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  1. NGO's NGOs play a crucial role in addressing various societal challenges and advancing the well-being of its citizens. These nonprofit organizations serve as catalysts for positive change, working in diverse areas such as humanitarian aid, education, healthcare, civil rights, environmental conservation, interfaith cooperation, and more. Through collaboration with the government and local communities, NGOs contribute to social development, foster inclusivity, and promote sustainable practices, making them integral partners in building a prosperous and harmonious society. NGO funding NGOs may be funded through various sources, depending on their size, scope, and mission - Public Donations: NGOs often rely on individual donors who contribute money or resources to support their cause. - Corporate Donations: Businesses may provide financial support or in-kind donations to NGOs as part of their corporate social responsibility initiatives. - Government Grants: Funding may be available from government agencies or international organizations for specific projects or programs. - Legacies/Wills: NGOs may maintain endowment funds or invest in income-generating assets to support their long-term sustainability. - Charity/Fundraising Events: Some may organize fundraising events, such as galas, charity auctions, or walkathons, to generate funds. - Membership Fees: Membership-based NGOs may collect fees from their members to support their activities. - Earned Income: Some NGOs generate revenue through activities like selling merchandise, offering training programs, or providing consulting services. Notable NGO's in Apexiala Name Theme Info Bridge of Hope Humanitarian A humanitarian organization providing essential aid, education, and community development support to refugees and displaced populations, focusing on fostering hope and resilience. Centre for Language and Learning (CLL) Education An international organization promoting the learning of languages, and advocating for the promotion of linguistic diversity and preservation of endangered languages. Civil Rights Defenders Civil Rights An NGO offering legal aid and advocacy for victims of human rights violations and civil rights abuses, and fighting against injustices. Council for Cooperation on Scientific Research (CCSR) Science, Research An organization fostering scientific collaboration, research, and knowledge-sharing among scientists and researchers across borders, covering themes of scientific advancement and technological innovation. Cultural Exchange Council (CEC) Culture A nonprofit promoting cultural exchange and understanding through arts, language programs, and international festivals. Cultural Heritage Foundation (CHF) Cultural Heritage An NGO focused on the preservation and protection of cultural heritage sites, traditions, and intangible cultural expressions. EcoGuardians Nature A global environmental NGO focused on conservation and sustainable practices to protect endangered species and their habitats. Freedom Watch Journalism A press freedom NGO working to protect journalists' rights, promote media independence, and defend freedom of expression in regions with restricted press freedoms. Free Press Agency (FPA) Journalism A nonprofit organization that is dedicated to providing unbiased fact-based news reporting with very highest journalistic integrity. Global Alliance International Cooperation An NGO engaging international leaders and coordinating communities in joint efforts to address global challenges, such as poverty, hunger, and environmental issues on an international scale. Global Education Initiative (GEI) Education A nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing education worldwide, fostering literacy, and promoting access to quality education for all. Global Medical Relief Fund (GMRF) Humanitarian, Healthcare A nonprofit providing funding and resources for healthcare facilities and coordinating medical response teams sent to natural disasters. Harmony Shelter A social welfare network that runs shelters and rehabilitation programs for individuals affected by domestic violence and abuse. Haven Shelter An organization offering outreach programs, food distribution, and transitional housing to people experiencing homelessness. Healthcare Access Alliance (HAA) Healthcare An organization working to address health disparities and inequities through research, policy advocacy, and community engagement. Hope Medical Foundation (HMF) Healthcare A medical humanitarian aid NGO deploying mobile health clinics and relief teams to conflict zones, natural disaster responses, and underserved areas, providing medical