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Benjamin Henrikson

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Everything posted by Benjamin Henrikson

  1. Another update featuring two of our articles Henricism Shadoke Henrikson, Founder Henricism is the brainchild of Benjamin Henrikson, an idea that mixes many ideals from a multitude of ideologies to create a new, unique ideology that promotes equality in civil rights, and the ability to move up hierarchically in the political structure.    Expectations as a citizen Citizens must respect there neighburs even if there opinions differ, and should strive to keep the debate healthy and be as friendly as possible to those around you. When given the chance to vote, you must vote with honesty and should look to pick the best candidate and not let favoritism guide your vote. You are an Independent thinker and should pick who you think would do the best job. While your government may not make the best choices when you want something, you should always think about the fact that they are trying to reach a good middle ground between differing opinions on how things are done. When your government ceases to fit the needs of those it governs, it becomes a problem in which you should peacefully protest, and look to change. If they refuse to listen to your ideas and thoughts, they are not true Henricist and you should leave, and spread the word about their corruption. Expectations as a government official As a leader of the people, you must strive to act with extreme caution to avoid biased choices in your rulings. You should look to find the decision that makes the people the most happy. You must not abuse your powers, you are empowered by the people to serve the people. Make any decision knowing it is in the best interest of the people. When a citizen critiques the government, you must give a good thought to what this citizen is saying, and consider enacting the changes they want. If a citizen begins to hurt the region, you must be sure to give them a fair trial unless they are of immediate threat to the region. Basis of Society Henricism is most directy involved on the society base. It promotes social equality, while still allowing for personal growth and achievement politically. Henricism is usually politically a representative democracy, that supports voting to all citizens. The Ideology promotes a family closeness and loyalty to each other in the region, and loyalty to the region itself. Henricism justifies the expansion of the region by the means that the true society is corrupt, and does not work for the people. A Henricist, when occupying a region, should strive to help create a Henricist society and spread the peace to the region. You must take action against those who oppress there region, and follow the extremes of society. What is wrong with current ideologies Democracy is a corrupted idealogy because the government hides its actions from its people. It promotes favoritism on a large level, and does not do enough to help create a level field of opportunity for its people. It is very oppressive of the people around them. Communism is a corrupted idealogy because it implys an equal society, but leaves a poor lower class, and a very elite but small upper class. It limits the ability to move up in the world, and acts more like an oligarchy than a for the people government. Dictatorship is a corrupted idealogy because it leaves no power to the people. While it does promote efficiency in government, the positive of it ends there as it severely limits civil rights. Monarchy is a corrupted idealogy because it creates a major divide between the rich and poor, representing the former more clearly than the latter. Even when it is constitutional, it promotes the rich through a clear symbolic person being the Monarch. How Henricist Regions improve these faults The government should always be transparant in its dealing to its people. It should strive to demote favoritism and have the people make a decision based on who they think would do the best at the job at vote. Henricism treats every person equally, regardless of political, economical, and social status. This means a person who is not well off will receive the same punishment a founder would. Power is always to the people. The Ideal version of this is an executive branch that makes decisions when it is impractical to bring it to the Citizen Assembly. All major decisions that are not confidential should be made in the CA. IF something is confidential, it should be shared with the assembly onee it is safe to share. All class is extremely discouraged. Although divides will exist, it will not be termed and will be limited, making them only fractionally different, dissolving the separation but encouraging dedication to work. The Ashfort Summit: Crisis Avoided, Alliance Officiated Benjamin Henrikson, Founder On Monday, a meeting was created between Madrigal and The Empire of Tamriel. The agenda was Civil Rights, and Alliance.   Late last week, the Tamriel Delegate Viktor Mede released a statement on the RMB of his region, stating that all rights of citizens who weren’t WA would be terminated. I had been viewing the region at the time, doing some maintenance on our embassies, looking for dead regions to withdraw embassies with. After seeing the message I lodged my own declaring my objection to it,, stating my opinion, and that Madrigal would be very against it. He sent me a telegram saying he was taking the steps he needed to to save the region, as it was in danger. I questioned them further, and they kept diverting from the subject stating that we had no right and asking what I had done for the region. I replied, some angry telegrams were exchanged, before an apoligy was given. I then suggested that we both agreed to a diplomatic summit on the Madrigal forums, and they agreed. On Monday, the summit began and Harrisvile, Marelius, and I represented Madrigal, and Viktor Mede represented Tamriel to the Ashfort Summit. The name came from me as something to be original and nothing more to it.   The Summit opened and began with Madrigal stating that destroying the rights of the citizens wouldn’t help there problem, which was confirmed via telegram to be general decay from the region inactivity and that “noone took them seriously”. We explained to them that Madrigal had just gone through the same problems, and that only recruitment, recruitment, recruitment, would help, and that taking away rights would only lead to the downfall of their region.   We then progressed to draft and sign the alliance agreement: The Ashfort Doctrine   This Doctrine has been approved by both the parties of The Republic of Madrigal and The Empire of Tamriel and drafted by Benjamin Henrikson to officiate the alliance of the two parties. Under the agreement, the following parties have agreed to: > Mutually beneficial Military operations, Any mission that doesn’t include one of the parties hurting the other’s allies or treaties region. >Defense of each others territories in times of needs. This includes combating any forces that currently occupy the territory, regardless of each parties affiliation with the group. A diplomatic solution may be found as well, but force must be used if they do not withdraw forces.    After which, we voted and ratified the doctrine.   This all goes to show Madrigal’s comeback is not just a small burst of activity from a dead region, but a full blown resurection of the region that I, and the leaders of Madrigal, do not plan to leave for anything short of a DOS for the time being. Expect to hear from us from now on gameplay, we are back!   
