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Everything posted by Reti

  1. Edit: I've "relaxed" alot of the form and the questions, omitted quite a few. I wanted something different last night than I do tonight, this time it is alot more friendly
  2. Perhaps I am taking upon this task the wrong way?
  3. There is no need to b There is no need to be rude, however, I will say it is somewhat justifiable seeing as though I accidentally posted that message in the RMB this morning. Honestly I was only typing it there for convenience to paste it around Reddit, it was 5:30 or so in the morning and I didn't realize I'd hit the submit button right before getting off. I suppose I did not word the form properly, honestly what was I thinking last night? The form is meant to act as a sort of "proof", as I'd like to keep a database of everyone participating, hence the submissions are stored in an excel file. But yes, you are correct, those who are contacted via telegram or e-mail will most likely have been invited to join the UPRPP as a pre-initiate. For now it is those deemed fit by me, as more members come in (And trust me, they will, I have my ways) the party will take an extremely democratic method of operation. That was a mistake on my end, I must have done that while trying to edit the form on my mobile device (Eugh), it's been fixed Edit: Looking over all that I actually wrote last night... I can see how malicious it sounds to be honest, I'm in the process of fixing that all up, making things that seemed initially as if they were forced into choices etc.
  4. Hello, as you may or may not know I am Djana, 7th national representative of UPR (United People of Reti), 11th leader of UPR. I come before you today because I hold opportunity, opportunity to do something great within the community. I invite every single one of you to fill out this form, please note that this is not just a simple community service project, but a "party" of sorts, only those deemed fit will be selected to do much more than simple community service, consider it a society of sorts. I hope to view your submission soon, and best of luck. May the four winds be with you.
  5. I would like to thank you all for your very warm welcomes, may the Four Winds be with you.
  6. As I have just chosen to join this side of the commune, I thought it would be appropriate to introduce myself. My name isn't important, but you may call me Djana. I am currently both leader and representative of The United People of Reti, I speak on behalf of my entire nation when I say that it is a pleasure to be a part of The West Pacific, and to be here. I suppose the purpose of this post should be to educate others of the values of Reti so that they may be known in more than just the abstract mind of the citizen and politician and to educate other nations on the current happenings within the nation. You may know of Reti's name by inventions of warfare such as the Retian Amnesia Rifle or the Retian Coma Projectile, however Reti is currently experiencing a gradual demilitarization, we believe that even though such weapons patented by Reti pose very little risk to seriously harm their targets, that they are immoral, that violence is inherently immoral, be it self-defense or otherwise. This is only one of many values held dear by our nation's government and many of our people. Another value which is notably reflected by the green on our flag, is that environment will always be held before all, we find it our responsibility to protect the environment and such dedication to Mother Nature has made environment a huge part of Reti, at some point it was the fuel which fed our economy, attracting tourists world-wide to lay eyes upon the beauty of our nation. A majority of our nation's people and government also believe that religion can be held beside science, and that they are both from the same source, inseperable pieces of one puzzle. To unravel the deepest mysteries in science we must also unravel the deepest mysteries in religion and vice-versa. There is no one official belief system of Reti, the majority considers themselves pagan without further label. Now that you have a basic idea on some of the values within our nation, it is time to educate you on current happenings within the nation. I do not need to restate the fact that we are being demilitarized, so I will state this: It seems that over time focusing on economy after the great collapse of 2014, parts of the government sector have forgotten or ignored their morals in favor of improving the economy, which has resulted in unwanted and unnecessary funding to certain other parts of government (Such as welfare). Because of all of this the government and the people are currently in the process of "purging" away corrupt government officials, please note that this simply means we are collecting them, asking them a few questions (No corporal punishment is involved) and then determining whether they are still fit to hold their position in government, if they are not, they will be given a year's pay (Varies from sector to sector) and a home alongside others. They may work back up to the position they were in, but they must be evaluated just as they were when they were first promoted to said position.I suppose this covers quite a bit, if there are any questions, please do ask, I would love to answer some -Djana, 7th national representative of UPR, 11th leader of UPR
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