care to those in need. Human Rights Council (HRC) Human Rights An NGO dedicated to setting expected standards of human rights, assessing nations against their commitments to human rights, investigating and exposing human rights abuses worldwide, and advocating for justice and accountability. Institute for Automobile Safety Testing (IAST) Automobiles An organization dedicated to conducting research, comprehensive crash testing, and rating vehicles based on their safety performance to ensure they meet the highest safety standards. International Development Foundation (IDF) International Cooperation A nonprofit organization that facilitates partnerships between countries, promoting sustainable development, and sharing expertise and resources. International Health and Research Institute (IHRI) Healthcare A nonprofit organization conducting medical and health-related research to improve healthcare practices globally. InterFaith Religion An organization promoting mutual respect and cooperation among various faith-based communities, emphasizing shared values and social responsibility, encouraging joint community service projects, and breaking down barriers. Ocean Keepers Nature A marine conservation NGO working to protect and restore coral reefs, marine life, and ocean ecosystems through research, advocacy and restoration programs. Refugee Alliance Humanitarian A refugee support NGO offering humanitarian aid, resettlement assistance, and advocacy for displaced individuals and families seeking safety and protection. Research for Tomorrow (RFT) Research A nonprofit organization supporting innovative research projects and future technologies in various scientific disciplines. Star Seekers (SS) Astronomy An astronomy and space exploration NGO that organizes stargazing events and educational programs to inspire interest in science and the cosmos. Wildlife Conservation International (WCI) Wildlife An NGO focused on monitoring vulnerable species globally, and promoting conservation efforts to tackle the risk of extinction faced by endangered species. Wildlife Rescue Alliance (WRA) Wildlife A collaborative network of organizations focused on rescuing and rehabilitating injured and endangered wildlife, and working towards their release back into the wild
  2. Business Daily - Environmental Sustainability interview with Keira Tano Business Daily June 1423 Sefo Wils, Senior Reporter Business Daily Keira Tano, Senior Advisor for Environmental Sustainability Bureau of Environmental Sustainability Sefo Wils: Welcome to today's special interview on environmental sustainability. I'm Sefo Wils, Senior Reporter for Business Daily, and joining me today is Keira Tano, the Senior Advisor for Environmental Sustainability from the Bureau of Environmental Sustainability. Welcome, Keira. Thank you for joining us today. Keira Tano: Good morning, Sefo. Thank you for having me. It's a pleasure to be here and discuss the crucial topic of environmental sustainability. I appreciate the opportunity to shed light on the government's efforts and initiatives in this field. Sefo Wils: Keira, let's start by discussing the importance of environmental sustainability and its impact on society and future generations. How would you describe the significance of prioritizing environmental sustainability in our current context, and what are the potential consequences if we neglect this responsibility? Keira Tano: Thank you for the question, Sefo. Environmental sustainability is of paramount importance for our society and the well-being of future generations. By prioritizing sustainability, we ensure the responsible management of our natural resources, protect ecosystems, and mitigate the impacts of climate change. Neglecting this responsibility could lead to severe consequences. We risk depleting essential resources, compromising biodiversity, and exacerbating climate-related challenges such as extreme weather events and rising sea levels. Additionally, it could hinder economic development, impact public health, and create social inequalities. It is our duty to act now and ensure a sustainable and prosperous future that everyone in Apexiala can enjoy. Sefo Wils: Could you tell us about specific initiatives and policies that the government has implemented or plans to implement in order to meet these goals? Keira Tano: Absolutely, Sefo. The government, through the Bureau of Environmental Sustainability, has been actively working to promote eco-friendliness, protect the environment, prevent climate change, and preserve biodiversity. We have implemented a range of initiatives and policies to address these critical issues. For instance, we have introduced stricter regulations on