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Doll Guldur Economic Cooperation Agreement

aka GECA




Map of Member Nations Highlighted in Green

Event Date
Founding during the Guldur Cultural Festival July 17th, 1394
Ascension of Novia Xenia XXX
Ascension of Poldanz-Rumeria XXX
Creation of the Doll Guldur Continental Bank July 17th, 1424
Total Wealth $1,756,843,679,794
Total Population 70,431,083
Land Area 1,053,242 sq miles
2,727,884 sq kilometers


Republic of Candelu

Khesed Archipelagic Republic of Emmeria

Commonwealth of Nouveauterra

Republic of Novia Xenia

Monarchy of Poldanz-Rumeria

the Zhiznovsk Collective

Mission and Objectives

Create an economic eco-system that mutually benefits member nations with stability, growth, and economic security

  • To foster economic growth among signatory members through increased trade
  • To spur growth in internal economic activity of member states
  • To increase regional economic security from large disruptions to the global economic system
  • To promote regional economic and political security
  • To aid in the development of signatory member economies through economic incentives and programs
  • To provide avenues for cross-member projects and programs




GECA Major Offices

  • Office of the Commissioner
    • The executive officer of the GECA, calling and leading discussions and dialogues, commissioning reports and investigations
    • The position of Commissioner is filled through an election, where members nominate a person for the position, and a majority vote confirms their ascension to the position of Commissioner
  • The Agreement Body
    • The legislative body of the GECA, voting on provisions and enactments
    • The position of Chair of the Agreement Body is passed sequentially between members annually
  • Office of the Secretary
    • Assistant to the Commissioner, aiding in discussion and research necessary for activities of the Members Committee
  • Office of the Ombudsman
    • The judicial body of the GECA, independently investigating members of the GECA for wrongdoing and bringing issues to the Members Committee for action
  • Office of the Treasury
    • Management of money for the GECA, including funding necessary for position holders, officers, and overall organizational health
    • Management of special programs for participating parts of the Agreement Body
  • Doll Guldur Police, Gulpol
    • Enhancing law enforcement activities within the GECA and tracing criminals outside the GECA for the purposes of extradition or interdiction
  • Office of Border Security
    • Securing the economic bloc's borders for the regular trade in goods, and immigration
  • Doll Guldur Continental Bank
    • The creation and distribution of a unified currency, setting interest rates, and issues loans and bonds to be used by member nations for economic stimulus/security
    • Guldurian Continental Wealth Fund
      • making strategic investments necessary to secure member nations from severe economic crisis (issuing loans, selling bonds, and economic advisement)
  • Office of Standards and Regulation
    • The formulation of bloc-wide regulations for items such as food inspection, health and safety, vehicles, etc.
  • Office of Grants
    • Using a portion of member fees and donations, enable member states to draw grant money for the purposes of economic development, such as infrastructure construction and local grant programs
  • Office of Strategic Projects
    • create and maintain the bureaucratic infrastructure necessary for member states to fund, manage, and collaborate on multinational development projects
  • Office of Programming
    • using a portion of member fees and donations, enable member states to direct funds from the Office for the purpose of funding national programs for economic development, such as state agricultural banks, or tax incentives
Major Acts in Chronological Order
The Agreement

Statement of Intent

The intent of the Guldur Economic Cooperation Agreement, hereafter referred to as GECA, is:

To foster economic growth among signatory members through increased trade

To spur growth in internal economic activity of member states

To increase regional economic security from large disruptions to the global economic system

To promote regional economic and political security

To aid in the development of signatory member economies through economic incentives and programs

To provide avenues for cross-member projects and programs

For the purposes of economic growth:
To foster economic growth among signatory members, we agree to:

Enable free trade between member states
Enable visa-free travel between member states through the creation of the Free Travel Zone, whereby citizens of member states and authorized third-party states can freely travel through the borders of connected member states, and through international boundaries

To unify regulations regarding controlled products through mutually agreed upon standards. These products range from agricultural products, pharmaceuticals, chemicals and any other products determined to require oversight

To spur growth in internal economic activity of member states, we agree to:
The establishment of the Office of Grants, with the purpose of using a portion of member fees and donations to enable member states to draw grant money for the purposes of economic development, such as infrastructure construction and local grant programs

For the purposes of security and stability:
To promote regional economic and political security, we agree to:

Fund the securing of external borders by member states, and the creation of an Office of Border Security to aid member states with border security

Fund the creation of a multinational law enforcement body, hereafter referred to as the Doll Guldur Police or Golpol, for the purposes of enhancing law enforcement activities within the GECA and tracing criminals outside the GECA for the purposes of extradition or interdiction

