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Posts posted by Sygian

  1. osiris__649557.png

    From the Office of the Chief Vizier

    Osiris Flag Contest 3.0!!!

    The Osiris Fraternal Order will be hosting a flag contest for a new design to be the next official flag of Osiris.

    1. Any citizen, diplomat, or someone with a Guest Visa can submit a flag for the contest in this thread.

    2. Flag submissions must include a flag for the region, and an equivalent flag with an alternative color scheme for the Sekhmet Legion.

    3. Participants may submit flag designs in this thread (http://w11.zetaboards.com/OFO/topic/30205985/1/#new) from Monday, April 10th at 5:00 p.m. (CST) to Monday, April 17th at 5:00 p.m. (CST).

    4. Any submission that doesn't abide by site rules will be disqualified.

    5. Citizens of Osiris will then vote on the flag submissions over a three day period. The flag with the majority of votes will be deemed the winner. 

    6. The Pharaoh and Chief Vizier reserves the right to conduct a second run-off vote in the event of a close vote.

    7. The Pharaoh and Chief Vizier also reserve the right to disqualify any flag that is regarded as offensive.

    This thread will be opened at the time submissions open and will close again once they finish. You have less than a week until they open, so start designing!


    There will also be a contest for the worst flag! That's right, if you're not good at making a somewhat decent flag, or you don't really want to try, you can draft up one of the most memiest, silliest, horrible looking flags that you can think of. The winner of the worst flag contest becomes the flag flown by Syberis for the next month! All above rules apply, and voting for the worst flag will follow the conclusion of the general flag contest.

  2. Nation in The West Pacific: Sygmund
    World Assembly (WA) Nation: Changes quote a bit, but at the moment it is Moderate Fenda RP General.

    Please list any other names or aliases you use in NationStates: Sygian, Sygmund Denral

    Please list regions or organizations with which you are currently affiliated as a resident, citizen, or member: The Black Hawks, Osiris, and Balder.

    Please list regions or organizations with which you have in the past been affiliated as a resident, citizen, or member: Lazarus, The East Pacific, Auralia, DEN, The South Pacific

    Would you like to join (check all that you wish to join)...

    [ ] The West Pacific Armed Forces

    [ ] Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ambassador Corp

    [X] The West Pacifican Newspaper Staff

    [X] Ministry of Recruitment and Citizenry Staff

    [X] Ministry of Internal Affairs Staff                                                                                   

    Please swear the following oath of citizenship:

    I, Sygmund, swear that I have, to the best of my knowledge, been completely truthful in applying for citizenship in The West Pacific and that I have no other NationStates identity that has not been made known in this application. I swear my allegiance to The West Pacific and its citizens, and I swear not to engage in hostilities against The West Pacific or to violate The Manners of Governance, the constitution of The West Pacific, or any laws made pursuant to that constitution.

  3. On 12/24/2016 at 4:40 AM, Bhang Bhang Duc said:

    Still behind with everything, so haven't touched this.

    However, did have a thought today. I would like to recognise people's input into this and also further tweak Ivo's nose.  Based on a remark by Ivo when we closed our in-game embassy I thought I could create a nation called "TWP Anti-Invader Dream Team" and name it as co-author.

    What do you think?

    Yes! Haha!

  4. Darkesia sat on information vital to a takeover of the music industry. Yy4U was listening to his mom, who was calling Neenee asking for Benjamin Mark who had the secret.  "As simple as pie!"  BM said.  "Who wrote the new sign wrong?" BM questioned knowingly.  When all of a sudden, Badger kicked in the side of the wall. and BM declared, "There's your Chocolate tribute for Darkesia! But why didn't Badger use his telekinetic powers?

    Because he couldn't believe that he knew the truth about the mind-boggling disaster that happened when he discovered the chocolate stash. The information had been written in some strange computer language that he had no understanding of.

    So, he went to the clubhouse at the top of the hill where he had seen Yuno loitering. Peeking around the corner of the white, wooden structure, he glimpsed a giant red frog. This is what he had been hallucinating in his drug-induced coma. The frog turned to me and, in a squeaky voice said "I know what you are looking for." Taking my leave, a white rabbit then appeared in blue suede shoes who sang. "I want candy," with a voice somewhat reminiscent of several eunuchs in unison, begging for fresh bagels and caviar. 

    Meanwhile, Neenee glittered an Oompa Loompa and King Kong. Little did she know that there was a small yet strangely attractive panda waiting for

  5. Darkesia sat on information vital to a takeover of the music industry. Yy4U was listening to his mom, who was calling Neenee asking for Benjamin Mark who had the secret.  "As simple as pie!"  BM said.  "Who wrote the new sign wrong?" BM questioned knowingly.  When all of a sudden, Badger kicked in the side of the wall. and BM declared, "There's your Chocolate tribute for Darkesia! But why didn't Badger use his telekinetic powers?

    Because he couldn't believe that he knew the truth about the mind-boggling disaster that happened when he discovered the chocolate stash. The information had been written in some strange computer language that he had no understanding of.

    So, he went to the clubhouse at the top of the hill where he had seen Yuno loitering. Peeking around the corner of the white, wooden structure, he glimpsed a giant red frog. This is what he had been hallucinating in his drug-induced coma. The frog turned to me and, in a squeaky voice said "I know what you are looking for." Taking my leave, a white rabbit then appeared in blue suede shoes who sang. "I want candy," with a voice somewhat reminiscent of several eunuchs in unison, begging for fresh bagels and caviar. 

    Meanwhile, Neenee glittered an Oompa Loompa and King Kong. Little did she know that there

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