carbon emissions, encouraging industries to adopt cleaner technologies and reduce their environmental footprint. We have also initiated renewable energy programs, incentivizing the transition to clean and sustainable energy sources. To protect biodiversity, we have established protected areas and nature reserves, ensuring the preservation of fragile ecosystems and the species that depend on them. Additionally, we have implemented waste management strategies, promoting recycling, reducing waste generation, and encouraging sustainable consumption patterns. These are just a few examples of the comprehensive approach we are taking to promote environmental sustainability across various sectors. We remain committed to continually evaluating and updating our policies to meet the evolving challenges and ensure a greener and more sustainable future for our nation. Sefo Wils: Keira, I'd like to delve further into the government's efforts to transition towards renewable and sustainable energy sources. Could you provide some insights into the specific measures being taken in this regard? How is the Bureau of Environmental Sustainability contributing to this transition? Keira Tano: Certainly, the Bureau of Environmental Sustainability recognizes the importance of transitioning to renewable and sustainable energy sources. We are actively exploring various avenues to achieve this goal. Firstly, we have been conducting geothermal surveys to assess the viability and potential of geothermal energy as a future source of energy. Preliminary findings have been promising, and we are providing government grants to support research and development in this sector. Additionally, we have been expanding wind farms both on land and at sea, as these continue to be highly eco-sustainable and successful in generating clean energy. Wind power continues to provide a growing contribution towards meeting our energy needs while reducing carbon emissions and minimising our dependency on fossil fuels. Furthermore, the government is in the early stages of planning a new nuclear power plant. While some may have reservations about nuclear energy, we believe that clean nuclear power can play a significant role in our energy mix. It offers the advantage of low carbon emissions and a consistent energy supply, making it a valuable component of a diverse and sustainable energy portfolio. In line with our commitment to environmental sustainability, the Bureau of Environmental Sustainability has also rejected new licenses for oil exploration and fracking. These decisions were made to protect our ecosystems, water sources, and mitigate the potential environmental risks associated with these activities. We believe it is crucial to prioritize the long-term well-being of our environment and communities over short-term gains. Through these measures and more, the government and the Bureau of Environmental Sustainability are actively working to transition to renewable and sustainable energy sources, ensuring a cleaner and greener future for our nation. Sefo Wils: Keira, some critics argue that being too strict on regulations and sustainability measures may impose economic risks. They claim that stringent environmental regulations could hinder economic growth and competitiveness. How does the government address these concerns? Keira Tano: It's a valid concern, and one that we take seriously. We understand that balancing environmental sustainability with economic growth is a delicate task. While stringent regulations may have short-term costs, I firmly believe that the long-term benefits outweigh these concerns. The government recognizes that businesses may face additional compliance costs and operational challenges due to environmental regulations. However, it is also crucial to consider the potential risks of not being strict enough. Failing to address environmental concerns can lead to severe consequences such as environmental degradation, resource depletion, and the exacerbation of climate change. These risks can have far-reaching economic implications, including increased costs due to natural disasters, loss of ecosystem services, and negative impacts on public health and well-being. Moreover, by taking a "hands-off" approach to environmental sustainability, we risk falling behind in the global transition towards greener economies. Many countries and businesses are embracing sustainable practices and renewable energy, creating new markets and opportunities for innovation. By prioritizing sustainability, Apexiala can continue to have pride in itself for being at the forefront of these emerging industries and foster economic growth and job creation in sectors such as renewable