rather be shaking hands with a plate full of flavor. Our Adaikian brothers got it right with their hearty stews and savory pies. Now, that's a celebration on a plate." "Fair play, Nelson, but when you're savoring your exotic feast, just remember the warm embrace of a perfectly roasted turkey. It's a classic, like a vintage scotch or a well-placed penalty kick," Christian remarked with a knowing grin. Nelson, smirking in response, shot back, "Classic, huh? I'll stick to being a maverick in the culinary arena. Let's just hope our performance on the pitch today is more exciting than this banter." With a nod of mutual respect, the players exchanged a competitive glance before heading towards the pitch, leaving their Thanksgiving meal debate hanging in the air like the prelude to a high-stakes match.
  11. Tensions Escalate Over Bilyad By Aldo Spears, International Affairs Correspondent November 17, 1423 In a dramatic escalation of regional tensions, two Cambrian fighter jets were dispatched to patrol the skies over the nation of Bilyad, enforcing a controversial no-fly zone. The move has ignited concerns about the potential for further instability in the already volatile region. The fighter jets, piloted by veteran naval aviatiors, undertook the mission in response to what Cambrian officials claim were repeated violations of the designated airspace by unidentified aircraft. Bilyadi authorities have vehemently denied any wrongdoing, insisting that their airspace remains sovereign and accusing Cambria of unwarranted aggression. The no-fly zone, established by an international coalition last month, is intended to ensure the safety and security of the region amid growing geopolitical tensions. However, the enforcement of such zones often raises questions about the delicate balance between preserving national sovereignty and preventing potential conflicts. Captain Reinvald, speaking exclusively to our correspondent from the new multinational base in Ryxtylopia, expressed the gravity of the situation. "Our mission is to uphold the principles of international law and ensure the safety of the region," he stated, emphasizing the importance of maintaining stability in the face of escalating tensions. Captain Reinvald continued, adding, "We are committed to following established protocols and avoiding any unnecessary provocations. Our goal is to ensure that the no-fly zone is respected and that regional peace is maintained." The international community has been quick to respond to the Cambrian military intervention. Diplomatic channels are buzzing with activity as world leaders and envoys from various nations work tirelessly to defuse the situation. The Astorian Union has called for an emergency session to address the escalating tensions and prevent the situation from spiraling out of control. Critics argue that the enforcement of a no-fly zone by military means could exacerbate tensions rather than resolve them. The delicate diplomatic dance that follows will undoubtedly shape the future of the region and influence the international community's approach to similar conflicts in the future. As the world watches with bated breath, the skies over Bilyad remain tense, echoing the uncertainty that grips the region. The actions taken by Cambrian fighter jets represent a pivotal moment, with the potential to either defuse the situation or plunge the region into further turmoil.
  12. Team Information Style mod: 3.8 Formation: 2-3-5 Home stadium: Union Arena, cap. 75,000 Head Coach: Giovanni Dos Santos Assistant Coaches: Marco Savarese, Greenne Velach Goalkeeping Coach: Cory Highsmith Roster Goalkeepers (4): Andrew Meredith, Aljaz Sulte, Thomas Irons Defenders (5): Tony Arreaga, Jalil Ebobisse, Jaroslaw Zuparic, Jorge Alfaro, Laurens Mallory, Gadsden Jeffries Midfielders (7): Abram King, Vincent Taney, Bill Nyassi, Victor Rosales, Cristian Moffat, Andreas Atencio, Chad Mears Forwards (12): Miguel Montero, Jordan Noonan, Dixon Pomeroy, Yimmi Nkufo, Diego Ruidiaz, Renzo Valeri, Emery Veere, Fredy Ochoa, Sammy Ocampo, Nelson Ibarra, Cam White, Jacob Carter Starters are underlined. Formation Kit Home (L), Away (C), Alternate (R) Style modifier 3.8 Home stadium Union Arena (RP) Players may be injured Yes (RP) Players may receive yellow cards Yes (RP) Players may receive red cards Yes No godmodding; Consult prior to carding.
  13. @Tex-Mex Rejected due to denial of HON application. @sergeant41 On hold pending decision on HON application. @Candeluian Minister Accepted! Welcome to Doll Guldur. Your stats will be added to the Big Book of Numbers in a day or two.
  14. Driver Name: Eduard Viiding Name Trigram: VII Nationality Trigram: KCM Preferred Car Number: 81 Second Choice Car Number: 83 Reliability: 4.2 Aggression: 3.2 Technique: 4.6 Driver's bio: https://imgur.com/LqLaFcJ Driver Name: Kristian Alver Name Trigram: ALV Nationality Trigram: KCM Preferred Car Number: 82 Second Choice Car Number: 84 Reliability: 3.2 Aggression: 4.4 Technique: 4.4 Driver's bio: https://imgur.com/IRGuJUK Circuit Name: Aventa International Race Name: Cambrian Grand Prix Track Image: https://imgur.com/Evhg5Sr Track Length (km): 7.003 km Qualifying Type: Elimination Track aggressiveness: 5 Track technicality: 5 Overtaking Difficulty: 3 Margin for error: 3.8 Info: 124,000 capacity Circuit Name: Loona Autodroom Race Name: Formula 1; Cambrian Grand Prix (formerly) Track Image: https://imgur.com/mhZsrzI Track Length (km): 5.122 km Qualifying Type: Traditional Track aggressiveness: 5.6 Track technicality: 4.4 Overtaking Difficulty: 2.7 Margin for error: 3.0 Info: 111,000 capacity Team Name: Cambrias Team Nation: Kingdom of Cambria Nationality Trigram: KCM Team color (in hex code): #9f041e Reliability: 3.7 Acceleration: 3.7 Turning: 4.6 Team bio: https://imgur.com/ZdGs3VU (current car image) Engine Manufacturer: Viktoria-RKO Engine Name: Viktoria-RKO F1 M2x0 E Performance Reliability (between -1 and 1): -0.3 Actuation (between -1 and 1): -0.3 Tare (between -1 and 1): +0.6 Info: 1.6 L direct injection V6 turbocharged engine Tire Manufacturer: Kontinentaalne AS (Konti) Tire Name: Konti DX Zero Reliability (Between -1 and 1): -0.4 Traction (Between -1 and 1): +0.4 Info: For dry/slick conditions More to come... - Updated Engine Name and Info - Updated Tire Name and Info - Added Driver Portraits to Bios - Added Car Image; Added Loona Test Track; Updated Aventa Track Image URL
  15. Never gonna run around and desert you

  16. You know the rules and so do I.

  17. I have finished my stint as Guardian and no longer require the masking here. I do, however, need to retain mod permissions for the RP section. Mucho danke!
  18. Please mask @Dilber the Delegate of the West Pacific. Please change my role to Guardian. Thanks!
  19. Per the results of the election, please make the following changes: - remove Speaker from @Varanius and add it to @Giovanniland - add DMoWA/R to @Sensorland if such masking exists. - remove Sergeant-at-Arms from @Wyvern. This position has been retired. - @Reçueçn and @HyFy are incumbents and do not require and changes. In addition, please remove MoFA from @Saint Mark and add it to @Dilber Thanks!
  20. Halo was named Chancellor of the Hall of Peers November 26 in this post. I assume posting rights would have been granted when the subforum was created. My guess is that was an oversight at the time of establishment.
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