  2. Yep If your still wanting an embassy, please sign up for one again
  3. Please change my username to Benjamin Henrikson? Or Ben if its available
  4. Ya I'm fine now, actually back to Madrigal long story short, some drama had been resolved. Anyways, an update! “All good things must come to an end” This is a common statement we hear pretty commonly in our world today. But, does any thing truly end, does the legacy and aftermath of the idea, person, place, or thing ever really fade from recognition? When WWII ended, the memory carried on even as the regime was dead. The aftermath of the holocaust as it came to be known would be felt throughout the world and taught to todays youth even after 70 some years. Germany still has restrictions in place for the Nazi regime actions. This philosophy pulls through for the Madrigal today. For approximately 3 ½ months, we sat dormant. But, like all good things, they truly never end, and the spark of hope of a native or two can lead to a wildfire of realization in the mission of a region. Enjoy the issue The MP-D Staff A Spark Benjamin Henrikson, Founder The day began like any other, I hadn't logged into Fiske Cahill for about three days, so I went in to see if anything had changed in Madrigal. As usual, a few CTEs and no RMB posts, but then I realised. I had I telegram on Fiske. Without a recruitment telegram circulating for Madrigal I knew this was someone contacting me instead of commenting on a telegram. So I opened the telegram. It was Isle of the Hidden warrior (Mad Professor as I came to know what he wanted to be called) asking for permission to do something on the minecraft server. I answered him and decided to jump on the server, not knowing till then it was still up. I did not start the server as it began before I became a founder. We got to talking and then I realized we did have a bit of activity under the surface in Madrigal, despite the to-the-grave nations, and cobwebby RMB. It made me happy to know my home wasn't devoid of people looking to see it live on.     I then decided to look towards working to restore the region, but I knew that the mafia government only kept the region above water and barely, 1 for 1 on new recruits and CTEs almost exactly. To improve our future, I looked to our past. Back when we had almost 150 population, our government ran under an executive founder and delegate, and an active cabinet of people, with the bright idea of democracy. The golden age for the region was then, and after Controlled Interests CTEd, the delegate at the time, the region began to slip, and slip hard. We stopped talking and went quite. The fun light hearted conversations the region enjoyed were no longer present. The decline gradually steepened, through Leningrad’s resignation, and Izwayla’s executive government. The golden days of Madrigal had passed. I decided that to reach those days again, we would need to incorporate the ideals that made Madrigal great in the first place. So began CORMA. CORMA, The Committee for the Reactivation of Madrigal, Was the brainchild of my idea to reactivate the region. I knew I could not do it alone, so the committee was formed. I first recruited Mad Professor and Marelius. Mad Professor offered to open a second minecraft server on the server he owned, and Marelius was a former government member of Madrigal who had bright ideas for the region. We drafted the Constitution, the Citizen App, and Embassy App. We also cleaned the region of inactive nations thought to be dieing puppets on Thursday, and went from 49 some nations to 19. Leningrad, Original founder of the republic, was recruited next to join the ranks of CORMA, and the foundry. Valrifell, a good friend of mine, offered to help us recruit and was also enlisted. Our committee of five then approached Ceirien, an ally of ours, with a merger proposal. The plans fell through, but NEO Rome, one of the Councilors of Ceirien, offered to pay stamps for a spot on the foundry. We accepted him as our 6th and final member for the time being. The only word I can think of to describe the Madrigal comeback, is bright. The movement has started, and now we can only wait to see how far we go with it.     Our population has jumped to 29 since Thursday, so whether or not we reach the golden age again only time will tell, but those within are striving, and that is what counts. [align=center]My Goals as DelegateHarrisvile, Delegate[/align] Hello, citizens and nations of Madrigal! As of a few days ago, I have been put into the position of the regional delegate, and what and honoured position it is. I plan on doing a lot in these upcomming months that will both improve this region, and the world, and to bring more nations into it, and make it overall more Utopian feeling. I plan on working with Fiske Cahill to expand our embassies with other regions, to help improve our relations with the world, and make it a more peaceful place to live in. But in case of an invasion, I will try to create a "standing army" of such, where i will have a few nations in this region who will be willing to constantly be on watch incase of an attack, and send them out on a raid to the attacking region. Like a great general said, if you want peace, prepare for war. I also want to grow our region back to it's prime. To do this, I shall begin a mass recruitment campaign starting on February, where once a week, I will send out a mass bunch of telegrams in order to boost the numbers of this region, and increase our power on a global scale. I will also begin to devlope the RP sector of this region, by creating a regional map, and starting RP threads. I believe the best way to keep a region active is to have a huge RP sector, and an interesting