energy, clean technology, and sustainable agriculture. It's important to strike a balance, and the government is committed to working collaboratively with industries and stakeholders to develop practical and achievable regulations that protect the environment while also considering the economic implications. Through dialogues, incentives, and partnerships, we aim to foster a sustainable and prosperous economy that benefits both present and future generations. Sefo Wils: Keira, there is growing interest in the transition to electric vehicles and reducing reliance on internal combustion engines (ICE). Are there any plans in place to limit or prohibit the sales of cars with ICE or to insist that all new vehicles must be electric? Keira Tano: Thank you for raising this important topic, Sefo. The government recognizes the importance of a more diversified mix of vehicle propulsion for a sustainable transportation sector. While there are significant advantages to electric vehicles, such as utilizing clean electricity over fossil fuels and producing zero harmful emissions, we have not yet committed to a specific timeline for phasing out ICE vehicles. It is true that electric vehicles offer a promising pathway toward reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving air quality. However, it is important to address the reservations surrounding their production. The extraction of rare earth minerals required for electric vehicle batteries can have negative environmental consequences. The government is actively exploring ways to promote responsible sourcing of these minerals and minimize environmental impacts associated with their extraction. I think it is very reassuring to see many more Apexialans are becoming ever more environmentally conscious and making their own personal choices to opt for sustainable forms of transportation, including electric vehicles. Consumer demand plays a significant role in driving market innovation and creating a sustainable transport ecosystem. Ultimately, our goal is to foster an environment where various options for cleaner transportation are available, including electric vehicles, while addressing the environmental challenges associated with their production and ensuring a sustainable and efficient transportation system for the future. Sefo Wils: Could you shed some light on the government's efforts to raise public awareness about environmental sustainability and engage people in adopting eco-friendly practices? Keira Tano: Certainly, I think as Apexialans we are quite lucky to always be surrounded by nature and to have such amazing biodiversity and that helps us all to place a high value on our environment. However it is something that all too often we may take for granted and forget the real impact that our actions have on the environment around us. One of our key strategies is the implementation of public awareness campaigns. These campaigns aim to educate the public about the importance of environmental sustainability, the impacts of individual actions on the environment, and the steps we can all take to reduce our ecological footprint. We collaborate with media outlets, educational institutions, and community organizations to amplify the reach and effectiveness of these campaigns. Additionally, we have developed educational programs that focus on environmental sustainability at various levels, from schools to community centers. These programs aim to instill environmental values, knowledge, and skills in the younger generation, empowering them to become future stewards of our planet. Furthermore, we actively engage with community groups, non-governmental organizations, and businesses to collaborate on environmental projects and initiatives. By fostering partnerships and involving various stakeholders, we create a sense of shared responsibility and collective action towards environmental sustainability. It is through these combined efforts of public awareness campaigns and educational programs that we strive to engage citizens, empower communities, and encourage sustainable practices. I believe that by working together, we can make a significant positive impact on our environment and ensure a sustainable future for all. Sefo Wils: Thank you, Keira, for sharing your valuable insights on sustainability, we appreciate your time and expertise in shedding light on these important matters. Keira Tano: Thank you, Sefo, and Business Daily, for having me. It has been a pleasure to discuss environmental sustainability and the government's commitment to protecting our planet. I encourage everyone to play an active role in adopting eco-friendly practices and supporting sustainable initiatives. Together, we can make a significant difference in preserving our environment for future generations
