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Intelligent Holograms

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Posts posted by Intelligent Holograms

  1. *Thinks of a really difficult question*


    Particle 'P' is travelling in a straight line, what colour are its shoes?


    Welcome to our offsite community, Sensorland. Feel free to get involved in the various facets of our humble offsite home. You might be interested to join our legislature, the Concilium.



  2. #miniluv was an IRC channel frequented by certain individuals to discuss and insult several regions, including Mordor and individuals such as outgoing Arch-Chancellor of the FRA, Karputsk. It's dealings resulted in Spiritus and Mordor to abandon treaty negotiations. The primary mudslinger in there was everybody's favourite Osirian Delegate, Cormac.


    Edit: Ninj'd by Westie. :P

  3. It seems clear that we are all working towards a 'tier system' of endorsements and that makes perfect sense considering the changes proposed and the possible effects they will have. Similarly to TAO, I believe that a lower cap should be enforced over the first month or so, so that those flouting the rules can have their spot at Friday Karaoke revoked. I also believe, however, that whatever system is first imposed will be imperfect in detection and application meaning that certain aspects will need changing over time so as to improve it. I can't say I'm too keen on Dark's views on WAs not endorsing the Delegate, but I am happy (save Tier one) with PD's Tiers as a starting point, to be relaxed over time as the dust settles.

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