To increase regional economic security from large disruptions to the global economic system, we agree to:
The establishment of a sovereign wealth fund, the Guldurian Continental Wealth Fund, with the purpose of making strategic investments necessary to secure member nations from severe economic crisis (issuing loans, selling bonds, and economic advisement)

For the purposes of economic aid:

To aid in the development of signatory member economies through economic incentives and programs, we agree to:

The establishment of the Office of Programming, with the purpose of using a portion of member fees and donations to enable member states to direct funds from the Office for the purpose of funding national programs for economic development, such as state agricultural banks, or tax incentives

To provide avenues for cross-member projects and programs, we agree to:

The establishment of the Office of Strategic Projects, so that member states can have a formal system for funding, managing, and collaborating on multinational development projects

Topline Administrative Functions and Offices
in Furtherance of the Agreement

Office of the Commissioner
The executive officer of the GECA, calling and leading discussions and dialogues, commissioning reports and investigations
The position of Commissioner is filled through an election, where members nominate a person for the position, and a majority vote confirms their ascension to the position of Commissioner

The Agreement Body
The legislative body of the GECA, voting on provisions and enactments
The position of Chair of the Agreement Body is passed sequentially between members annually

Office of the Secretary
Assistant to the Commissioner, aiding in discussion and research necessary for activities of the Members Committee

Office of the Ombudsman
The judicial body of the GECA, independently investigating members of the GECA for wrongdoing and bringing issues to the Members Committee for action

Office of the Treasury
Management of money for the GECA, including funding necessary for position holders, officers, and overall organizational health
Management of special programs for participating parts of the Agreement Body

Procedures for Ascension to the Agreement Body

In order for an interested party to join the GECA, and interested party must:

Send a signed letter of intent approved by the head of state, the head of government, the executive of the chief body for national finance, and the executive of the chief body for diplomatic affairs to the Office of the Commissioner for record keeping and approval

Provide an unadulterated reproduction of this document to the legislative body of the national government for approval by majority vote, and ratification of adherence to the agreement by the head of state
or provide an unadulterated reproduction and/or reading of this document to the voting populace of the nation, and a referendum be held, requiring a majority voting in favor of ratification of adherence to the agreement. Only if the ratification receives majority approval can it be sent to the head of state for signing

Send a certified tallying of adherence to this agreement to the Office of the Commissioner to be sent to the Body of the Signatories for approval or disapproval by unanimous vote

Procedures for Descension from the Agreement Body

In order for a signatory member to be forcibly removed from the Agreement Body:

A vote for descension must be called by a member of the Members Committee

The vote calling nation must state the case for the descension of the accused member. Reasons for descension include:
Open disobedience of agreement provisions
Covert disobedience of agreement provisions
Malpractice in procedures for ascension to the Agreement Body

The accused nation must state their defense to charges outlined by the vote calling nation
All members, excluding the vote calling nation, and the accused nation, shall vote on descension from or sustainment to the Members Committee. The vote must be unanimous

Upon receiving a unanimous vote for descension, the accused nation will begin procedures for formally leaving the Members Committee, and be considered of Non-Agreeing Status by all members of the GECA

In order for a signatory member to voluntarily withdraw from the Agreement Body:

The descending nation must either
Call a vote in their respective legislative organ, and vote in the majority to descend from the Members Committee, and have such a procedure ratified by the executive of the nation
Call for a referendum, and tally votes in the majority to descend from the the Members Committee, and have such a procedure ratified by the executive of the nation

Upon receiving a vote tally in favor of descension, the Members Committee will approve the request, and the descending nation will begin procedures for formally leaving the Members Committee, and be considered of Non-Agreeing Status by all members of the GECA



  • 5 months later...


1425 GECA Regional Development Grants Allocated


GECA representatives have finalized Regional Development Grant allocations for 1425. RDGs enable member states to apply and receive money for large scale public works projects within the GECA zone. Projects covered by the grant program include:

  • Water, telecommunication, electrical, and transportation infrastructure
  • Buildings to be used for the public good (recreation areas, government offices, art and cultural centers, etc.)
  • Land improvement or modification for public purposes (wave-breakers, soil improvement, tree planting)

“Regional development is at the heart of GECA’s mission,” said Marien Ruisseau, press officer for the Regional Development Office. “Every dollar spent goes back to Guldurians in the improved safety, community, and service delivery in their home country.”

Final allocation of money for other sectors will be handled at a separate meeting in the future.

Here’s a listing of projects utilizing RDGs in 1425:


OOC Mechanics:
For GECA members; discuss a project that can fall under one of categories above, or be reasonably related to regional development. If deemed reasonable, create a news posting about said project and it will be linked in the projects list above.

As a bonus, you can copy the link to reference back to this post: https://www.westpacific.org/forums/index.php?/topic/6549-doll-guldur-economic-cooperation-agreement-geca-main-thread/#findComment-98580



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