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NSNE: An Interview with Hobbes, Candidate for TEP's Delegate


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October 26, 2013.


CAPITAL DISTRICT, THE EAST PACIFIC --- Hitler the Great, The East Pacific’s founder, was lucky enough to snag an interview with Hobbes, during his very busy campaigning period. The two sat down to discuss Hobbes’s delegate campaign among various other topics.  




Hitler: HAIL! I am ze führer of ze East Pacific. Father of ze Third Riech!!!!! How are you, Hobbes; you pestilent swine?


Hobbes: I am doing fine this night, or morning, depending how you take it.


The sun always shines in ze Empire of ze Third Reich. HAIL! As father to this great region, I must ask what great cause you vwish to embark on as leader? What vision do you have for my region?


A vision -- well, that's one way to put it. Perhaps, in general, a more active and functioning executive branch than has been previously thought of, and more community involvement in that branch and government overall.


Das ist ausgezeichnet. Do you have any plans however of World Domination? What about Poland? Vill Poland be invaded, der Herr?


Invading Poland, for example, would be futile as the founder (Todd) happens to be a vizier over here capable of toppling any reasonable government. So World Domination, although cool and fascinating to think of…is not entirely feasible.


Todd McCloud is swine. SCHWEIN!!! He always ruins my invasions. Hmpf. You must see ze East Pacific in relation to other regions differently than I do? ja? What should people think of ze East Pacific? Outsiders and... British scum.


Well, TEP is best P obviously, but I beg to differ on calling the Brits scum. I recall you referring to the Brits as “our British cousins” sometime in 1940.


Not all cousins are worthy of having sexual relations with. But carry on…


Well, this conversation took a turn for the worse. 


But, on the general topic of interregional relations, I believe that shutting TEP inside itself and ignoring everyone else is certainly not the way of doing business -- Indeed, we can't fix problems in our world if we just choose to ignore them.


Doing that for everyone you have a problem with is not entirely feasible or nice, either.


VWAT? VWAT!? KETZEREI!!!! Vwhat is one region you have in mind when you speak of these "problems"?


I'd consider Gatesville a problem, couping GCR's is not cool, mhmmk?


Gatesville. Proper heroes of ze Riech. What do you think of ze glorious war against Gatesville? Should it continue?


It's kind of stalemated--which sitskrieg sucks, But I think it needs to continue. We cannot justify calling the war won, and just saying its over would result in GV calling it our surrender.


Ich stimme zu! Stalemates shall be broken. This is ze word of ze Führer! Now: vwhat is ze greatest internal problem facing ze East Pacific at ze present moment?


I'd say the Conclave being in its current state a major problem. Our FA department is seriously lacking, as well.


Ze “Conclave”? Catholics...Oh. You mean our legal system.


Yes, I’d call the naming awkward as well.


Vwat should be the ze response to ze Conclave's problems?


I've made a rather detailed opinion piece on what I think it *should* be like on our forum, however, for those who don't care to read it, basically one judge, and jurors who will be assigned on a case-per-case basis.


Arbiters, and this is coming from one, have a tendency to go inactive because they do so little, and that clogs up our legal system.


A nice try, but ze correct response is: burn their courthouse down, blame it on ze French and then replace ze pompous pig-dogs with a military tribunal. I sense great potential in you, though.


Vwhat do you sense is your greatest weakness as a leader, Hobbes? Vwhat vwill you need to improve on?


I am debating on whether to respond to this with asshattery or honesty, so I’ll go with a bit of both. Perhaps it is my openness - I tend to consider myself a bit too open to criticism, soft skinned, maybe.


But I guess being thrown up the creek of delegacy is going to change that rather quick.


I believe we call it “shit creek”, or as I like to call it, “thirty feet below Berlin with Stalin coming for your head”.


I enjoy putting a positive spin on the most negative things.


Sounds like Propaganda! Speaking of Propaganda... vwat is your opinion of NPO? Do you see relations growing between NPO and TEP?


I'd call NPO and TEP rather close allies already, which is pretty damn ironic giving we are practically on the opposite sides of the spectrum politically speaking. Although, the removal of citizens such as Karpathos and Milograd has resulted in the NPO's activity diminishing greatly.


How do NPO and TEP sit on opposite sides?


One is, in all effect, a totalitarian dictatorship, with the other a vibrant confederated republic. Politically speaking, they are pretty opposite. Which is interesting, because in the culture department, we are very close.


I don't see myself renouncing my citizenship in the NPO pretty soon either, so I’d call the bond pretty strong either way.


Ja. I knew there was I reason I liked NPO so much. It was sad to see them go to war with Ze Greater German Reich. *sighs* Vwhat of the UDL, Hobbes? That is another big name tossed around these days in regards to TEP's relations.


Well. Involving the UDL, frankly, it’s an interesting relationship, yes. One represents a belief within NS, the other represents the will of a region, which has caused, and probably will continue to cause, rifts.


Regardless, I feel as if progress is being made and /hope/ it turns out differently than our last treaty.


A random question: Vwhat do you think of Welcome Telegrams in GCRs?


Oh boy, another controversial topic.


Personally, I think blaming it entirely on the higher retention rates of new nations in GCR's is incomplete, as that statistic sways a lot, even when it isn’t constant with NS population growth. A more accurate representation, one of which I am too lazy, and or don't want to do myself, would be looking at the rate of new CITIZENS, not nations, to GCR's before and after the welcome TG was added.


That would give a far more accurate result then just saying 'Look, the populations went up, so it must be bad!'


Accuracy? Truth? Blasphemy!


I am sure a high percentage of NSG shares that opinion.


I do not think I am popular in vhat circle. I also believe we are running short for time, Hobbes: Thanks for ze interview. You have ze floor!


Well, there’s just thing one final thing. How exactly did you get my Skype again, Hitler?





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