one at that. These RP's will range from wars, to sports, diplomatic conferences, to just general discussions on current events or whatever is on our minds. I also plan on working with Fiske Cahill to help devlope our regional government, and help fill positions through elections. Finally, I will use my powers for good, and try to help get WA and SC resolutuions which will help both our region and the entire NS world overall. Before voting on a certain resolution, I will make a poll, and ask you guys what option you think would be best for you, or everyone else; morally or politcally. Whichever option gets the most votes, I shall vote for. However, if you went with the other option, you can still vote for it if you want. We, together, can shape this world! Democracy, my lads! That is all for now. As being a long time member of this region (almost a year) I am so excited to finally be involved on such a grand level. I can only hope to make sure that everyone in this region is happy, and that it will have an impact on many other regions. Thank you for reading, and I wish you all a good morning/noon/afternoon/evening! The Madrigal Restoration!Aperonia, Speaker of the Legislator Well, it's been a long journey for Madrigal. After many months of the region struggling to survive with activity, founder, The Madrigal Gent of Benjamin Henrikson decided to purge the region of all inactive members and restore activity to the region. With the support of new Speaker of the Legislator, The Imperial Federation of Aperonia and new WA Delegate, Harrisville, Founder Benjamin is restoring the pride of Madrigal that it had early last year following the Viva la Revolucion of the CAS. New nations will be recruited into Madrigal and Madrigal will once again establish embassies with various foreign regions. It is expected that Madrigal will have a fairly decent future if Benjamin and his supporters keep up the activity and reform within the region. In the meantime, Speaker of the Legislature, Aperonia, will plan on reestablishing the Madrigal RP page in order to grow the Madrigal roleplaying community. Aperonia's dream of a Madrigal roleplay community is without end as he is determined to make a good roleplaying community. Regulations will be made to limit how a player can roleplay. A map of the region is being planned by Aperonia and will be drawn and made official for Madrigal. This is all we have to say for the Madrigal Restoration. May Madrigal propser once again! Hate to bother you, but we also have another forum because the person who took the founder from me screwed it up. http://s15.zetaboards.com/Madrigal/index/ I cannot get the topics because he deleted them Feel free to sign up for a new one though
  5. Update I: October 15 2014 Our lady of Sorrow A silent salute goes out towards the banners on the walls around The Feminist Region! Monday, the occupation in The Feminist Region came through another step towards refounding. This step was the application of the shiny lock on the “Move %nation% to The Feminist Region” That’s right, kids, a password! A special thanks to Bob Moran helping me get the password sooner by kicking some influence grabbers, and thanks to all involved for helping us make it this far! New Ranked Official I would like to welcome Trickshot to the family operation table. Trickshot is a dedicated raider who has worked for Sicarius and AOI, as well as TBR. He expressed interest in our region and for his experience jumped to Capo, which is the equivalent of officer in our family. Welcome Trickshot A Shiny New Forum In late September, I Shadoke decided to remake the forums because Zetaboards appealed to me more than our current forum provider, Forumotion. I recruited my real life friend Dwarmencia because of his coding talents to become an Admin on the site. After about four days, the forum was released to the Madrigal public and our allies. Military General Update Madrigal has been very blessed to work so many different organizations and I appreciate the ongoing support they give. We thank you all! A new Madrigal Raid Policy is being implemented, and stands as follows: Occupation: This is intended to be the main focus of any Madrigal raid. This is almost always our objective, going to the extent of refounding. Tagging: At the officers own discretion, I prefer not to as I see it as barely usefull, but if a captain wants to he may. Stealth: Implication of this technique I see as crucial. Therefore you may guess that this will be used quite often.
  6. The new forums are here now, http://w11.zetaboards.com/NS_Madrigal/index/ Do you want me to port over your last topics?
  7. I am no longer known as Dremaur, i now go by Shadoke. Could you change my name to Shadoke, please?
  8. Madrigal is in the process of changing its forums now. the former embassy by God-Emperor will be carried over.
  9. Kleomentia is Elected as our President Author: Dremaur Its been awhile since we have had a WA Delegate, what with the CTEing of our old one, Controlled Interest, But today our region came alive again with Kleomentia winning the election in a landslide. Kleo has made some grand promises to what he will bring to the region, and only time will tell if he can live up to his word. The Election Wrap-Up
  10. Kleomentia is Elected as our President Author: Dremaur Its been awhile since we have had a WA Delegate, what with the CTEing of our old one, Controlled Interest, But today our region came alive again with Kleomentia winning the election in a landslide. Kleo has made some grand promises to what he will bring to the region, and only time will tell if he can live up to his word. The Election Wrap-Up
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