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Prole Confederation/Vadia

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Everything posted by Prole Confederation/Vadia

  1. The president of the US has a Vice-President, and then there is a Secretary of State. So too do we have a Minister of Interior and A Vice-Minister, but sadly no Secretary of Interior Affairs. To be honest with the wonderful people of this wonderful region, the result poll results have me anxious and a bit unsure. I know where to start, but I to a degree am having issues processing all of the data I must compile, to do what the region deserves. The community is asking for a number of new threads, video series, and even the passing on of my two D&D campaigns to someone who isn't bored by magic. We also have a strong demand for a new sci-fi setting and campaign, which I am overly excited to start on, but which requires a lot of work on my art to keep it diverse and yet still simple enough to understand with ease. To be fair, I am swarming with ideas, am just as capable as ever, and I am eager to really give it my all.... But I am also really feeling anxious, tired, stressed, unsure, lost, and negative about people in general (Including myself). Content is regularly added and the region is dolling on praise, but I am stuck knowing that I could do a lot better. I feel like I have no idea what I am doing, and mostly it's because there isn't anyone to go over the plans and operations with. It's pretty much like planning a battle, getting the funding for it, and then waging it yourself. In other words, I need a warm body bounce ideas off of and help me make decisions, when I am too overfilled with information to even human. Anyone up for it? The perks are there. "The Bureaucracy is expanding to meet the needs of the expanding Bureaucracy"
  2. Citizenship Application Instructions: Copy and paste the information below into the Citizenship thread. Once you are approved, you will be considered a citizen of The West Pacific and a member of The Hall of Nations. Nation in The West Pacific: World Assembly (WA) Nation: Please list any other names or aliases you use in NationStates: Please list regions or organizations with which you are currently affiliated as a resident, citizen, or member: Lazarus, The West Pacific, Dominion of Tartarus Please list regions or organizations with which you have in the past been affiliated as a resident, citizen, or member: Above, New Hyperion, Hyperion, Auralia, Das Imperium Would you like to join (check all that you wish to join)... [ ] The West Pacific Armed Forces [ ] Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ambassador Corp [ ] The West Pacifican Newspaper Staff [ ] Ministry of Recruitment and Citizenry Staff [ X] Ministry of Internal Affairs Staff Please swear the following oath of citizenship: I, Prole Confederation, swear that I have, to the best of my knowledge, been completely truthful in applying for citizenship in The West Pacific and that I have no other NationStates identity that has not been made known in this application. I swear my allegiance to The West Pacific and its citizens, and I swear not to engage in hostilities against The West Pacific or to violate The Manners of Governance, the constitution of The West Pacific, or any laws made pursuant to that constitution.
  3. Pacific Pleasure Cruise Boat Six 30 minutes later Several large duffel-bags were stuffed with money,credit cards, and jewelry, which was stuffed in a room with several hostages. Another one of the boarders was killed and picked clean by the other members, while the remaining security-guards were killed or scared into hiding. So far over 30 passengers had died and over 20 had been wounded, wound counts being low as most shots were to kill and fire fired in bursts. Many of those who were taken hostage or had escaped some shooting, had ringing in their ears, as the gunshots echoed in the hallways. Many of those who died were left alone, with no one able to drag them out of the hallways or rooms they died in. Bodies were all over the place, spread out over the massive ship. "Quite a take we have here." One of the boarders said, looking for more people to mug. "Yeah, much a pretty pen...Sh**!" The other replied. Several people tried to rush one of them from behind with knives and weapons, one of them managing to close the distance as the rest of the boarders started firing. The boarder screamed out a growl, as he leaned against the wall from the vicious cut. Seven more passengers were now dead in the struggle, and it seemed the rest wouldn't resist. A dozen minutes later, the speakers all over the ship blared. "The next person who attempts to attack us, will result in another massacre." The message blared, "The next ten minutes, any people that are found will be killed." Everyone tried to get as far away from the boarders as they could, even if it meant hiding in the engine room or running for their lives. The scary thing was, if only 80 people died, then 99% of the people who were aboard would live. Would it be a tragedy or a statistic if the count kept going up?