  4. Government Departments Dept of Finance Director of Finance Responsible for developing and implementing fiscal policies, managing government debt, and controlling government spending Office for Treasury Office for Financial Conduct Office for Financial Research Office for Financial Sanctions Office for National Investment Fund Dept. of Defense Director of Defense Responsible for protecting national security, developing and implementing military policies and strategies, managing the armed forces, overseeing national defense operations, and maintaining military readiness Office for Army Office for Air Force Office for Navy Office for Defense Intelligence Office for Security Services Dept of Justice Director of Justice Responsible for enforcing the law and administering justice, including prosecuting criminal cases, representing the government in legal matters, managing prisons and correctional facilities, and providing legal advice and support to other government agencies and departments Office for Courts Office for Legal Counsel Office for Legal Services Office for Criminal Prosecutions Office for Prisons Office for Probation Services Office for Civil Rights Dept of Home Affairs Director of Home Affairs Responsible for Domestic affairs including Borders, Immigration, Policing, Fire, Search & Rescue and Counter Terrorism Office for Border Control Office for Counter Terrorism Office for Fire Service Office for Immigration & Citizenship Office for Domestic Intelligence Office for Police Service Office for Search & Rescue Dept of Foreign Affairs Director of Foreign Affairs Responsible for managing foreign policy and diplomatic relations with other nations and international organizations. Representing the country in negotiations, treaties, and other international agreements Office for Diplomatic Relations Office for Foreign Intelligence Office for Tourism Dept of Administration Director of Administration Responsible for collecting & maintaining data and data systems, statistics, administering Elections & Census and issuing Passports, ID's, Driving Licenses and Firearms & Explosives Licenses Office for Audits Office for Births, Deaths & Marriage Records Office for Business Registry Office for Census Office for Charities Office for Driving Licences Office for Elections Office for Firearms & Explosives Licenses Office for Land Registry Office for Passports & ID Office for Statistics Dept of Standards & Regulations Director of Standards & Regulations Responsible for setting and enforcing standards to improve outcomes, as well as making recommendations for new laws that may be necessary Office for Advertising Standards Office for Animal Welfare Standards Office for Automotive Manufacturing Standards Office for Business & Trading Standards Office for Construction Standards Office for Employment Standards Office for Equality Standards Office for Financial Standards Office for Food Standards Office for Health & Safety Standards Office for Market Competition Office for Media Standards Office for Medical Standards Office for Privacy Standards Office for Professional Standards Dept of Commerce Director of Commerce Responsible for promoting economic growth and development, supporting innovation and entrepreneurship, protecting intellectual property rigths Office for Business Office for Copyright & Patents Office for International Trade Trade Apexiala Dept of Labour & Revenue Director of Labour & Revenue Responsible for maximising Employment, collecting Taxes & distributing Pensions & Welfare Office for Employment Office for Tax Office for Pensions Office for Welfare Dept of Health Director of Health Responsible for the provision of Health Services, Disease Control & Drug classification/authorisation Apexiala Health Service (AHS) Office for Controlled Substances Office for Disability Assistance Office for Disease Control Office for Drug Rehabilitation Office for Medical Services Office for Mental Health Office for Social Services Dept of Education Director of Education Responsible for developing and managing education standards and curricula, overseeing educational research and statistics, administering educational grants and loans, and providing technical assistance and resources to schools, colleges, and universities Office for Schools Office for University Office for Qualifications Dept of Science, Research & Technology Director of Science, Research & Technology Responsible for the advancement of Science, Research & Technology Office for Marine Science Office for Medical Research Office for Chemistry Office for Biology Office for Physics Office for