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Henn City(IC)


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OOC: Here goes.


IC: It was the year 2150. Fredrick had just gotten off the ship which had transported him to Henn City for the first time.

 As he stepped off the ship, he was  in sheer awe of the size of the station on which he would be living...all of a sudden a voice boomed "KEEP the line moving please!" "Sorry...." Fredrick replied to the unknown officer.

The line through, what was now called "The New Citizen Processing Center" got short quick.


Fredrick got to the front of the line and a burly new citizen official stared him down with a suspicious look, "What is your purpose in coming here sir?" He boomed. "I got transferred here by the company I work for." Fredrick replied. The official broke out in a smile, "Welcome to Henn City. I trust your trip from Earth was a pleasant one?" He asked, as Fredrick was pulling out a data pad with his transfer notice, "Yes it was." Fredrick replied as he handed the pad to the official for inspection.


The official scrutinized the information on the pad quickly, "Everything is in order sir, you may proceed and welcome to Henn City once again." The official replied.


Fredrick made his way through. He was slightly confused on how to get to his living quarters, which were in a quiet area of Henn City.


OOC: <Open Tag (Meaning anyone can reply)>

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IC: *Damnit what in the world is going on here, some welcome this turned out to be.* Fredrick thought to himself. There was no obvious way out...it seemed like he was trapped like a rat.

There was some kind of device in the corner, however Fredrick did not know what it was. As he approached it, a bottle of water magically appeared. Fredrick took the bottle of water from the device and opened it and took a swig. "Ahhhh..." he said, as the cool refreshing water washed down his throat. He happened to be thirsty and this quenched his thirst for the time being.


As he was wondering what the device was, it finally dawned upon him. "AHA!" He exclaimed to no one, as the welcome center was empty, "It is a food/beverage replicator." He replied to himself.


"Looks like I am going to be here a while....so I suppose I better make the best of it." Fredrick mumbled to himself.

He found a bench near the replicator and laid his head down on his military bag, which was holding the only clothes and personal effects Fredrick had brought with him.


OOC: <Open Tag>

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Some days it felt like half the city was falling apart at the seams.


Robert Duffman had just finished repairing two major power junctions, six water dispensers (one of which had somehow managed to spray orange juice all over his suit), and a handhold that popped out completely halfway through his repair job and beaned him in the head before floating into an air duct. So far, the day was not shaping up well.


Better than being an office janitor back on Earth, he thought to himself as he neared the next maintenance hatch. He could be cleaning up vomit and candy wrappers; instead, he was cleaning floating vomit and candy wrappers out of complex machinery that people's lives depended on, and then hoping to hell that he didn't destroy said complex machinery trying to make it work again. He opened the hatch into a secluded corner full of strapped-up maintenance equipment and went for the maintenance-only door into the latest section of the city that was in need of a power drill. At least my job means I don't have to wait in any lines.


Access Denied.


"Oh, you've gotta be kidding me."

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