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Everything posted by Ramaeus

  1. The quintessential old man was TEP's Delegate once or twice.
  2. Quite interesting, thanks. I'll have to poke Todd to tell me about his role. Should be interesting to hear what he has to say.
  3. Pretty sure TEP would control anything related to NS bytecoins.
  4. Oh? This isn't a story I am too familiar with.
  5. Lol. It was stressful, especially when in consideration of some of the positions I was put in, but it was worth it. Most? D: Which one(s) have you been ignoring?
  6. Only for me. Hey, Elegarth! How are you? Hey, Llamas! Haha, well, that's not something I'd decide to do in a day, you know.
  7. Thanks for the welcome. Pestarzt: my RL will dictate my activity here.
  8. I'm Ramaeus from TEP (Xamaeus in TWP). I'm a former Delegate of TEP and am interested in getting to know our fellow feeders better. Who knows, I may get active here, too.
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