Geology Office for Space: Atmosphere, Astronomy & Astrophysics Office for AI Research Dept of Transport & Infrastructure Director of Transport & Infrastructure Responsible for the Construction & Maintenance of Transport Infrastructure & Networks, and the provision of Transport Services Office for Roads Office for Buses Office for Trains Office for Underground Rail/Subway Office for Aviation Authority Office for Airports, Harbours & Ports Apexiala Airways Dept of Energy Infrastructure Director of Energy Infrastructure Responsible for the Construction & Maintenance of Energy Infrastructure, and ensuring energy security Office for Electricity Office for Gas Office for Fuels Dept of Environment & Wildlife Director of Environment & Wildlife Responsible for protecting the environment, wildlife and natural resources Office for Environmental Protection Office for Marine Management Office for Weather Services Office for Climate Change Prevention Office for Wildlife Services Office for Natural Resources Dept of Culture Director of Culture Responsible for the provision of Sports & Cultural facilities and maximising engagement in Sports & Cultural arts Office for Museums Office for Sports & Leisure Office for Culture & Heritage Dept of Agriculture Director of Agriculture Responsible for developing and implementing policies and programs related to agricultural production, food security, animal and plant health. Managing agricultural research programs, developing rural infrastructure, and managing environmental sustainability Bureau of Livestock Management Dept of Housing & Urban Development Director of Housing & Urban Development Responsible for developing and implementing policies and programs related to housing and sustainable urban development. Managing public housing, homelessness and housing discrimination, supporting community development Office for Housing Office for Urban Development Build Apexiala Other Semi-Independent State Bodies Central Bank of Apexiala National Mint Apexiala Trading Exchange Non-Profit Causes Apexiala Broadcasting Network Visit Apexiala State Owned Enterprises Energex Apexiala Telecomms Network Trade Apexiala Apexiala Airways Build Apexiala R.I.C.O. (Defense Contractor)
  5. Welcome to Apexiala The Principality of Apexiala The Principality of Apexiala is a fast growing, highly developed, coastal, democratic nation that prioritises equality, fairness, integrity and the safety of its citizens. Apexiala has scored a perfect 100.0 on the International LGBT+ Rights Index, recognising it as a very highly developed and free nation, with the highest tier of freedoms, rights, and societal acceptance for LGBT+ people ๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ. Links ๐Ÿ“„ History ๐Ÿ“„ Royal Family ๐Ÿ“„ Government ๐Ÿ“„ Constitution ๐Ÿ“„ Legislation ๐Ÿ“„ Economy ๐Ÿ“„ People/Population & Demographics ๐Ÿ“„ Culture ๐Ÿ“„ Language ๐Ÿ“„ Welfare ๐Ÿ“„ International Trade ๐Ÿ“„ Cities ๐Ÿ“„ Geography ๐Ÿ“„ Climate ๐Ÿ“„ Wildlife ๐Ÿ“„ Military ๐Ÿ“„ Notable Companies ๐Ÿ“„ Notable People The ๐Ÿ’•Principality๐Ÿ’• of Apexiala Full map of Apexiala (v0.6, 08 Jan. 2023) Motto: Equality & Progress Language: Apexialan & Common Government Type: Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy Head of State: โ™” HRH Princess Katie Amari Head of Government: Prime Minister Tyrus Omara Population: 18,405,858 Population Density: 54.1 per km2 Capital: Oasis Largest City: Oasis Land Area: 340,264 km2 Elevation: Highest Point: โ›ฐ๏ธ 777m Lowest Point: ๐ŸŒŠ 0m (Sea Level) GDP (PPP): $708,405,054,987 (2nd in Nur, 14th in Esferos) GDP per Capita: $38,488 (1st in Nur, 21st in Esferos) Currency: Apexia (ำ”) International Indexes: Intl Development Index: 88.2 See report Intl LGBT+ Rights Index: 100.0 See report Intl Freedom Index: 96.3 See report Intl Democracy Index: Results Pending See report Intl Safety Index: 93.1 See report Intl Animal Rights Index: 76.0 See report Timezone: ๐Ÿ•“ IAT+4 Internet TLD: ๐Ÿ’ป .apx Religion: No official religion National Animal: ๐Ÿƒ Buffalo & ๐Ÿฆฌ Bison National Tree: ๐ŸŒด Palm Tree National Flower: tbc... History Work in progress... Check back in soon maybe?? text text text... text text text... Royal Family Apexiala has a Royal Family, however its powers are now largely symbolic only. The current head of the Apexialan Royal Family is โ™” HRH Princess Katie Amari (aged 30), who has held the position since coronation ten years ago in 1413, at the age of 20. Next in line to the throne is โ™› Crown Princess Imara Kamini (aged 23) Government Apexiala is a Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy, with Prime Minister Tyrus Omara as Head of Government. A democratically elected government is responsible