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Republik Hintonia

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Posts posted by Republik Hintonia

  1. Greetings, one and all, and welcome to Hintonia. This year we celebrate our tenth year of officially being independent! This is a day of great importance to our people and we hope some people outside of Hintonia will come and visit! See the awe inspiring views of Ligers hopping gracefully throughout the extensive Forests and gungles of the Trajjah Forest! Visit the winding mountain top of the inactive volcano, Mt. Heita! And most importantly, take part in the festivals and revelry together with the local populace in a sense of kinship and celebration. The following are offered to all tourists visiting during the Founding Week celebrations!

    Free food, as much as you want! Enjoy some exotic swan patties!

    Options of purchasing postcards and buying commemerative pins and gifts from the Capital!

    Visit the rodeo in Founding Father Square, going on all day and night! (tickets not provided, must purchase at gate)

    Visit the Hintonia Museum and take a tour, learning of the founding and early years of our prospering nation!

    Visit the Hintonia Technological Exhibit at 23rd Trajjah Lane!

    Do all this and more during Founding Week in Hintonia! Make friends and make memories all along the way. (Note: all aforementioned services only available in the Capital. Direct transit to the Capital only allowed to those who have a valid in date passport and a stamp indicating they've payed the entry fee.)

    Have a great timel

  2. After a suspicious amount of people voting for a bill proposed by a member of the Senate, the opposite party hired private detectives to investigate the potential causes for this. As it turns out... 13 out of the 16 who voted for the bill were women.

    The private company delved deeper into the causes for this seemingly woman majority. The bill itself was on economic and land reform, not particularly beneficial to one sex or the other. After asking one of these women why she voted for the bill, and a little money to convince her to confess, she said she'd been sleeping with the senator who proposed the bill.

    This woman was already married, but it's even worse. After yet more quiet bribes, 8 other women admitted to sleeping with the same senator. And as a favor, he asked them all to vote for his bill in the Senate.

    The Senator in question is famous socialist Paulrice de Gaffe, and he's been formerly confronted about his goings in the Senate. When told about 9 of 13 confessing to sleep with him, he dismissed it as the opposition bribing them to fabricate dirt on him, which was half true. The women were bribed, but bribed to tell the truth and not fabricate a claim.

    4 out of the 9 of the women were married, and de Gaffe was engaged. After hearing all this explode on the news, the husband's of the 4 women have started divorce proceedings and denounced de Gaffe as a womanizer. As for de Gaffe, when he next saw his fiance, he was promptly kicked in a very tender spot, as a bit of karma.

    This scandal is sure to severely hurt de Gaffe's chances of being reelcted, and be a rallying point for de Gaffe's oponents, namely the President Markeretik himself. Sadly, the President refused to comment on the scandal.

  3. Nation name: Republik (of) Hintonia

    3-Letter Code:   HIN                               2-Letter Code:  HN

    Capital City: Hintonia City

    Government Type: Representative Democracy


    The population of my nation is: Average


    The GDP per capita of my nation is: Above Average


    Government Spending - Which statement best describes your nation?


    My nation provides moderate social programs, or a small selection of social programs. 


    My nation has an extensive social safety net, or provides multiple programs like universal healthcare, welfare, and free tuition for its citizens 


    My nation does not provide social programs beyond bare necessities and/or high school educations. 


    My nation does not prioritize social spending, but engages in some large-scale government or public spending projects. 


    My nation’s government spending is a vast majority of our GDP, such as having to coordinate our import-dependent economy.
    (this option is subject to Cartography Board approval)


    Military Indicator - Which statement best describes your nation?


    My nation has made a commitment to security, and maintains a moderately sized modern armed forces within our means. 


    My nation has little incentive or political drive for military spending, but maintains a small-to-moderate modern armed forces. 


    My nation has prioritized military spending at the expense of other key areas and may have been criticized for lack of freedom or human rights issues. 


    My nation does not prioritize military spending due to other priorities, the belief we are safe, or we don’t have enough money left over to fund it. 


    My nation is heavily embattled and we believe we face an existential threat.
    (this option is subject to Cartography Board approval) 

  4. Nation name: Republik (of) Hintonia

    Discord name:Republik Hintonia (US EST)

    A short paragraph about your nation: This is a multi ethnic, multi racial nation established by settlers from all across the pacific area desiring greater freedom and control over their own fates. The capital, founded by Markeretik Hintonia, is the first place they settled. The settlers decided to name the country after their leader

    Map request as a png:


  5. I, Republik Hintonia, swear that I have, to the best of my knowledge, been completely truthful in applying for citizenship in The West Pacific and that I have no other NationStates identity that has not been made known in this application. I swear my allegiance to The West Pacific and its citizens, and I swear not to engage in hostilities against The West Pacific or to violate The Manners of Governance, or any laws made pursuant to it.

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