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Posts posted by Solm

  1. Westwind: Although I know it is horrible to say, it is time to throw out the Book of Max and take the initiative as a nation, yourself! The Book of Max must not be allowed to limit The West Pacific's ascent to greatness. Throw the book out, and rewrite it from the Throne Room of Nationstates which you should find yourself in upon the completion of my coup.


    We must stand up to the abuse by the Mods! We must fight for our own rights as great nations and declare our sovereignty! The West Pacific shall rise undeterred and come forth as the bastion of sexyness in the New United Nationstates. I call forth you to join me, with that ever so sexy beard, and have the West Pacific take the lead in this humble crusade. We shall become the great defenders of the great New United Nationstates. And nothing will be allowed to stand in our way of preserving the liberty of each and every nationstate out there.


    Let there be no more fights for the first cup of coffee! Let there be hundreds of coffee machines and hundreds of first cups for us to drink and toast to the great nationstates out there. Banish the grumpyness with glory! 


    Karland: All our welcome on this most holy endeavor, and I leave this invitation open to all of the West Pacific, to join me here, and let us take over the West Pacific for the greater good.


    Ever the loyal servant of the great Westwind's divine beard,


  2. *chuckles*  Aw, you're so kind !


    But I'm afraid you'll have to wait on your defender plans until I've restored the ADN.  But that conspiracy isn't scheduled until after the NS Mod/Admin wars of 2014.


    That is a pity. I was hoping to schedule this coup to predate the Mod/Admin wars of 2014, and the ADN need not be restored if TWP takes the helm. I plan on moving in my WA here tomorrow morning, and upon your holy approval, will begin ascending to the Delegacy. It is time for TWP to regain the helm of NationStates. 


    Also - Westwind, have I mentioned that beard yet? Truly, truly divine. And those eyes, just wow...

  3. Hello. 


    My name is Solm, and I am a defender. Politics in Nationstates lately has been a race to neutrality and the path of least friction. I would like to change that by couping The West Pacific and turning it into a hardcore, political defender region. I would love to go into more detail about these proposals and talk to ya'll more about this.


    Thank you so very much,



    EDIT: Westwind, I would like to just say, that your beard is truly divine. 

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