for most aspects of the Legislature and routine running of the nation. All levels of government are expected to embody the principles of Equality & Progress. The political establishment follows a trias politica model (Separation of powers), with the 3 separate branches of government: Executive: Prime Minister & Government Legislative: Bicameral Legislature Upper House: Senate Lower House: Congress Judicial: Supreme Court Government & Non-Governmental Departments Bank of Apex Apexiala Diplomatic Relations Apexiala Department of Defense Apexiala Gallery of Art Apexiala Cultural Heritage Apexiala Wildlife Reserve Apexiala Nature Reserve Constitution Apexiala does have a Constituion... But it's a work in progress... Check back in soon maybe?? text text text... text text text... Legislation I'm hopefully going to get around to publishing a lot more details about Legislation But this is still a major work in progress... Check back in another time maybe?? text text text... text text text... Economy GDP (PPP): $708,405,054,987 (2nd in Nur, 14th in Esferos) GDP per Capita: $38,488 (1st in Nur, 21st in Esferos) Apexiala has a highly developed market economy, regarded as free, modern & efficient. Much of Apexialas success can be directly traced back to its origins as an entrepรดt (transshipment port), and its flourishing mercantile shipping industry. Apexiala has nationalished the ownership of many core state-run services, particularly in underlying industries such as infrastructure, utilities, telecomms & energy. Notwithstanding state run infrastructure, the nation remains overwhelmingly dedicated to free open market competition, and as such it remains very business friendly and attracts substantial foreign investments. Much of the Apexialas early trading was in the export of tropical produce & livestock, however this has diversified substantially over the last several decades. Various other sectors also contribute to imports & exports, including manufacturing, automobiles, petrochemicals, electrical equipment, technology, medical equipment & medicines, and many more. The nation also has a well established Financial sector, which helps it to remain well placed on the international economic stage. The city of Alowa is home to the Apexiala Trading Exchange (ATX) and is the headquarters for many Apexialan companies, as well as hosting regional offices for many international businesses. People/Population & Demographics Diverse & Multicultural... Ethnic Groups Apexialan 76% Apexialan (Mixed Heritage) 19% Apexialan (Indigenous) 1% Other/Foreign 4% Need to expand on this... it's a work in progress... Check back in soon maybe?? text text text... text text text... Culture Food Apexialan food has evolved from a fusion of many varieties of international styles, and plays an important part of Apexialan culture. As a result of the abundance of livestock & spices much of Apexialan cuisine is centred around meaty and spicy dishes. Notable Apexialan dishes include Massawa Stew (Bison or Buffalo), Tamari Curry, Lemon & Sesame Chicken & Rice, as well as many popular street food vendors. Music Music is also a notable aspect of Apexialan life. Most popular genres of music are: Alternative, Rock, Emo/Screamo, Metalcore, as well as various other subgenres of Metal. Various electronic genres such as Dance, Electro & Trance also remain popular as well. Sport There is no official national sport of Apexiala, however there are a wide variety of Sports, Activities & Hobbies which are popular. Active lifestyle sports and hobbies such as athletics & gymnastics, rock climbing, archery. With it's many cities that line the coastline, water sports such as kite sailing & surfing are also popular. Equine sports include horse riding, horse racing, dressage & show jumping. Apexiala is also home to an F1 Grand Prix race in the city of Oasis each year. More modern hobbies are becoming more prominent such as Esports & Gaming, as well as more niche hobbies like fantasy roleplaying tabletop games. Language text text text... Welfare Apexiala has a substantial welfare support system.... which aims to ensure the highest possible standards of living for all Apexialans. Housing assistance, unemployment assistance, disability assistance, national pensions, Universal Basic Income This expansive social support system aims to ensure that there is virtually no absolute poverty and continually strives to reduce relative poverty as well. International Trade text text text... Cities Rank City Population District 1 Oasis 4,350,939 tbc 2 Massawa 3,382,338 tbc 3 Alowa 2,800,000 tbc 4 Marini 268,377 tbc 5 Madiha 231,061 tbc 6 Tamari 200,000 tbc 7 Milena 164,829 tbc 8 Biwasi 150,000 tbc 9 Nalah 