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Posts posted by Qartistan

  1. Outstanding!  You really are nailing it, Archi.


    Qartistan, I think you are missing the whole point.  We don't WANT to be like other places, especially RL places.  Keep it simple.

    Example:  There are no citizenship rules except that of residency.  That was clearly stated in the document above.  It is always a bad idea to restrict voting rights/citizenship by post count or WA status or endo count or being "voted" for in a popularity contest.  Don't disenfranchise anyone residing in the region.

    I understand that, Dark. I’m not suggesting we copy/paste stuff from other Constitutions, be it from other regions or RL countries. If anything I said gave that impression, I apologize for the misunderstanding.


    What I am suggesting is that we include constitutional norms regulating these matters. Like you said, the only rule for citizenship is residency, so including an article/section/whatever stating something along the lines of “Any nation that resides in the West Pacific shall be automatically granted citizenship, and shall only have it revoked when they cease to reside in the region” would be a good idea, in my opinion. Adding restrictions to constitutional amendments could make it hard, or even impossible, to change the system of citizenship acquisition, thus ensuring all nation are treated equally.

  2. I'm a big fan of written constitutions, but if we're going to make one, we should start asking other nations what they want in it (i.e. term limits, form of government, etc.) For that, we could create a dedicated sub-forum.


    There are also some other issues we should address, like citizenship (including how nations may both acquire and lose it), emergency legislation, individual rights and guarantees, constitutional amendments, etc.


    One thing I really liked about your draft is the Declaration of Open Rebellion and how it needs 2/3 of the vote, instead of 50%+1. This 2/3 system should also be implemented for constitutional amendments, in my opinion.


    IRL, I'm a law student in a country with a civil law legal system, so I'm used to this sort of codification. If you want, I could help you with the draft.

  3. Welcome over!


    What do you like to do on NS? :)


    I'm kinda new to the game, but I'm planning a roleplay scenario for this nation.

    Also, sorry for replying so late, I only noticed your reply now.

    Hi! I'm Llamas! :D


    Welcome to the region! There's tons of cool stuff you can try now. We've got the army, RP, games, and tons more! If you want a link, here's where you sign up for the military. I'd strongly recommend you join it; it's a great way to serve the region and to learn more about NationStates.


    Also, why would an Arab country be offensive? I mean, not all Arabs are radical Muslims. It's absolutely fine to have that kind of nation, we accept everybody here regardless of ethnicity. :)


    The thing is, I'm not Arab at all. It's not the nation being Arab that would be offensive, but my portrayal of it could potentially offend actual Arabs, even though I don't plan on being offensive.

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