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Posts posted by Katie

  1. 1. How capable are you of understanding other people?: I like to think I'm pretty good at understanding others, although sometimes it's hard for me.

    2. Is your understanding of sci-fi and/or modern technology fairly sufficient?: Somewhat.

    3. If you don't know how something works, are you capable of looking it up on Wikipedia and sorta getting a decent idea of what it is?: Yes.

    4. Do you have a Discord? Can you go get one? Will it be on most of the time you are home?: Yes yes and yes

    5. Do you understand Paper and Pen games or RPGs, the community depends on us to make them work and run them or run the people who run them: Not as much, unfortunately.

    6. Are you at funny or at least angry in a pouting and slightly cute way? If not, can you swear in a way that sounds cool?: I can't swear and sound cool, but I can be mad in a cute way owo.

    7. Are you prepared to always improve and help someone who is very triggered, to improve as well, even if they never make any sense or talk endlessly? Sure :3

    8. How well could you supply memes to the meme bunker? I have birb memes.

    9. Which of the available positions do you want? Secretary or Vice Minister would work with me :) Really I could do anything you have for me.

    10. Did you feel endlessly annoyed by this application or was it mildly funny?: I liked this application. It's cute *nibble*

  2. Nation in The West Pacific: Rybeck V
    World Assembly (WA) Nation: none

    Please list any other names or aliases you use in NationStates: Rikuchar, Lios, Ivy, Farogu (all other identities are listed in my Conflict of Interest dispatch on Rikuchar)

    Please list regions or organizations with which you are currently affiliated as a resident, citizen, or member: TRR, TSP, Lazarus, Autism Spectrum, Rikuchar, Femdom State

    Please list regions or organizations with which you have in the past been affiliated as a resident, citizen, or member: TEP, Grand Central, DEN, Solid Kingdom

    Would you like to join (check all that you wish to join)...

    [ ] The West Pacific Armed Forces
    [ ] Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ambassador Corp
    [ ] The West Pacifican Newspaper Staff
    [ ] Ministry of Recruitment and Citizenry Staff                                                                                                                                                      

    [ X ] Ministry of Internal Affairs Staff

    Please swear the following oath of citizenship:

    I, Katherine Rybeck, swear that I have, to the best of my knowledge, been completely truthful in applying for citizenship in The West Pacific and that I have no other NationStates identity that has not been made known in this application. I swear my allegiance to The West Pacific and its citizens, and I swear not to engage in hostilities against The West Pacific or to violate The Manners of Governance, the constitution of The West Pacific, or any laws made pursuant to that constitution.

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