120,000 tbc 10 Kawehi 100,000 tbc 11 Okawa 80,000 tbc 12 Nyasa 45,000 tbc Full map of Esferos (v1.6, 18 Feb. 2023) Geography Apexiala is located at the very north west peninsula of the continent of Nur, within the world of Esferos. Most of the country sits just below the Tropic of Eli, placing it approximately between 17ยฐN to 25ยฐN north of the Equator. Apexialas territory also includes Samira Island to the west. Climate Apexiala has a humid sub-tropical climate. Temperatures are typically fairly warm all year round, with notably hot summers. The southern & western areas of Apexiala experience regular rainfall, with a monsoon season that peaks in late summer. Whereas the central & north-eastern areas of Apexiala experience very little rain for most of the year, with only very brief rainfall in summer. Temperatures almost never drop below freezing point, and there have been no modern records of snowfall. Wildlife text text text... Military text text text... Notable Companies Mikaru: Luxury Automobiles Risaki: Retro Futursim Sports Cars Keyaru: Modern Family Cars, Moderately Premium level, often electric Tibaru: Budget entry level cars Kimora Industries: Metalworks / Steelworks Sirana: Petrochemicals Aridae: Pharmaceutical Syrah: Tech/Cyber?? Karini: Residential & Accomodation Rosetta Hotels: Hospitality & Accomodation Virala: Media, TV Notable People text text text... Industry Apexiala is led by International Trade, Manufacturing, Agriculture & Livestock, Financial Services and Tourism. Its many beaches, harbours and nightlife, as well as its vibrant culture and local wildlife make it a popular holiday destination within The West Pacific. The Kamari Wildlife Reserve is a popular destination for travellers looking to experience a Safari tour. Additional sectors also include Agriculture, Livestock & Wildlife Management and Fishing. Wildlife Reserves Apexiala is home to an abundance of native wildlife which benefit from pristine habitats and strong environmental protections. The Apexiala Wildlife Reserve is responsible for the management of the Safari habitats Some of the animals native to Apexiala include the following: Caribou Impala Oryx Rhino Wildebeest Armadillo Honey Badger Pangolin Possum, Tapir Buzzard Dodo Kestral Osprey Parrot Alpaca Llama Bear Camel Jackal Lynx Manatee Otter Piranha Seal Shark Stingray Terrapin Other Notable Locations - Kamari (Wildlife Reserve) - Ambessa (Small Town & Lodges) - Samira Island International Relations While Apexiala strongly supports democracy both at a national & international level, it prioritises being militarily neutral, thus maintaining only minimal Armed Forces for national defense. Future Articles...? ๐Ÿชช ID Cards.... ๐Ÿ’ด Currency demoninations... ๐Ÿ“š Primary Education... ๐ŸŽ“ Higher Education... โšก Energy Infrastructure... ๐Ÿ›ข๏ธ ๐Ÿ“ฐ Newspapers... ๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ LGBT+ Pride... ๐Ÿš… Public Transport... ๐Ÿš‰๐Ÿš‡ ๐Ÿน Nightlife... ๐Ÿธ ๐Ÿ›๏ธ Courts... โš–๏ธ ๐Ÿ“ˆ Stock Exchange... ๐Ÿ”ž Age Restrictions... ๐Ÿ“ฑ Tech... ๐Ÿ‘‘ Royalty... ๐Ÿ“œ Constitution... ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ Elections... ๐Ÿ  Home Ownership... ๐Ÿ™๏ธ๐Ÿข ๐Ÿฅ Healthcare... ๐Ÿฆบ Construction... ๐Ÿ”ฌ Science & Research... ๐Ÿ“† National Holidays... ๐ŸŽ๐Ÿฎ ๐Ÿ’ฑ Special Economic Zones... ๐ŸŒ๐ŸŒƒ๐ŸŒ‡๐ŸŒ† Oasis ๐Ÿญ๐Ÿ›ณ๏ธ๐Ÿ—๏ธ Massawa ๐ŸŸ๏ธ Eden ๐Ÿ›– Massawa โš“๐Ÿ‘จ๐Ÿปโ€โœˆ๏ธ Nyasa Oasis Harbour IRL Influences & Inspirations Language English, Japanese, Swahili, various European Geography Brazil, Madagasca, Singapore, Kenya, Tanzania Architecture Singapore, Rio de Janeiro, Monaco Political System UK, USA Cultural Values & Welfare Sweden, New Zealand, Singapore Economy Singapore, Hong Kong City Life Singapore, Hong Kong, Rio De Janerio, Monaco, Miami
  6. I, Apexiala, swear that I have, to the best of my knowledge, been completely truthful in applying for citizenship in The West Pacific and that I have no other NationStates identity that has not been made known in this application. I swear my allegiance to The West Pacific and its citizens, and I swear not to engage in hostilities against The West Pacific or to violate The Manners of Governance, or any laws made pursuant to it.
  7. I, Apexiala, swear that I have, to the best of my knowledge, been completely truthful in applying for citizenship in The West Pacific and that I have no other NationStates identity that has not been made known in this application. I swear my allegiance to The West Pacific and its citizens, and I swear not to engage in hostilities against The West Pacific or to violate The Manners of Governance, or any laws made pursuant to it.
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