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The Birth of The Royal Urchin

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      The Royal Urchin, a beautiful island nation. Sandy beaches, clear waters, blue skies, a cool breeze, beautiful nature, stunning wild life, one could say it's paradise.

      But, how was this beautiful country founded?

      Archibald McMan was a spry young man. Born somewhere on the continent of Aura on September twenty eighth, 1225. Little is known about his life on Aura, as he was a very secretive man. On his eighteenth birthday, he and a group of friends had boarded a merchants vessel. They'd had hoped that they could travel the world and see beautiful things. And for awhile, they did. Archibald and his friends visited countless nations and encountered many new faces. He went wherever the wind would take him.

      One night though, when staying in a small newly founded country, Archibald decided to go on a walk. As he walked in the dark, cold, and dead night. He had felt a strange feeling. Like he wasn't alone. Like he was being watched. Like he was being, hunted. By the time he figured it out, he was too late.


      Archibald was hit on the back of his head, knocking him out instantly. When he woke up, he was once again on the vast open sea. Though this time, instead of being with his friends, he was being held by a group of pirates. He wasn't alone though, there were countless others just like him, Who had been stolen, taken from their friends, who had been kidnapped in their own homes, who had been terrified for their lives. 

      So, the pirates put Archibald to work. So silently he worked. He hadn't known how long it was. It could have been days, weeks, months, years even. He just worked, but as he worked, he watched silently. Like an Owl in the night. Slowly he learned all about their operation. Where the pirates sold slaves, where they bought and sold cargo, what their hierarchy was. Archibald was smart, charismatic too.

      Over time, he formed a plan. He gained the trusts of his fellow slaves and started a movement. They would overpower the pirates and take the ship. On the night of their operation, the night where they were to gain their freedom, tragedy struck. 

      A rat in their ranks. Somebody had told the pirates all about Archibald's plan. In response, the pirates threw the slaves overboard. Into the cold dark waters of the night. Archibald was rendered unconscious in all the commotion.

      By the time he came around, he found himself washed up on a deserted tropical island. Though, he wouldn't let this tear him down. In fact, it was a new beginning. Quickly he gathered himself and his thoughts. He ran around the island, looking for anyone else who may have washed up on the shore. Gathering any survivors he could, saving many people in the process.

      Because of his ability to stay calm and collected in tough spots, his ability to lead, and his charisma. Archibald was able to lay down the foundations of what The Royal Urchin is today. 

      Archibald McMan passed away on December 28th, 1299. Just days after The Royal Urchin was officially founded as an Island Nation on December 26th 1899.  Because of Archibald's strength and sacrifices, The Royal Urchin is as successful as it is today.

      Archibald story is told from a collection of writings, stories, pictures, and more collected from the Citizens of the Royal Urchin

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