  4. Pacific Pleasure Cruise Boat Six The beautiful vessel sailed along in the middle of the West Pacific, just inside international waters. The patrons wined and dined, some of them danced, and others played video games on the third floor competitively. The security guards watched and waited, confident that this would be another peaceful cruise, the last year or so had been so boring for the West Pacific. There were so many passengers, the boat was beautiful, and the pool at the top hosted the most fun water-polo anyone had ever had. Plenty of lifeboats were to be had, the vessel was in strong condition, and this voyage alone would make a small fortune for PPC. It was a beautiful dusk and a few couples watched the sunset, as they dreamily cuddled close. Then a head popped over the edge of the front of the vessel, followed by a handgun. Another head and another showed up, one of the passengers screamed. A security guard fired at the first boarder, who promptly let go and fell back into the water, a round having gone clear though his scuba mask. A series of silenced shots rang out, barely loud enough to be anything more then a muffled thud sound, as the security guard slumped into the deck in a pile of blood. "GET DOWN ON THE GROUND AND BE QUIET!" One of boarders roared out, wearing a wet-suit and packing a silenced pistol. Three boarders took cover as the passengers scrambled to the ground, a few trying to get away. One of the boarders promptly shot someone running away and roared out. "GET THE F*** DOWN OR I WILL SHOOT YOU NEXT!" He bellowed, "The next person who moves is getting their brains blown out!" A few children sobbed softly into their parents, or the ground, along with various frightened adults. Fire quickly was exchanged between more security guards, packing Glock 17s and wearing uniforms. Another boarder climbed onto the desk and got out his short barreled, stockless shotgun and removed the plastic around his weapon. A loud shot rang out and one of the boarders hit the ground in a pile of blood, before the boarder with the shot gun returned fire. A 12 gauge slug landed close to where the sniper was with the PSG, having mounted an ACOG sight to his weapon. "Come on, we got to go!" The boarder with the shotgun called out, "Grab him and start dragging, we need to get to the side of the boat!" The two of them moved towards a door and got it open, before dragging the body a bit more and setting it down. "You stay here, I am going to go meet team two." The shotgun boarder ordered. The man with the shotgun went down the row and began setting life-boats loose. A few people tried to escape, but a grenade he threw took care of them. Another group was stopped with a few slugs and they quickly took off to hide. The lone man by the body locked the door and planted C4 on it, before taking cover behind the dead man. He pointed his handgun at the door and held the detonator in his other hand. As a second team climbed on board via grappling hook, carrying Kevlar body armor, helmets, and G36Cs; the C4 was detonated on a team of security guards trying to get in. Over the next ten minutes, hostages were taken and forced into a room, where the man with the shotgun and silenced handgun would stay, while the team of hardened killers with G36Cs, went off to finish off the remaining security guards. A few more teams soon boarded the ship, putting five teams in all aboard and making the most of the chaos. Some of the people who got into the lifeboats managed to escape, while others had rounds put into the boats so they started to leak. At the top of the cruise vessel, the captain stood by the helicopter landing pad and radioed, even made some calls, for any kind of help they could get.
  5. You heard me right! Beef stew for everyone! You get beef stew, you get beef stew, everyone gets beef stew! Hello, I am Prole Confederation, most commonly known as Vadia, Doppio Giudici, and Pentaga Giudici. Yay name chances due to political reforms! Yay having to explain to people all four nations are the same people! #IAlsoHaveAKickassArmsDealership #SuperGoodAtRPAndCanTeachOthers #DepressedButPoweringThrough #IHateMyMom Man, the hashtag addiction is real! Oh yeah....Um...Hi? Hello? New here? I once worked with the TWP this one time against GGR, but that was like four years ago.
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