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  • Birthday 09/18/2003

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  • Location
    Muscatine, Iowa
  • Interests
    Playing nationsgame. Joining this forum as a excuse to continue my harassment insults with TWP (failed). Enjoying my summer vacation. My school when I go back in August. P.S I go to special EDS because as mentioned I'm autistic and have autism. I mean why else would I create a Nation called Autistic Casmar? I hate TWP. Anyways other interested stuff is playing with fidget toys, watching TV especially The Fairly odd Parents, thinking about my dad Marshal Palmer, joining this game so I can harass or insult members through my about me thing. Sending links to non existent sites, My older brother Tyler, my mom Cassandra Alexander, my city of Muscatine, Iowa, my toddlerhood, myself, my gender, My future career, hackers and many more.

    Things I hate, TWP, tornadoes, justin Beiber, sience, Japan, UK, Russia, Taiwan, singing out loud, speeches in front of a large crowd, being in a LARGE CROWD, having my blood taken, Bill wade, shurley, Bill Nye, bullies, people who ignore me, being yelled at, certain types of cheese or dairy, capitalism, modern day turkey because Ottoman Empire was better, mustafa Kemal ataturk, ISIS, Joseph stallin, confederate states of America, non shooter games, people who boss me, spammers, NationStates, girl tennagers who are mean to me, NS moderators and many more.

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  1. Kid, you need help. I understand that an autistic child has some problems that affects one's ability to communicate and think appropriately, but those dreams of you crushing us in real life is bordering along the lines of insanity. I know you're mad about being banned from NS, but it was your fault not ours. You were banned for attempting to hack into one's account, harassing the nations of TWP with TGs about your banjections,and spamming the "Get Help" page. It is not our fault that we pushed those circumstances to you. Rather, it is your fault for taking that path and not walking the high road. Look, I know an autistic friend. He also can't think straight and sometimes blurts out the most inappropriate words. I understand that sometimes, you can't really make the best choices with your affliction.But I still believe that it doesn't justify your actions against us and your decisions right now. What I'm asking you is to please stop and embrace the truth that it is not our fault for your IP block, but it is yours. I'm sorry if this seems to harsh, but just know that I'm trying to help you understand.

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